Metalfencer is the Duomnitrix's DNA sample of a Arachnomorph from an unknown planet.
Metalfencer is a red and orange robotic spider with four limbs, each ending with pincers with flamethrowers on them. It possesses a giant stinger blade on its tail and four red eyes.
Powers and Abilities[]
Being a symbiotic alien, Metalfencer's most prominent ability is the power to merge and combine with other beings to enhance their powers. His dense body providing enhanced protection.
Metalfencer has the ability to invert the powers and attributes of his host. For example, if Metalfencer bonds with a host who has powerful mana-based abilities, they will temporarily lose those powers and gain the ability to use dark magic. This also applies to attribute powers, such as converting hydrokinesis into pyrokinesis.
He can change his size according to the size of the host he is bonding with.
When Metalfencer is not attached to a host, he has the ability to spew flames out of the nozzles at the tips of his legs.
Metalfencer possesses enhanced agility and speed thanks to his light stature.
Metalfencer can survive the vacuum of space.
Metalfencer can be knocked off of the host by a powerful force.
Despite his immunity to electricity, Metalfencer can still electrocute his host if he gets struck by an electrical attack.
Metalfencer cannot make his host survive in space.