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Memory Trip
Memory Trip
General Information
Show A Summer Road Trip
Season 1
Episode Number 4
Release Date 3/30/22
Written By TNB
Starring Paul Eiding, Ashley Johnson, Danica McKeller, Greg Cipes
Episode Guide
Forever Trip
Planetary Studios Trip

Grandpa Max decides he can't lie to the kids anymore and have to tell them the full truth about everything, so he takes the kids to South Dakota to show them everything. On their way their they run into on of Grandpa Max's old partners, is he here to help or cause problems?


Max Tennyson, Devin Levin, and other Plumbers have been sent to Plenona. After discovering that they had sent Lenopans to infiltrate different Earth governments primarily; America, Russia, and China. They almost made America and Russia start World War III.

"Where's the capital? Are we about to make the drop?" Devin, the newest Plumber, nervously asked.

"It's alright, Rookie, you don't need to be so nervous," Max said attempting to calm Devin down before they raid the capital that they've been after for years after finding the first Lenopan that infiltrated the American Government.

"C'mon Max, don't be so chill with the rookie. These are very dangerous aliens. We're not going to make it." A Plumber in a mask says to provoke Max knowing it won't work, but does it because he finds it fun.

"Haha, very funny. I wished the Amor brothers were here. The five of us alone would make quick work of the capital," Max said as a voice came out of the speakers giving them the one-minute landing signal.

"I just can't believe this is my first field mission," Devin said while psyching himself up.

"Devin, don't worry, this is going well," Max said as he turned to the other Plumber, "Phil, I'll see you on the battlefield." Max then charged onto the battlefield and began to seize the capital.

Max is interrupted by Lucy asking a question, "Do you think there are Lenopans that aren't so violent?"

"Of course, Lucy, not every human is the same, so I think not all Lenopans are the same. That applies to all species," Max says as the ACP alarm goes off.

"Grandpa Max, what's an ACP?" Gwen asks while Max turns on his plumber map.

"The ACP alarm warns me about Aliens in Close Proximity," Max says as he finds out the location is at a library.

When they arrive Max tells the kids to stay at The Rust Bucket. However, Kevin and Lucy say that they can handle themselves. Kevin doesn't want to take orders from Max, so Gwen chases after them to try to make them stay. Gwen loses Kevin in the Library and runs into a tiny red and orange alien with small claws and fire breath. Gwen freaks out and screams, so Kevin shows up with a metal pipe that he found. He was able to absorb the metal up to the middle of his forearm. "You step away from Gwen right now," Kevin says getting closer to the small alien.

"What are you doing here, kids? I told you to stay in the Rust Bucket," Max said armed with the Mark 12 Techadorian Blaster.

"I know how to take care of myself, Old Man," Kevin said with anger.

"This is the exact reason why I didn't want you in here with me because you can't trust me, so I can't trust you," Max said getting a bit angry.

"HA! I GOT YOU WRETCHED BEAST!" A random older man said as he caught the Havok Beast. "Max, is that you? Oh my, it is you. It's been ages and it looks like time wasn't kind to you." The Older Man said stepping into the light.

"Phil! It has been ages and time wasn't kind to you either," Max said as he went to hug Phil.

"Where did you get the Mark 12 Techadorian Blaster?" Phil says noticing it.

"I know I thought I would never hold one again," Max says and looks at the alien Phil caught. "So how do you think the Havoc Beast got here? Aren't they all in the Null Void?"

"I don't know really, but I do have some theories of how they got to Earth," Phil said walking away to leave the building. "So what's with the kid's Max?"

"Oh they're just my nieces and a family friend," Max says.

"Nieces? I only see-," Phil stops as he sees a Lenopan walking up behind Max. Phil starts looking for a weapon, "Max, get down there's a Lenopan here." Phil then pulls out a Nuclear Fusion Grenade. Before Phil activates it Max takes it out of his hand.

"That's my other Niece, you know aliens are a lot more complex than you think Phil, they're like us some good and some bad," Max says trying to calm Phil down. Lucy then shapeshifts into her human form.

"All I'm saying is that after 30 years all aliens start to look alike," Phil explains, and Max, Lucy, and Gwen look at him weirdly believing he didn't mean it like that and they all five walk out. And Phil and Max continue to talk about the good old days. They all head over to Phil's President Suite that he's staying at, at a discount for stopping an Insectoid. Kevin, you are Devin's son," Phil said as he noticed the resemblance between Devin and Kevin.

In a slightly raised voice, Kevin said, "Yeah, that's pretty much the only thing I feel like Max hasn't lied to me about," hoping Max could hear him. As Max studies the newspaper clippings of Phil's success, he ignores Kevin.

"You know, not the whole world revolves around you. Plus, Grandpa Max has kept this secret from me for a lot longer than he has from you," Gwen said, reaching her boiling point of dealing with Kevin. Showing a hint of irritation at Max.

"That's different and you know it." Kevin gets irritated at Gwen for defending Max.

"No, I don't, please elaborate," Gwen says thinking he doesn't know the difference.

"Max kept the information about why my dad left my mom and me to fend for ourselves." Kevin is now mad at Gwen for getting him to reveal the truth. Gwen wasn't expecting that and wanted to apologize, but Kevin gets up and walks out.

"Don't worry, I'll handle him," Phil says to Gwen and heads out to find Kevin.

Phil finds Kevin breaking a lock on a bike by absorbing it, "Kevin, you don't have to do that."

"Great, another adult wanting to impart their vast wisdom onto me, I don't need you, Phil," Kevin says trying to stop the You Don't Have To Run Away Speech.

With your help, we can make this town ours," Phil said, hinting at what he does.

"Wait? You're the one behind all the attacks?" Kevin sounded impressed.

"No, unless you want in on the action," Phil says, extending his hand, "Partner?"

As Max stares at this one picture with this intense stare, "Girls, we're going on a road trip." Max then proceeds to head for the Rust Bucket.

Lucy being smart with Max, "I thought we were already on a road trip."

Max ignored the comment, "The REAL reason why our next stop was Mt. Rushmore was that it's an old Plumber Base to show you, kids."

"Why are we leaving now in such a hurry?" Gwen asks Max gripping onto her seat for dear life.

"Because I think Phil isn't being 100% honest with us," Max says trying to get there fast. Max stops the Rust Bucket and hits a red button and they start to descend. Once they stop Max says, "You girls stay I'll be back in 10." Max heads off and begins to remember where everything is. He finds a closed door with a handprint scanner, so he offers his hand and the doors begin to open revealing an empty room.

"Wow! It didn't even take you two hours to realize, you were always the best, glad you never lost it, but you do know what that means." Phil says stepping in front of Max with Kevin.

"What's going on?" Kevin says just confused.

"Kevin, it's OK to come to me, Phil isn't who he says he is," Max says offering a hand to Kevin.

Kevin takes a few steps forward and slaps Max's hand. "I know exactly who Phil is, he told me, or is going to tell me whatever I want to know unlike you."

"What did you do, Phil? Why are you doing this?" Max looks at Phil now with an anger Kevin has never seen in his eyes.

"What do you mean? When the Plumbers cut over 75% of us they gave us nothing so I just thought why not, take the Null Void Projector no one's going to miss it, no one hasn't gotten hurt, so what's the problem here?" Phil says explaining why. "But now that you know I guess I have to deal with you," Phil says opening a portal to the Null Void to push Max into, but before Max falls into the portal Lucy grabs him and pushes him out of the way.

"Kevin! You were just going to stand there and let Max fall?" Gwen said with anger and disgust.

Phil looks into the Null Void and smiles and grabs Kevin saying, "I think we should leave we wouldn't want to overstay our welcome." Kevin shrugs Phil's hand off of him and continues to leave with Phil.

Max, Gwen, and Lucy are confused by that until a green-clawed hand tries to grab at Lucy. Its hands pass through Lucy's body and it looks at its hand covered in purple sludge. "There's a weapon in every drawer, Gwen. Look for one, Lucy distracts the Wigzelian Org Beast," Max says pulling out a big gun and attempting to use it but it's dead. Gwen pulls out an XL-52, a tiny silver gun with a needle nose. Gwen sees no harm in trying to use it and Max yells, "Lucy get down," before Gwen uses it, sending her back. A big blast of blinding blue light comes out of the gun and stuns the Wigzelian Org Beast and it falls into the Null Void Portal which then closes. "We have to hurry before Phil unleashes something he can't stop."

Kevin and Phil are now on the road back to town. "It feels off leaving them like that," Kevin says concerned for Gwen, Lucy, and Max's life.

"You wanted to watch? This is going to be a lot more fun than I thought." Phil remarks, not picking up on the tone Kevin used. Before Kevin can say something Phil says, "Look who's following us, " Phil recognizes the Rust Bucket that's behind them. Phil rolls his window down and opens a portal to the Null Void where two Null Guardians fly out and start to attack the Rust Bucket.

Max says, "Lucy in the glove box there is a green button in the back behind a fake wall, press it." Lucy does and the windshield becomes a target screen, the headlights pop out and up to reveal two turrets, and the stickshift's top pops open to show a red button, and Max takes it to aim at one of the Null Guardians. It hits, but the Null Guardian remains unaffected. "Gwen, it'll take longer to get rid of the Null Guardians than I thought. I need you to catch up with Phil and Kevin before they do something irreversible."

"How, Grandpa?" Gwen was afraid of how he would answer her question.

"I grabbed some Plumber gear before we left in case we would need it. There's a jetpack, it's really simple to use," Max says as he continues to try to shoot the Null Guardians down.

Rather than fight him over this, Gwen finds the Jetpack, puts it on, opens the door, and takes off. With Max fighting the Null Guardians, they are distracted and don't notice her. Sadly, Phil isn't distracted and notices Gwen heading toward them. Phil removes the front of his radio to reveal a targeting system, and Phil's brake lights slide up, and a missile shoots out of both of them. Gwen sees this and flies up to dodge them, but they follow her. Seeing this after finally knocking one out, Max shoots at the missiles, and some of the bullets pop the rear wheels of Phil's black 1978 dodge challenger.

She lands on the ground, and Phil hops out of the car and opens a Null Void portal on the ground near Gwen. "Pushing you into the Null Void doesn't sound like a bad idea," Phil says as he gets closer to Gwen.

"You're just willing to stand there and watch Kevin? I guess I just had a higher opinion of you," Gwen said as the Portal was sucking everything near it into itself, including Gwen. Phil notices this and pushes her toward the Portal. Kevin hastily runs towards Gwen before she falls and grabs her hands. To stop Kevin from pulling Gwen out, Phil tries pushing Kevin in but Kevin trips him making Phil fall into the Null Void. The Portal starts to shrink and with the portal shrinking, the pull is becoming stronger. Kevin starts to be drawn in when he feels someone else grab him and starts to help him, Max and Lucy. With Kevin, the Tennyson strength, and Lucy's Lenopan strength, they can pull Gwen out of the Portal before it closes.

"Kevin, I'm sorry for lying to you this entire time. Can you forgive me?" Max says sincerely realizing his actions made him slip into Phil's grasp.

"It's OK, Max, I forgive you just, don't lie about my dad to me," Kevin says, accepting Max's apology and Kevin continues, "Please," Kevin says as he looks down. Max nods his head and gives Kevin a side hug. The Null Guardians are back in the Null Void. Grandpa Max and the kids can now begin to head to Planetary Studios.

A dark blue Lenco BearCat stops in the middle of the road. One of the cars behind it honks its horn and drives around it. Someone in tactical gear also has a helmet, with a visor with four red dots in the corner and one big red dot in the middle. "Sir, why are we so close to this small town near Mt. Rushmore?"

A man wearing a black shirt with two gun holsters and a scar between his right eye and nose, "We, the Special Extraterrestrial Containment Team or SECT, have been receiving reports of alien contact since the beginning of this year. They were either small potatoes or dealt with before our team arrived." This time it's different because this happened on one of the highways to Mt. Rushmore, which means tourists might have seen something, and that's no good."

Inside the BearCat, another individual in similar tactical gear says, "Lt. Steel, we can see two vehicles entering the area - a Challenger and a beat-up RV. Unfortunately, it appears the cameras were not recording or have been erased.

Lt. Steel looks irritated and asks, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, the car towed in this exact spot was a black 1978 dodge challenger, and after the incident, I can't find the busted RV. That means they, whoever was in the RV, might know something," The SECT operative says proudly of his work with what he could do.

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Max begins to tell a story of him, Devin, and Phil taking over the capital of Plenona but then gets interrupted by the ACP alarm. They then proceed to head to where the alien is.
  • Gwen runs into the Havok Beast, and Kevin tries to save her by absorbing a pipe that reaches the middle of his forearm from the adrenaline.
  • Phil catches it and saves Gwen, and Phil and Max get the chance to catch up.
  • Gwen is tired of Kevin's anger, so Kevin tells Gwen why he is so upset with Max and walks away. Phil approaches to talk to him and turns him onto his side by telling him what he has been doing.
  • Max realizes Phil is lying and takes the girls with him to Mt. Rushmore, a Plumber base, finds the Null Void Projector missing, and is then ambushed by Phil and Kevin.
  • They open a portal to the Null Void for Max to be pulled in. Lucy and Gwen show up and save him. Then a Wigzelian Org comes out of the portal and attacks Lucy. Phil and Kevin leave.
  • Max, Gwen, and Lucy catch up to Phil and Kevin, who then unleash two Null Guardians, and Gwen begins to chase after them in a jet pack. Max blows up the back tires of Phil's car.
  • Phil opens a portal which starts to pull Gwen in. Kevin rushes to save her, but Phil doesn't like that and tries to push them in but falls in himself. With the help of Max and Lucy, the three are able to pull Gwen out before it closes.
  • Lt. Steel shows up at the crime scene and wants to know what happened and believes the people in the bust-up RV have the answers he wants.

Character Debuts[]

  • Phil Billings
  • Lt. Steel
  • SECT Agent #1
  • SECT Agent #2

Minor Events[]

  • Max tells the kids to stay in the Rust Bucket, but they don't listen to him.
  • Max and Phil talk about how time wasn't kind to each other, and Phil almost attacks Lucy in her Lenopan form.
  • Max stares at Phil's wall of newspaper clippings about his successes.
  • Max, Gwen, and Lucy defeat the Wigzelian Org.
  • The four of them begin to head to Planetary Studios.



  • Phil Billings


Paul Eiding Grandpa Max
Ashley Johnson Gwen Tennyson
Danica McKeller Lucy Mann
Greg Cipes Kevin Levin
J.K. Simmons Phil Billings
George Newbern Lt. Steel
Diedrich Bader SECT Agent #1
Dee Bradley Baker SECT Agent #2


  • The World War III thing is about the Cold War (Obvy)
  • Kevin was able to absorb that much metal with adrenaline to save Gwen.
  • I was thinking of Phil might stop a harmless alien to get the discount on the President Suite to show that he's really slimey but I decided not to because I liked the idea of him stopping the Insectoid (A Ball Weevil) a little more.
  • The Jet Pack runs out of energy because it's been just sitting at the base for so long.
  • The XL-52 is a reference to the Noisy Cricket in Men in Black.
    • Yes, I named it XL-52 as in extra large.