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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Megajaws is an unknown species from the planet Piscciss Prime. 

General Information
Species Unknown
Home World Piscciss Prime
Body Fish-liek humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Steel-Bending Jaws
Sharp Teeth
Sharp Claws
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Speed(water form)
Underwater Respiration (water form)
Tail Formation
Agile Swimmer
Electrical shocks (land form)
First Appearance TBA


He looks likea human with a fish tail and pale whiteish skin. And he has large jaws taht are made out of Steel.

In his Land form, he doesn't have the tail, but he has balck legs instead. he still has the large jaws.

The omnitrix symbol is on his chest.


  • Steel-Bending Jaws
  • Sharp Teeth
  • Sharp Claws
  • Enhanced Strength
  • Enhanced Speed(water form)
  • Underwater Respiration (water form)
  • Tail Formation
  • Agile Swimmer
  • Electrical shocks (land form)


If he doesn't revert from his land from when he goes into the water or vice versa he will transform to his human form. His jaws can be broken by taydenite


  • Unlike other Reo/Flame new aliens, he is actualy releated to his canon counterpart.