Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Mecha-Insect is a Mechanicus (plural: Mechanisi) from moon of Planet Prometheus: Lucanidaea. He will appear in Shade 10: Evolutions.


Mecha-Insect is like a humonoid insect covered with metallic armor. The armor is attached to it's body like NRG. He has a homing laser beam which follows Mecha-Insect's targets on an opponent from the nuzzles in his fingers.


Mecha-insect's species instintively repairs the ship removing errors and flaws. They can control machines (like Cooper) and make it work for them. Mecha-Insect is very useful in machinery or crashes. His homing laser beam can attack his opponents powerfully.


  • Control electronic/digital/cybernetic objects.
  • Control electronic machinery.
  • Trigger computers/appliances or anything with an attachable cord or inserted batteries.
  • Repair glitches in technology.
  • Boost a machines capacity or speed
  • Levitate machine parts in a telekinetic manner


Yet to be revealed


  • Coming Soon