Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Mayu Yamada (山田 真由, Yamada Mayu) is a 13-year-old girl who is the first year college student. She forming a contract with Florauna engineer Klimata to transforms into Cyber Wildvine (サイバーワイルドバイン, Saibā Wairudobain) to fight DNAliens and the Mutantborgs in order to protect the universe.


File:Mayu Yamada in Wildvine Mode (Masked).png

WV-12 Cyber Wildvine.

Mayu Yamada! Access granted!

–Cybertrix Access Card announcement


–Transformation call

Cyber Wildvine! Complete!

–Transformation announcement

This is her basic form of Cyber Wildvine.

Powers & Abilities[]

Wildvine can grow and retract her body. She can also grow vines to trap others, which appear to be her fingers coming off.

Wildvine is able grow vines tentacles on her back that be can be used as legs that supports her body.

WIldvine is capable of elasticity and body alteration. She also has enhanced flexibility, agility, and digging.

Wildvine can grow seeds on her back that contain a whole host of substances (lethal and non-lethal). her seeds can also grow vines.

Wildvine is very agile being able to swing from tree to tree. She can turn her arm into a large leaf that is able to scoop up dirt.

Wildvine possesses enhanced strength and is able to regenerate her body if it is damaged.

Wildvine can grow thorns on her body and shoot them from her hands as projectiles.

Wildvine can create small green pretty flowers by vomiting.


Wildvine's vines can be tangled. She can also be tangled up in her own vines.

Wildvine's vines are destructible.

Alternate Forms[]

Cyber Wildvine Vehicle Mode

WV-12 Cyber Wildvine Hybrid Car

Cyber Wildvine Combiner Mode

WV-12 Cyber Wildvine Hybrid Car (Upper Body of Pegasus Form)

Cyber Henkei!

–Vehicle mode call

Vehicle Mode!

–Vehicle mode transformation announcement


–Combination announcement

Combiner Mode!

–Combiner mode transformation announcement

By switching her Cybertrix dial to its vehicle mode, Wildvine can transform into her mecha form, WV-12 Cyber Wildvine Hybrid Car. In this form, Wildvine can combine as the Pegasus' upper body of Cyber Omni-Kaiser combination.

