Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Masashi Shikori is the wielder of the Cement Mutantrix.


Masashi was a corrupt police detective, using his job to effectively cover up his illegal activities, disposing of any witnesses to his acts, he and Tomoyuki Kaga worked together and had their problems, until Tomoyuki Kaga's demand for a bigger cut in the profit made Masashi kill him, and hid his body in the antique store. He was hired by the DNAliens to steal the gold for them, because they know that the gold was their source energy. His mission was almost succeeded because Cyber Armodrillo secure the gold to the workers and defeated by him.

Powers & Abilities[]



Cement! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

With the power of Cementborg, he can generate cements


His rough cements can be destroyed by Talpaedans.
