“ | You and Ben can save the world we love. | ” |
–Mara to Adora |
Mara was a character of the A-B10's Saga, appeared in Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien's flashbacks. She was a First One and the previous known She-Ra before Adora. She was destined to be She-Ra. She made her first appearance as a holographic projection made by Light Hope to explain the succession of the She-Ra's line in the episode "Light Hope e la grande storia".
Mara has a slim build with lean, toned muscles, broad shoulders, tanned skin, gray eyes, thick eyebrows, and full lips, with pink lipstick on her upper lip. Her hair is an intense brown color tied in a waist-long braid with bangs moved to the side.
Mara is wearing a light blue bodysuit with a sweetheart neckline and a pointed purple belt. Under the bodysuit he wears dark blue trousers. Her bodysuit has white butterfly sleeves that match a partial skirt hanging at the waist, above her hips. At the base of the braid, Mara sports a golden cylindrical clip with a purple band. At the end of the braid she wears a diamond-shaped clip under what appears to be a purple headband. Along with her hair accessories, Mara wears a golden headpiece that wraps around the back of her neck and reaches to a point above her ears.
Like She-Ra, Mara mostly retains her base appearance. She differs in her decidedly more muscular and toned build, her eyes that go from gray to a light blue and her hair that becomes loose and platinum blonde.
As She-Ra, Mara wears a thin gold crown with two wings on each side, a red jewel in the center, and solid gold cuffs. She wears a white dress with a golden six-pointed flower embroidered on the chest, divided by a golden stitching dividing the bodice from collar to waist. In the center of the flower is an oval blue gemstone. Its sleeves are golden, studded pauldrons that stand on their own. The above seam merges with the gold edge of the uniform collar and ends when it reaches the apex of the thick gold belt, creating a V-shaped belt at the waist. Her white frilly skirt, which starts below the waist, is open at the front revealing a pair of long white trousers. She also wears white dress boots, with gold soles and accents. She completes her outfit with a knee-length red cape.
By Madame Razz's admission, Mara was brave and loyal but also fearful and afraid.
According to Light Hope, Mara didn't have the strength to let go of the emotions that mingled with her primordial duty of protecting Etheria to keep its balance. Light Hope also said that Mara was brought down by faulty reasoning, which led her to sever She-Ra's line and drag Etheria into the empty dimension of Despondos along with Aron.
In a hologram, Mara is seen dejected and full of guilt. She states that being She-Ra was wonderful at first, but ultimately turned out to be a nightmare. Since Razz often mistook her and Aron for Adora and Ben, Mara was aware of their existence and was convinced that they could have done much better.
In the various flashbacks of "Due eroi da ricordare", Mara is revealed to be cheerful and fun-loving, but also fierce, strong and protective. She became good friends with Aron (although she implied in "Il Cuore: Parte I" that she felt more), Light Hope (whom, like Aron, she treated like a person and not a hologram), and Madame Razz (even though she had difficulty understanding what she meant at times). Mara loved Etheria and began to love it even more when Razz showed her the true meaning of the magic of She-Ra. She sincerely believed in what the people of Eternia were doing on Etheria, despite having been kept in the dark by most of the Heart of Etheria project.
Mara was born in Eternos, on the planet Eternia, more than a thousand years ago.
At some point, Mara awakened She-Ra's powers. This led the First Ones to forge the Sword of Protection and place it alongside Aron, an elite soldier and the new Infinite, and Light Hope, the artificial intelligence developed in conjunction with the Sword, in the Heart of Etheria project (weapon to fight Horde Prime) .
Subsequently, Mara and Aron were sent to Etheria, Eternia's sister planet, to study its magic and its inhabitants, where they met and befriended the enigmatic Madame Razz. During this time, the First Ones used Light Hope to train Mara and Aron in their secret project. While on Etheria, Mara and Aron became close friends as they discussed magic and their mission with Razz and Light Hope.
At some point, Mara and Aron learned the Heart's true purpose. Fearing the consequences, they formed a rebel group called the Heroes of Grayskull and led a revolt against the First Ones, with Mara attempted to take over the security system located in Arxia while Aron leading the attack on Eternia in an attempt to block the project while. However, the two units were defeated on both fronts and were decimated well before the plan succeeded. Mara, the only survivor together with Aron, abandoned the Sword of Protection in the Whispering Woods and reached Razz's hut, while Aron fled with his spaceship to Etheria. After bidding Razz a final farewell and taking flight in the spaceship, Mara activated the portal that brought Etheria to Despondos and Aron shot the Bracelet of Infinity out of orbit.
Afterwards, when the spaceship crashed in the Crimson Waste, Mara died with Aron.
Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]
Season 5[]
Powers and abilities[]
- Powers via Sword of Protection:
- Transformation: Using the Sword of Protection, Mara can transform into the legendary warrior known as She-Ra, becoming taller and more muscular in the process. Through this action, he obtained the following abilities:
- Superhuman strength: Mara is incredibly strong as She-Ra.
- Superhuman durability: As She-Ra, Mara is capable of surviving all sorts of powerful attacks. Her resistance, however, had a limit.
- Superhuman agility: Adora is shown to be able to make incredible leaps while transformed.
- Space Survival: In her She-Ra form she can travel trough the void of space without the assistance of a space suit.
- Animal Magic: She-Ra has the power to calm aggression in animals.
- The Heart of Etheria: Since She-Ra is the key to Etheria's heart, Mara was connected to it.
- Transformation: Using the Sword of Protection, Mara can transform into the legendary warrior known as She-Ra, becoming taller and more muscular in the process. Through this action, he obtained the following abilities:
- Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Mara was an incredibly skilled combatant as a result of her training with the Light Hope.
- Leadership: Mara has been shown to be a competent leader, capable of coordinating her allies and develop strategies.
- Sword of Protection: Mara was the owner of the Sword of Protection, which gave her the power to became the legendary She-Ra.
- Healing Powers: She-Ra possess powerful healing abilities.
- Animal Transformation: Energy from the sword's Runestone is shown to mutate animals.
- Energy Blast: Using the sword as a focus, Mara as She-Ra can unleash powerful rainbow-colored energy attacks.
- Endurance Limit: Mara's stamina had a limit.
- First One's Artifact/Corrupted Virus: While not approved, it is possible that Mara would have gone into a violent berserker rage had she come into contact with the data disk.
- The meaning of Mara is "bitter", which carries the implication "strength." It also means "Lady" in Aramaic, because Mar means "Lord", and is a title of bishops in the Syriac Christian church, as well as the name of a bitter lake in the Bible, and a title of the Kabbalistic sephira Binah. Mara means joy in Arabic and can be a unisex name. In ancient Egypt it meant "The truth of God Ra" Ma for Truth ('Ma-at') and Ra the God of the Sun, possibly also linked to Ado-RA as they are both She-RAs. "Mara" also means "vague nightmare" or "vague dream" in Polish. Additionally it's a "mare" (kind of ghost) in folklore.
- It is implied that Mara is the first She-Ra to use the Sword of Protection, and Adora is the second. Mara's species, the First Ones, created the sword.