Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Mammothomimus
Home World Freez XI
Body Blue Woolly Mammoth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Cryokenesis
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
First Appearance And Then, There 10

Mammonster is the X-Matrix's DNA sample of a Mammothomimus


Mammonster is a blue woolly mammoth about their estimate height, length, and weight. He wears the X-Matrix on his front left ankle.

Powers and Abilities[]

Same as a regular Mammothomimus.


Mammonster cannot stay in extrememly hot enviornments for too long or his cryokenesis won't work.


Ben 10 the Hedgehog[]

Season 1[]

  • Mammonster debuted in And Then, There Were 10, when he defeated a Black Bull.
  • In Ben 100, he was used by Ben 100 to defeat the future Dr. Animal, but was stopped by future Black Doom.
    • He was later used by present day Ben to also fight the future Black Doom.
  • In Ben -10, he was used to help a baby Triceratops from a forest fire.
  • In Hunted, he was used for training.
    • He was later used to fight Clawgor and Oneone.
  • In Secrets, he stopped a criminal.
    • He was later used unwillingly on board Black Doom's ship.
      • He then battled Black Doom, but when he was about to punch Mammonster, he turned into Armordrillo.

Season 2[]

  • In The Big Tick, he failed to stop the giant insect.
  • In Midnight Madness, he was used by Ben while under hypnosis to steal an engine from a rocking boat ride.
  • In Framed, he used by Kevin.

Season 3[]

  • In The Unnaturals, he leveled a warehouse and rescued Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, Vector, Charmy, Espio, Cash, and JT.
  • In Under Wraps, he set up the poles.
    • He later dug up corrodium in the Digby Dairy ice cream factory, only for the "mummy" to steal it.
  • In A Mixed-Up Day, he was used by Ben to fight the mad scientist.
    • Shadow unwillingly transformed into him along with Knuckles transforming into Wolfspider.
      • He was later used by Ben to defeat the mad sientist once and for all.

Season 4[]

  • In The Visitor, he helped reassemble the "Racing Truck".
  • In Perfect Day, he was used in Ben's dream to battle he dream Dr. Animal and Oneone.
  • In The Negative 10, Part 1, he battled Clancy, Rojo, Charmcaster, and Dr. Animal.


  • Mammonter's species's genus means, "burrowing one mimic".
  • His name is portmanteau of the words, "mammoth" and "monster".
  • Mammonster is the most used alien in Season 1, being used 9 times.