Ben 23 | |
Season 2, Episode 3 | |
Air date | Unknown |
Written by | Diamondface/Ultra |
Directed by | Diamondface/Ultra |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Who Let the Dog Out |
Next Rise of Hex |
Malicious is the third episode of Season 2 in Ben 23.
We start out with Malware still stone as Psychobos and Khyber walk over.
(Khyber): This is the great Malware of legend. Pitiful.
(Psychobos): D-d-don't m-mock my ch-ch-childhood hero. Err, childhood villain.
(Khyber): You say you have a way to revive him. Show me.
(Psychobos): O-of course. By using the power of the helix set on the right freq-q-quency I, Dr. Psychobos, shall revive the deadliest G-Galvanic Mechamorph in the g-galaxy.
(Khyber): Corrupted Galvanic Mechomorph.
(Psychobos): It simply makes him more powerful. Once you meet him, you will realise his power.
(Khyber, grinning): We'll see about that.
They place a hexagonal device on Malware, and a orange flash appears.
Meanwhile, Ben is at Plumber training
(Rainbow Rock): Rainbowwwzzz!
(Rook): That is a terrible catchphrase, even for Revonnahgander standards.
(Rainbow Rock): Why don't you think of one?
(Rook): Uh...HGJ3.
(Rainbow Rock): What?
(Rook): That's your chemical structure.
(Rainbow Rock): I knew that.
Rainbow Rock shot lasers at Rook who dodged with ease.
(Rainbow Rock): I totally knew that.
(Rook): Ben, a question.
(Rainbow Rock): Yeah?
Rook kicks Rainbow Rock into a wall.
(Rook): How many aliens can you transform into?
Rainbow Rock transforms into Fireflower.
(Fireflower): I never thought of how many. I have a lot. But I don't have the exact number.
(Rook): Transform.
(Fireflower): Ok.
Fireflower transforms into Feedback then Rollaway then Jello Man then he times out.
(Rook): Apperently non-stop transformations cause you to time out faster.
An alarm blares and Magister Arnux runs in.
(Arnux): Ben! Azmuth is requesting your presence.
At Galvan Prime Ben and Rook are with Azmuth.
(Azmuth): And when they went to investigate the Malware was gone.
(Ben): I thought I turned him to stone.
(Azmuth): And someone has changed him back.
(Ben): Um, Azmuth. How many aliens do I have?
(Azmuth): Unlocked at least sixty four or so. Out of all the aliens in the Omnitrix, 10,000,467, or more.
(Ben): ...
(Azmuth): You seem suprised.
(Ben): I am. Unlock em' all please.
(Azmuth): Um, no.
(Ben): Aww.
(Rook): Wait, Ben you told me you could transform into at least 90 aliens.
(Ben): That is what we call lies.
(Rook): I am aware of lies.
(Azmuth): Arrrgghhhh! Your changing the subject. Malware is gone!
(Rook): Azmuth is correct. We must learn how or why Malware disappeared.
(Ben): On it!
Ben transforms.
(Dog-Nabbit): Rerrrgh! *licks Azmuth* *barks*
(Azmuth): Ahhhhhhhh! It burns!
(Rook): ...?
(Azmuth): I mean. It's nasty?
(Rook): ...
Azmuth and Rook follow Dog-Nabbit as he sniffs towards where Malware used to be. They continue walking until they stop at the mouth a cave. Dog-Nabbit reverts.
(Ben): I smelled something strange in there.
(Azmuth): That cave is collapsing. I am not going in there!
(Ben): Fine. We'll go alone. Suit up, Rook!
Ben transforms.
(Karate Bird): What the-? Who's this?
(Rook): It resembles a flying creature from Earth. I believe it is called hawk.
(Karate Bird): Yeah, whatever. Let's go in.
They enter the cave. Rook turns his Proto-Tool into a flashlight.
(Karate Bird): I didn't know your alien-weapon-thingy could do that.
(Rook): It can do a lot more. So far, I have unlocked 60 functions, but there must be 10,000,467, or more.
(Karate Bird): ...Weird deja vu experience.
(Rook): Deja vu?
(Katate Bird): *sigh* Let's keep moving.
Suddenly, an electric blast hits Karate Bird, who fall down.
(Psychobos): I s-s-smell fried chicken!
(Karate Bird): Very funny.
(Rook): Put your claws in the air!
Karate Bird round house kicks Psychobos into a wall.
(Karate Bird): Too easy!
(???): Ben Tennyson, I have been waiting for a chance to see you again...then destroy you!
Karate Bird turns around and sees Malware holding a squirming Rook.
(Karate Bird): Malware!
(Malware): Ready to off your sins?
Malware grabs Karate Bird by the head and throws him into a wall he then chucks Rook off a cliff.
(Karate Bird): Rook!
Karate Bird reverts.
(Ben): Noooooooooo!!
Before Rook hits the ground he grabs a ledge and holds on.
(Malware): You can't save your friend now. He is doomed!
Ben transforms.
(Seedshot): Seedshot!
Seedshot grabs the Proto-Tool lying on the ground and grabs Rook. He gives Rook the Proto-Tool.
(Malware): It was fun playing.
Then a distant noise is heard it gets louder and louder. Khyber and Dr. Psychobos join Malware as they enter the cave which takes off. Seedshot times out.
(Ben): I want a cave ship!
Later back at Azmuth's lab.
(Azmuth): This impossible. I made sure Malware could not be freed, and yet. Unless, someone used terrvok 92. Which can only be found on-
(Rook): Encephalonus IV!
(Azmuth): We must stop Malware at all costs!
(Ben): Then it's uh, hero time? I guess
- Rook
- Magister Arnux
Aliens Used[]
- Rainbow Rock
- Fireflower
- Feedback (Dimension 23) (cameo)
- Rollaway (cameo)
- Jello Man (cameo)
- Dog-Nabbit
- Karate Bird (first appearance)
- Seedshot (first appearance)