Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Stop expecting someone to tell you what to do. You are a good guys. What do you thinks?

–Madame Razz

Madame Razz is a character of the A-B10's Saga. She is a mysterious old hermit who resides in the Whispering Woods. Often seen confused regarding the order of her memories, she possesses an immense amount of knowledge regarding everything related to She-Ra and Infinite, as well as experiencing events from both time periods throughout her life.


Razz is an elderly woman, always seen with her broomstick at her side and butterflies or moths fluttering around her. She has large, round glasses nestled above her nose, poking out before her bubbly eyes, and an enormous bushy nest of gray hair. She wears a lime green neck wrap over purple robes, and she has multiple rings and bangles.


Razz comes off as sweet, rather confused, and often cheerfully reclusive. She usually appears to act unreasonably. Despite this, she has proved to be a very wise person, having a deep knowledge about magic, Etheria, the Eternians, She-Ra and Infinite.

Razz appears to be in tune with nature and the magic of Etheria. She knows how to make exploding berries, and she's respected by the forest's giant warthogs.

From Razz's perspective, she seems to live in an uncontrollable time warp, which owes to her lack of mental clarity. Her mind shifts back and forth between Mara and Aron time and Adora and Ben time, and she often loses track of which is which and who belongs where. She sometimes notices the discontinuities, usually dismissing them right away.



Early Life[]

Razz's life prior to meeting Mara and Aron is unknown. Considering her memory issues, it's possible that Razz herself doesn't remember either.

Friendship with Mara and Aron[]

Razz first met Mara and Aron while searching for sugar, and despite being forbidden to do so, Razz boarded their spaceship and began scavenging around. Mara and Aron were entranced by Razz's use of magic until Light Hope arrived, when a furious Razz proceeded to attack her with his broom. Light Hope requested that she be detained, but Mara and Aron convinced her to ignore her programming, letting Razz go on his way with her sugar.

At one point, Razz found himself at the mercy of an enraged beast. Mara and Aron tried to chase him away, but Razz managed to calm him down. Razz taught Mara to use magic without her sword and Aron to transform without Infinite, telling him that She-Ra had existed since the dawn of time and that Infinite would never be real as long as he served the Eternians. Mara and Aron wonder whether their duty would be to serve their people or protect Etheria, and Razz told them that it would have been their choice.

Razz met Mara for the last time when the latter showed up at his cabin full of wounds. Razz invites her to call Aron to bake a cake together, but Mara says that she and Aron found out what the Eternians were doing at the Heart of Etheria, and promises that they will bake the cake tomorrow before rushing out to "stop them from hurting anyone other". Razz ran after Mara, as the planet destabilized from the excessive release of magic, reemerging into the clearing where he had first met Mara and Aron, but finding it empty and seeing their spaceship flying in the distance.

Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]

Season 1[]


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Chronosthesia: Razz has a seemingly uncontrollable power to mentally travel back and forth through time. She confuses both Mara and Aron with Adora and Ben, despite a more than 1000-year gap between their lives.
  • Magic
    • Pyrokinesis: Razz can light her hearth with the snap of her fingers.
    • Telekinesis: Razz can summon objects, like Broom, over a distance of several feet.
  • Immortality: Razz is shown to be immortal as she lived for more than a thousand years.
  • Enhanced Agility: Razz does use her broom for walking, but she is shown to be very agile, as seen when she was climbing on the Crystal Castle with ease.


  • Lapsus Memoriae: Due to her Chronosthesia powers, Razz often experiences temporary memory lapses. This usually leads to confusion, mistaken identities, and hallucinations.
  • Unsuitable Fighter: If her magic isn't enough, Razz would be vulnerable as she isn't a capable fighter.


Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]

Season 1[]

  • Un magico paradosso (first appearance)

Season 3[]

  • Mondi im-perfetti (Parte I)

Season 4[]

  • Eroi

Season 5[]

  • Il Cuore (Parte II)


  • According to Madame Razz, Adora and Ben are like Mara and Aron.
  • Razz is so unpredictable that it confuses Paradox itself.
  • Since she was already elderly in Mara and Aron's time, it is possible that Razz is much older than 1000 years.
    • It's possible that Razz increased longevity and lived in the meantime.
    • The alternative is that this is simply an effect of his chronosthesia.
  • Razz is forward-thinking. (His lenses magnify his eyes.)
  • Razz says she doesn't live alone because she has Broom and Loo-Kee, two characters from the original She-Ra: Princess of Power, with her. Considering that Broom is just a simple broom in this incarnation, it is unknown whether Loo-Kee actually exists.