Macroschnozi are a sapient species from the moon Gruvvul-Shuvvul from the Trixters Universe, and are the dominant species of their homeworld.
Macroschnozi are a race of mammalian, armless humanoids with green, puffy hair and large, serrated, tipped noses. Their eyes are permenantly shut. Their hair runs around the back of their head, down their spine onto their tails and, in the case of men, around their mouth. Their skin comes in a variety of colours, ranging from deep reds to vibrant yellows. Forcefully opening their eyes reveals pupil-less, cataract-ridden, white eyes reminiscent of a blind person's own eyes.
Male Macroschnozi have larger nostrils & bladed noses. Their hair can grow around their whole face, rather than just the back of it. Their serrations are located on the underside of their nose.
Female Macroschnozi are taller & possess longer, hooked noses. Their nostrils are smaller & their hair cannot grow around their whole face. The have longer tails than the males. Their serrations are above their nose, rather than being on the underside.
Macroschnoz are an underdeveloped species that skyrocketed into evolution thanks to the efforts of another, unknown species. These unknown creatures were incredibly advanced in the fields of genetic engineering, greatly surpassing the likes of even the Galvan and proposed the idea of "Hyper-Evolution": a process that involves placing a DNA sample into a simulated million-year warzone to force the creature to evolve for war. This "Ultimate Project" was eventually shut down when the species mysteriously vanished, but the process was eventually re-popularised with the invention of the Ultimatrix.
Macroschnozi were a simple, half-an-inch tall, mammalian worm-like creature that hid in bushes & camoflagued with it's green hair. Their creators simulated their evolution in an attempt to produce massive, non-sapient "bush-worms" for ambushing the many species they went to war with. When it came time to actually replicate their simulation in the real world, it somehow resulted in the species evolving over the next million years into a fully sapient, humanoid creature complete with a rigid skeletal structure & a nose-like weapon. Their idea for these bush-worms were completely abandoned and the Macroschnozi were abandoned on a desolate moon for them to slowly die on. They managed to retreat underground, which is where you'll find the species to this day. They have only recently developed space travel in the past 50 years, and even it isn't very advanced. They sit at a Level 3 technology level, just barely above Earth's.
Macroschnozi are quite a violent, yet honourable species. A lot of their culture is based around combat, possibly due to the conditions they evolved under. Since they cannot wield most weapons, members of the species spend almost every waking moment of their day training with their nose for whenever they might be randomly prompted with combat. Most friendly battles are between two members of the same gender, as declaring a battle against the opposite gender is considered a declaration of love. If one is in love with the same gender, they will declare a battle on them & immediately aim for their ankles, before extending their nose outwards & then retracting it right away.
Macroschnozi live in colonies deep underground. The surface of the planet is barren, cold & dry, so they retreat under it for resources like food & water. Females are typically fishmongers & males are hunters, which is mainly due to the shape of their nose. Most flora & fauna have also taken a similar approach, as you can see massive clumps of moss growing from the ceiling & acting as the planet's substitute for trees. They build a lot of their infrastructure out of crude, carved stone held together by huge fungi & moss. Wood is a valuable resource here due to the minimal amount of trees. It is as worth as much as gold is worth on Earth.
Macroschnozi fashion is comprised of heavily plated, steel and gold armour. Their torsos are arguably the most armoured, and they only wear knee guards so that they can still move quite quickly. Their heads & tails are not armoured at all, but have enough durability to resist each others attacks.
Macroschnozi are omnivorous, but can sustain themselves on entirely meat & fish due to how hard it is to grow vegetation. Vegetables are held in high regard, and eating them is seen as a sign of wealth.
Powers and Abilities[]
The nose of a Macroschnoz is their most powerful weapon. It has a sharp point on the tip, letting them act either like a sword or a hook depending on the shape. They also has serrations on the underside, allowing them to also use his nose like a hacksaw if needed. Males are more efficient at sawing due to the placement of their serrations, but females are still quite capable. Their noses are incredibly bony & rigid, and are arguably the most durable part of their whole bodies.
Macroschnozi extend their noses up to an extra 6 feet longer than it already is. While this does mean they have to be more dexterous, it does give them a bit more range when poking out the eyes of their enemies. When their nose is extended, it becomes a bit more floppy but still quite hard, letting them use their nose as a vaulting pole, or in the case of the females, a pseudo-grappling-hook for swinging around.
Macroschnozi have an incredibly advanced sense of smell. Due to their shrunken eyes, they have to use his sense of smell to see, causing them to develop a "smell vision" of sorts, which lets them visualise anything and everything with a scent.
Their bodies are perfectly adapted to their weaponised nose. They're incredibly agile & quick on their feet, their neck can move incredibly quickly to stab & saw fast & their head can support the weight of their nose perfectly. They also have a fully prehensile tail to compensate for their lack of hands.
Macroschnoz are blind due to their underdeveloped eyes. They rely entirely on their smell vision to see, which means he won't be able to see scentless objects.
Their sense of smell can be quite overwhelming at times. If theres a particularly strong enough smell, it could cause a sensory overload & temporarily block them from smelling anything else, effectively blinding them.
Macroschnoz have to be careful not to stab anything by accident with their nose.
Notable Macroschnozi[]
- Longnose (The Omnitrix DNA sample of a Macroschnoz)
- Poki'oh Stubbuh-I (Male Macroschnoz depicted in the image above)
- Poki'oh Lynen-Sinker (Female Macroschnoz depicted in the image above)