level 1:catcombs of vulknaus[]
vlknaus create a catcombs but gwen and kevin trapped other ways ben need to defeat vulknaus
level2:castle for everyone[]
forever knight is again trying to steal the red jwels ben or kevin must stop him
boss:2 forever knigts
unlock:big chill,jetray
level 3:dark between[]
albedo become an evill way big.benmust stop him
boss:evil way big
unlock:way big,canonbolt
level 4:hero time[]
ben,faverite hero is now evill.ben must stop before he do something evill
level 5:it is to risk and hard[]
aggreor is going to mutant need to stop him
level 6:ultimate aggreor[]
defeat aggreor before take baby alien x
boss:ultimate aggreor
level 7:null void gate[]
ultimate kevin is doing something mess in null void stop him
boss:ultimate kevin
level 8:this handbreaker again[]
sunder plan to destroy the earth stop him
level 9: revenge[]
vilgax absorb Lucubra stop him
level 10:the final battle[]
defeat diagon or the whole human will be estericas
unlock:ultiamte way big