Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Lycan is a Howlawolf, from the planet Flamoon.


He is a blue flame looking kanine like alien. He has blue flame like fur all along his back, legs, chest, tail, and a small fur goatee under his lower jaw. He has 4 legs with paws, 4 claws on each paw, long pointed ears, green eyes and the Omnitrix symbol is on his chest coverd with fur.


  • Agility: He is very well agile when running and jumping around.

  • Claws: His claws are able to help him dig with ease.

  • Enhanced Senses:  He is able to hear, see, and smell from great distances.

  • Enhanced Strength: He is quite strong, especially in his jaw bite strength.

  • Fire Ignition: His fur is able to edmit blue flames that can either be harmfull and hot to others or not and just seem hot. These flames also help light up any dark place around him like a candle.

  • Fire Breath: He can breathe out blue fire from his jaw that can melt metal.

  • Night Vison: He is able to see in the dark.

  • Sonic Bark: He is able to admit a loud enough bark that can blast back in coming objects and foes.

  • Teeth: His teeth are sharp enought to bite through metal when they are heated from his fire breath.


  • Loud Sounds: If loud enough, then his ears will start to hurt him.
  • Strong Smells: If strong enough, then his nose will start to hurt him.
  • Sun Light: He can not see well durning the day for the sun is too bright for his eyes.
  • Water: If there is enough of it, then water will be able to put out his body fur flames.
  • Instinctual Species War Urge: (discription soon)

Gallery and Credits[]

All credit goes to me, Osmosian217.

Check out Osmosian217 Aliens for more.
