Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Lord's Police Squad of Klingvonia
General Information
Leader Lord Darzon (formerly; deceased)
General Javert (formerly; deceased)
Creator The Government of Klingvonia
Other Info
Allies Lord's Royal Army
Objectives Control the People of Klingvonia

Defeat the Black Knight and the Rebillion

First Appearance The Black Knight

The Lord's Police Squad of Klingvonia or the LPSK is an organization authorized by Lord Darzon and General Javert to use lethal force, usually including use of weapons, to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. However, they work for the greater good of the government, not the people. With Lord Darzon killed by the Rebillion, and General Javert commiting sucide,  the Lord's Police Squad of Klingvonia no longer has any purpose and was disbanded. 





Known Members[]

  • Possiblity the 15 year old boy from the beginning of the film
  • The Guards
    • Guard #1
    • Guard #2
    • Guard #3
    • Guards #4-9
  • Parade Cops
    • Parade Cop #1
    • Parade Cop #2
    • Parade Cop #3
    • Parade Cops #4-9


  • Sword
    • A Klingon/Transyilan sword with the power to send shockwaves, cut thru numerous metals, etc. 
  • Guns
    • Multiblasters with power to injure or kill. Alien tech. 
  • The Capital Ship
    • A old-looking ship with modern tech. It has the power to destroy entire buildings, and if powerful enough, cities. It is a force to be reckoned with. 
BTFF Cinematic Universe
Phase One: Heroes Assemble
The Black Knight - The Hunter - Energy Revolt - Tiger Rage - Heroes
Phase Two
The Hunter: Angels and Demons - The Black Knight: Shadows of the Past - Blue Web - Shockwave - Energy Revolt 2 - Heroes 2
The Directors/Writers
Sci100 - Paperluigi ttyd - The Awesome Jack - Cartoon44
Drake Daniels - Tyler Kane - Lauren Genare - Ryan Reckno - Shane Leon - Chris Phillips - FLA - MI6 (Earth-251) - Spencer Murphy
Lord Darzon - General Javert - Lord's Royal Army - Lord's Police Squad of Klingvonia - Titus - Vladat - Wolf - CHAOS - Bisectia - Terrence Smoke - General Zorak - Daniel Aprion - General Mitch Case - Stryker - Titan - Light - Dark - Hany - Red Devil
Earth Locations
North America (Earth-251) - Canada (Earth-251) - United States of America (Earth-251) - Area 51 - Everson City - Silverport - Washington, D.C. FLA Base - Washington, D.C. (Earth-251) - Doxin City - Doxin City FLA Base - New York City (Earth-251) - Miami (Earth-251) - London (Earth-251) - MI6 Base (Earth-251) - Hungary (Earth-251) - Turkey (Earth-251) - Arctic FLA Base - Russia (Earth-251) - Egypt (Earth-251) - Chicago (Earth-251) - Stonewick City
Klingvonia Locations
The Capital - North City - South City - Raia City - The Village of Epiphany - The Village of Soran - The Soran Woods - Area 52 - North City Fortress - Charles Inc. - South Jazz Club - The Black Knight's Bunker Base - Lord Darzon's Mansion - Midpolis - The Capital Ship
Other Locations
Anur System (Earth-251) - Anodyne (Earth-251) - The Door to Anywhere (Earth-251) - Zorak's Ship