Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Rewothctaw
Home World Coutigna
Body Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
First Appearance One Big Omni Family

Lookout is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Retowhctaw from the planet Coutigna, created by SOULARCHER20.



Lookout possesses four unique personalities that distinguishes him from other aliens. His personalities are defensive, hyperactive, wrathful and analytical.

Each personality has a quality that usually makes it difficult to work with the other, but Lookout possesses the primary quality of all his personalities looking out for one another. This split personality tends to be numbed down by Ben's own personality.

Powers and Abilities[]

As his name suggests, Lookout has four eyes surrounding his tower-like head, giving him a sense of 360 degree vision, enabling him to look in multiple directions at once. Each eye represents one of Lookout's personalities, possessing a unique ability for each. The eyes change his chest eye to showcase which personality is currently the dominant one.

His defensive eye possesses shielding that protects it from irritants and blinding lights, his hyperactive eye could perceive objects more slowly, his wrathful eye possesses an intimidating stare that could momentarily paralyze a human, while his analytical eye has a wider field of vision akin to binoculars. Each eye is capable of seeing in the dark and acts as his other sensory organs, enabling Lookout to smell and hear with his eyes.

Lookout's neck is capable of complete rotation, usually to switch between his eye's personalities. It is also capable of extending to heights as tall as 12 feet while also carrying a human, showcasing a degree of enhanced strength. His neck can also retract akin to a turtle.

Lookout possesses four razor sharp blades that act as his arms, which can become dangerous weapons in close combat, as his body is capable of rotating akin to a helicopter's blades. His blades are capable of folding and functioning as regular hands with improved dexterity, while jumping could temporarily turn him into a helicopter.

Lookout possesses a degree of enhanced speed and reflexes, enabling him to dodge attacks and fight with improved skill, all of which are boosted by his incredible eyesight.

Lookout has a degree of enhanced durability, though this is usually strengthened by his defensive side. It's strong enough to protect him from getting hit by a car.

When his analytical eye is in control, Lookout gains a degree of enhanced intelligence, whereas his hyperactive side gives him a boost in stamina. His wrathful eye provides an incredible boost in strength and willpower.

By folding his arms into his body and rolling to the side, Lookout can function similarly to a rolling log.


Lookout's primary weakness would be his four separate personalities. If neither personality could agree on a plan, then an argument may break out between them, which can provide a large distraction and may cause Lookout to even hurt himself.

Each time Lookout's personality changes, his chest eye changes its shape to represent the dominant personality, which enemies my use as an indicator to figure out what personality Lookout is having and may be able to exploit it.

Unless his defensive side is in control, Lookout's durability is quite limited. The same applies to his strength should his wrathful personality be disabled. Additionally, with the exception of his defensive eye, all of Lookout's eyes are vulnerable to attacks, primarily his analytical eye due to its enhanced senses.

When his wrathful personality is in control, it may cause Lookout to become more reckless and stubborn, whereas his hyperactive side would result in Lookout becoming extremely tired if he switches to another personality after using too much energy.

His paralysing gaze is useless against non-sapient beings such as robots and blind creatures.

Lookout's neck can be forcefully tied up in a knot, though he can untie it after a while.


  • In Omniorigins, Lookout was unlocked when Azmuth unlocked Ben's second playlist.
  • Lookout first appeared in One Big Omni Family, where he acquired sentience after an A.I.R. device affected the Omnitrix. He was part of the scouting squad used to look for The Darhkness 3, and eventually aided in the battle at the A.I.R. base. He was then readded to the Omnitrix after being scanned by Ben.



Lookout's name comes from the fact that he is an excellent scouting alien due to his vision, as well as his personalities all watching out for each other.


  • Lookout's multiple eyes and chest eye make him similar to Eye Guy. His split personalities are to make up for a lack of optic blasts, as SOULARCHER20 didn't want to copy too much from Eye Guy and Scott Summers from X-Men.
    • His rotating split personalities as well as the fact that each one gives him a unique ability are similar to Blitzwing from Transformers: Animated and Crazy Jane from Doom Patrol,
  • Lookout, Spinostorm, Reptide and Clawnivore are all considered to be filler aliens for Ben's second playlist, as SOULARCHER20 believes that Ben currently has too many aliens and the four would only appear for specific episodes.
    • This disappoints SOULARCHER20, as Lookout is his favorite alien from this category and would love to see more of him.
  • Whenever Lookout's eyes take damage, his eyes water akin to crying.
  • Every time Lookout moves his arms, a metallic sound can be heard.


Playlist 1 AnataclesBombadragConstrictacondaGrapplightHammerhackMeltterPowerpipeSlamuraiThornhengeTransmelt
Playlist 2 AirheadAut-RodClamlightClawnivoreLookoutReptideSawfingersSpinostormTac-tickThermattack
Playlist 3 BlacktusComposplitEvolkerEyezoreGortoxManmouthMedusnakeSnotshotToxtricalVerdego
Additional Aliens AuditudeChicoltDummy BagGeyserGigobiteHurtleJumbatKrakoylePinpactSandspearSludgtituteSolidudeTakeoutThrowtableWay SmallWrapliceight