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Trent 10
Season 1, Episode 5
Air date 9/5/20
Written by AnOddEncounter
Directed by AnOddEncounter
Episode Guide
The CBLT in the Rough
Up Your Class


(A dusty wild west town was the setting for the scene, as two hardened soldiers, one clearly fit for the occasion, in a sheriff's outfit, with a black trenchcoat and a hat with large sunglasses on them, he had two pistol holsters on his shoulders. His opponent however... looked about as out of place as a dog on mars, the man's opponent was a woman in a futuristic, tight, form-fitting purple jumpsuit, a large opaque visor and a yellow scarf, her torso had an obnoxious title saying "RAVEN" [that obviously had "Graphic Design is my passion" written all over it] who simply smirked.)

Captain Raven: Captain Raven's in town, stand back "grandpa"!

Cowboy Mike: I reckon your mother taught you not to play with fire.

(Parts of the Wild West backdrop disappeared as Captain Raven and Cowboy Mike were revealed to be on a floating platform in the sky.)

Captain Raven: Raven Bomb!

(Captain Raven tossed a crudely made explosive at Mike who simply shot his gun, knocking it back so Raven hopped performing a spin kick down to bounce it against the floor.)

Captain Raven: Raven Flamethrower!

(A stream of flames came from Raven's fist hitting the bomb, sending it towards Mike as well as singing Mike while he tried to shoot but stopped once the flames touched him, the bomb was suddenly in front of him as it blew up as the camera panned down to reveal a bar showing two portraits, one of a smiling Raven and a downcast Mike, a % number next to their names, Raven's at 0, while Mike's was 15 and rising, there also were 3 skulls under their portraits portraying lives revealing it was a video game as the scene panned out to show Trent and Brannigan tensely going against each other.)

Trent: And you wanna know the best thing about this move?

Brannigan: And if it's fun for you, it's gonna suck for me right?

Trent: See? You're getting it! The move's spammable as all hell!

(To prove it, Trent had Captain Raven use it twice, hitting Mike twice, hopping as he did so, using the momentum to move him forward.)

Trent: And there's movement options with it!

(As Captain Raven slid forward he used the Raven Bomb again, this time at point blank range, but he simply met 3 bullets launching his character back and as he went into the air Mike appeared above him, shooting down sending her to the floor were she laid.)

Trent: Come on! Get up!

(Trent was constantly gyrating his controller while Brannigan had Mike do a downward kick that involved him suddenly causing a horse to appear under him and stomp under him, causing Raven to bounce off the floor above him while his character landed on the floor with him inactive on landing.)

Captain Raven: Raven Stomp!

(Captain Raven lit her foot on fire as she flew down to the floor to the floor launching Mike away, while her landing left her open.)

Trent: Misclick!

(Mike used her immobility to teleport behind her firing three shots launching Raven off the map leaving her to fall, and then pressing down causing him to summon a large bubble around him with Brannigan not sure what to do with it)

Captain Raven: Raven Boost!

(Raven created an explosion from her boots to boost her back to the ledge, grabbing, then performing a kick, that moved Mike very little)

Trent: The hell?! He's supposed to go farther than that!

(Mike returned to his normal weight and speed as Raven was suddenly struck by a horse-shoe used as a projectile.)

Brannigan: Honestly I don't know what he just did either.

(The gameplay sped up as it became more intense as both players took each other's figurative lives, Raven landing a 10 attack combo taking one, while Mike blocked a hit countering her into the blast zone. and taking another, coming back to normal speed once they both were on their last life. They were both at around 90% and were at the middle of the board.)

Trent: This'll be easy! One Raven Punch will have this over with-!

Captain Raven: Raven Flamethrower-! Ultimate! Raven Punc-!

Cowboy Mike: Ultimate! Time-STOP!

(A bubble around Mike appeared, capturing Captain Raven, as the world grayed out as time stopped, leaving Mike the only one able to move.)

Brannigan: You were saying?

(The cowboy proceeded to fire his entire rounds of both his pistols, the bullets stopping in front of Raven as Mike propelled himself into the air, coming down with a giant horse that crushed Raven under him, barraging her with kicks, launching her off the map into the blast zone winning the match.)

Trent: That's bullshit! T-The latency it-!

Brannigan: This isn't online, can't complain about lag.

Trent: Well uh! The Time stop is still complete bullshit, how does that take priority over Raven Punch! No wonder that character's behind a stupid paywall!

Brannigan: Well I'm sorry for playing a DLC character when you can't!

Trent: Good game.

Brannigan: Meh. Good game.

(Flashback to the beginning of the day, Trent had woken up somewhat later than the rest of Team CBLT and came into their mini-classroom of four students and their "teacher" for the day.)

Tetrax: We're allowing you time outside of class on the weekend. Use it however you will. You'll need the break.

(Trent's eyes lit up, nudging Brannigan who sighed as the scene changed to them in front of Brannigan's house. Well, Mansion was a better word.)

Brannigan: Now this is Le Masion de Coronach.

Trent: One, why the hell are you talking in French. Two, why do I get the feeling that besides Booth your entire family consists of high-society douches?

Brannigan: One, since it annoyed you. Two, because you think every rich person is a high-society douche because you lose to too many DLC characters online.

Trent: All I'm saying is that Cowboy Mike's Time Stop is stupid!

(Brannigan knocked on the door as his disgruntled mother, in an expensive nightgown opened the door.)

Mrs. Coronach: Oh, Brannigan, it's great to see you home again. And... Who is this?

Trent: Wow... I guess you haven't told her about me over the phone. The name's Trent, Brannigan's teammate in the Plumber Academy.

Mrs. Coronach: Nice to meet you... Come in. Make yourself at home.

(The woman clearly spoke with teeth clenched. She was woken up too early and her son was bringing some random boy in her house didn't sit well with her.)

(The flashback ended as Trent and Brannigan got a call from Cooper.)

Cooper (Armored): Trent! Brannigan! Where are you? There's some dangerous robot that's destroying the city, we need you two!

Trent: On it! Need4Speed will be there in a jiffy!

(Trent slammed down on the Ultimatrix, transforming into...)

(Brickhouse Transformation: Trent appeared on a black and green background, an x-ray filter placed over him showing his skeleton, his body began to break apart into cubes, then forming back together to form a bulky head, the x-ray filter then zoomed out as more blocks came back on screen, forming a body, a red, yellow and blue, with black lines all over.)

Brickhouse: Not again...

(Trent proceeded to run out of the house, extending his arms to swing across the city to where the fight was.)

Brannigan: I apologize for him, he's uh, impatient.

(They made it to the middle of the city where a giant quadrupedal scorpion robot shot missiles at Cooper and Leander and then locked onto Brannigan and Brickhouse as they came in.)

Brickhouse: Let's handle scorpion hunter duty!

(Trent shot his fists out at the robot which simply dinked off, while Brannigan turned the Proto-Tool into an auto-turret to gun it down, to no avail.)

Brannigan: Dammit! It's tough as hell!

Brickhouse: That's what you think! downgrade it Cooper!

Cooper (Armored): It doesn't work! We've already tried! It has electro-magnetic pulses built in!

Brickhouse: Electro-magnets eh? Then I wonder if he'll like what Zap Foot has for him!

Voice: Now... Where were we... Oh right! Destroying you!

(Trent transformed into Zap Foot who fired an electric blast at the robot who simply absorbed it.)

Voice: Y'know! Maybe attacking a robot being piloted by an energy being with energy is a bad idea, but go ahead keep feeding me!

(Zap Foot crashed onto the robot, and began beating down on it with his fists, sending small electro-magnetic pulses into it, that the alien inside simply dispersed.)

Zap Foot: Not enough food for you? How about this!

Brannigan: Are you stupid or is this some sort of wack-ass plan of yours?

Zap Foot: There's a method to my madness. Watch!

(Trent slammed down on the Ultimatrix symbol, going Ultimate, the Utimatrix produced 4 clamps from its podium, as a green light came over him, revealing him growing larger, gaining two blue horns that made a V on the top of his head. His arms bulked up as his gray fur became blue, while the white parts of his body became black.)

Ultimate Zap Foot: Ultimate Zap Foot!! Let's see how much my eletcro-magnets have evolved!

(Trent put his hands out, taking complete control of the robot, as its metal began to break apart and fall apart, revealing a jelly-fish like being with 4 tentacle arms and 2 legs. It's head and torso consisted of three hood coverings it's body colors were blue with white streaks.)

Voice, shaking: Impossible! Why couldn't I override it!

Ultimate Zap Foot: Magnets motherfucker, that's why!

(Ultimate Zap Foot shot a small expulsion of electricity from his feet, launching him towards the alien who simply turned intangible as he punched through it.)

(The alien regained his composure and used his electro-magnet manipulation to take control of the robot once again, turning it from scrap metal to an armor that protected him, it's body was of a giant squid, with the robot's stinger claw coming out of its head.)

Voice: Try me!

Ultimate Zap Foot: I will!

(Ultimate Zap Foot's horns began to create a cloud above the two.)

Brannigan: Mind making this quicker!

Ultimate Zap Foot: Since you asked so nicely!

(The cloud began to have hail-stones the size of an eye fell down constantly, beating down on the Robot before the Amperi made a electric force field above him.)

Ultimate Zap Foot: Weather Manipulation, eh? Awesome!

Voice: Forget this! You will know the name of Ra'ad someday!

Ultimate Zap Foot: You better run!

(Ra'ad disassembled his robot as he transformed into electricity and flew away while Trent de-transformed.)

Trent: So, how about the beach. Seems like a good place to de-stress. Tetrax might not even know we let Ra'ad get awa-.

(Tetrax was right behind Trent as he said this.)

Trent: He's right behind me currently. Isn't he?

Tetrax: Would you mind telling me how this 'Ra'ad' person got away? Preferably at the academy.

Trent: So uh... In Earth terms, I'm getting grounded?

Tetrax: Yes, you're 'grounded'.

Cooper (Armored): What about us?

Tetrax: You'll be with him.

Brannigan: Come on! How are we guilty?

Trent: And it's a perfect day too!

(Trent melodramatically collapsed by Tetrax as the scene changed to Team SHLD at the beach playing volleyball. Well, more like Swift, Hope, and Lucy playing Volleyball and Driba sitting on Lucy's shoulder and trying not to fall off and into the sand.)

Hope: Could you remind me how 2 versus 1 volleyball is fair again?

Lucy: Come on! We'll let you use your magic~

Swift: Seems fair to me.

Hope: Alright... But don't be mad when you lose!

Lucy: That's funny, we were going to say the same thing!

(Lucy bumped the ball to Swift who leaped into the air to set and spike it at Hope who summoned two arcane symbols from her hands as she began to chant)

Hope: Appendaga Regoria!

(The volleyball glowed a light blue as it was suspended in the air, she then proceeded to knock the ball, releasing the ball from the spell and sending it back to the other team.)

(Lucy's right arm turned into a purple, mud like appendage that grabbed the ball.)

Hope: Hey! You can't grab in Volleyball!

Lucy: I'm pretty sure "fairness" goes out of the window when we allow you to use magic in a 2v1 situation.

(Suddenly, the ground below Lucy and Swift began to rumble as they were pulled into the sand)

Lucy: Hey! I didn't mean to insult you or anything!

(Swift launched herself out of the sand tomb with an explosive neuroschock ray and flew across the beach while Lucy shapeshifted a muddy claw from her back to pull her out as the sand circled around her, pulling her in faster than she could pull out.)

Hope: It's not me!

(Hope was suddenly pulled in as well, casting a spell to try to create a small magic explosion under her to get out only caused the sand to spread further and form into sand based humanoids)

(Swift flew towards Hope as she was caught by one of the Erodinians and pulled under immediately alongside Hope, as well as any other bystanders while the others terrorized the beach.)

Lucy, muffled: They're gonna suffocate us!

(Lucy created a mud mask, while Swift and Hope's bathing suits transformed into Plumber suits and created masks for them as well as they continued to fall through the almost liquid sand falling into a lair where they were restrained yet again by Erodinians.)

Lucy: Okay, being stuck in a forced sand-bath was not how I planned on spending my weekend. We are definitely not telling anybody back at the academy about this.

Bivalvan: Perfect... Talk amongst yourselves as my Erodinians tear up the world above!

Hope, muffled: Mrrph!

(Bilvalvan, the Orishian went back to working on... something on a holographic computer system as the scene switched to above ground with Driba trying to figure out what to do, he then came up with the plan to devise a weapon to freeze the Erodinians in their tracks, which was using the mechanisms from his minuscule blasters to create a miniature Chilling Gun as he hopped down the sand hole left by the girl's captors, creating ice slides on his way down to avoid harming himself on the way down.)

Driba: Driba to the rescue ladies!

(Driba landed on the ground, loading the Chilling Gun as he froze the Erodinians immediately, much to Bivalvan's surprise)

Lucy: I honestly thought you got dragged down here with us little guy!

Bivalvan: I think you've forgotten that you all are in my domain?

(Driba shot a net at Bivalvan who simply fired a blast of water to block it, trapping Driba under it instead, Bivalvan then put his hands in the air, as the sand wall behind then crashed down as a cascade of water came down on them, washing them away as a large drilling ship crashed in.)

Bivalvan: I've gotten away with what I need... I'm good to leave.

(Bivalvan swam away as the Erodinian's began to drown, while Team SHLD were released from their restraints.)

Hope: Abaeo Exorior!

(The four were surrounded in a bright pink dome as they teleported back to the academy in the exact room where Trent was in, they all, besides Driba were in their bathing suits, making the situation worse)

Hope: Erm... Hello?

Lucy: Hey.

(A black circle came over the boy's meek reactions as the episode ended)

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Ultimate Zap Foot makes his debut. Bivalvan makes his debut.

Minor Events[]


  • Trent Woods
  • Brannigan
  • Cooper
  • Leander
  • Mrs. Coronach
  • Tetrax
  • Hope
  • Lucy Mann
  • Swift
  • Driba


  • Ra'ad
  • Bivalvan
  • Erodinians

Aliens Used[]


The entire Judo Jammers sequence is a play on Smash Ultimate, the online jokes and DLC problems as well.


  • The Erodinians are entirely Aaronbil3's free use creation, all credit goes to them.