Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

This series has been cancelled. A couple of these aliens are being used in Bishop 11.

Original Aliens:[]

  • Junkyard: An easily up-gradable monster made of scrap metal.
  • Blacksmith: An alien that can build almost anything from scratch, and fights with a giant drill.
  • Delta: A long necked, one horned alien that can shoot laser beams, and control where they go.
  • Jack the Yipper: A giant, vicious, dog like alien.
  • Piggy Porkchop: A flying, talking pig.
  • Seeweed: A green sea dragon whose eyes can see anywhere around him.
  • Mystery: A sphinx alien with many mind powers.
  • Attacknid: A giant spider alien.
  • Bounce: A bouncing Jack-O-Lantern like alien.
  • Destiny: An alien that can travel into the future, but with limits.