Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The following is a list of characters for The Blukic and Driba Adventures.

Main Characters

Blukic and Driba[]

Blukic and Driba are Galvans that work for the Plumbers. They are considered to be "the dumbest geniuses". For Galvan standards, they are considered very dumb. They own a mini-motorcycle for transportation. They have been working for the Plumbers for 5 years.

Blukic and Driba (Solo)

Recurring Characters

President Nathaniel Baumann/ The Mann[]

Nathaniel Baumann is the owner of an alien shop in Bellwood. He also ran for president of the United States and won. He is also a superhero vigilante called The Mann who, the opposite of Ben, Will Harangue admires. He has now powers, but he uses a set of tools and king fu arts to fight. When asked by a reporter why he started this career, he replied "To do what Ben Tennyson can't". With his role as president and shop owner, Baumann being The Mann is shown to be a difficult job.


Pakmar is a shop owner in Undertown. He is a hater of Ben Tennyson but he is good friends with Blukic and Driba as well as Baumann.



Argit is a con artist in Undertown. He sells a lot of things and Blukic and Driba can find things at his store when needed.

Argit Evil


Hokestar is also a conman and ally in Undertown. Unlike Argit, he sucks at selling. However, he does help them occasionlly.

Solid Plugg[]

Solid Plugg is a villain in Undertown. Despite being against the law, he helps Blukic and Driba and sometimes.


Azmuth is a genius Galvan who is considered to be the smartest being in 4 universes. He occasionly comes to Earth and helps Blukic and Driba with Eunice.

Azmuth render


Eunice is the Unitrix created by Azmuth, which is a prototype of the Omnitrix. Sunder was hired by Azmuth to find her when Azmuth lost her. Her pod was discovered in the forest at the same time Ben's Team was driving for a camping trip. She helps Azmuth with helping Blukic and Driba.

Max Tennyson[]

Max is a key Plumber on Earth and grandfather of Ben Tennyson. He occasionly helps Blukic and Driba.
