Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Original 10[]

Scream-Freeze: A metalic alien that can manipulate sound and scream so loud he can freeze time.

Omni-Cop Symbol

Omni-Cop Symbol

Metalshack: A cyborg like alien that can shoot lasers, turn his hands into lightning, and various other things.

Avalanche: A rock skined alien that has super strength and telekinesis.

Jack in the Box: A puppet like alien who can change his aura to mimic his surroundings, then pop up and absorb the enemy's energy.

Deviljacket: A wasp alien the size of a pig that can grow to 60 ft tall and shoot lasers from his stinger.

Forcepig: A guinea pig like alien that can create a force field and roll in it.

Negative Zero: A ghost like Areophibian that can manipulate objects associated with bad luck.

Daydream: A sloth alien who can command opponents to sleep and dream of their greatest wish.

Kill-O-Meter: A mummy like alien who can seperate himself into all the atoms that make up his body and zoom at 1 km/sec.

Torpedo Dog: A robot dog alien who has x-ray vision, can breath underwater, and shoots torpedoes.

Additional Aliens[]

Piggy Bank: An alien who can convince anyone to do anything because of his priceless form.

T-X: A dinosaur like alien that can dissapear at an instant.

Video Game Only[]

Tetanus: A small robot alien that can hack machines.

Season Demon: A season controling jinn that can manipulate the weather.
