The following are list of Characters Appeared in Alien Adventures
Main Characters[]
Feedback:Feedback is a Conductoid who alongside his bestfriend Spidermonkey he loves to play videogame and slack off.His smarter,mature of the duo
Spidermonkey:Spidermonkey is a Arachnichimp who is more childish and more liar of the duo.He is also sometimes makes a bigger mess
Fourarms:Fourarms has a big ego and a quite rage.He often loves bullying others especially the weaks who visit Park.He also acts as a antanogist in some plots.
Lodestar:He is Goofy,Immature and happy-go luck type of man.He often helps Swampfire and Feedback in their problems.
Ghostfreak:Ghostfreak is the forced sidekick of Fourarms.He usually have to stick with him or else Fourarms will be looking for him eternity to punch him in the face.He also sometimes plots revenge against Fourarms
Graveattack:Graveattack is Galiean who works in Alientown Supreme Park.His past is unknown but knows many thinks about alien technology and mystical staffs.He is sillent and only talk when needed he thinks
Water Hazard:Water Hazard is the overeacting,annoying manager of the Alientown Supreme Park.He mostly wants everyone follows his orders and do their jobs
Brainstorm:Brainstorm is a Intern at Alientown Supreme Park.He is mostly been bullied by Fourarms.Althrough Feedback and Spidermonkey closly advices him to step up for it.He says it's okay
Recurring Characters[]
Alien X:the Mayor of the Complete Alientown.He is a self-Proclaimed Fair Ruler but is also involved in Criminal activities
XLR8:Old Schooltime friend of Fourarms and Now a famous racer
Wildvine:Runs a Gym
Forever Knights:Throughout the series the Forever Knights always tries to enter the Alientown and hunt down all the alien their but fails due to large security
Viktor:Viktor was dead but while his dead body was on reashearch Water Hazard who comes to see the exhibition alongside his friend the Vine accidentally teleported Vine's brain in Viktor body.Now he wants revenge on Water Hazard by Destroying the Alientown Supreme Park.He is The Main Antanogist
Techadon Weapon Master 13:He usually loves to turn Spidermonkey and Feedback one of his test subject.
- Some Human Characters also appears inspite of Alientown is a town which is full only aliens