Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

This is a list of all of the characters shown in the rebooted series, Brandon 10.

Major Characters[]

  • Brandon - The main protaganist who weilds a powerful device and transforms into alien heroes.
  • Coco - The best friend of Brandon who helps him out throughout their adventures.
  • Computer - A genetically advanced super computer who helps the duo and acts as their base.

Minor Characters[]

  • Convience Store Guy - Helped the main hero cash in his reward.
  • Mrs. Eiding - Our main hero's teacher.
  • Store Owner - Owner of the closed store.
  • Old Man - Just another old man.
  • Students - Kids that attend Brandon's School.
  • National Museum Security Guards - They protect the National Museum.
  • Random Kids - They attended the National Museum and other places too.
  • Police Officers - Enforcers of the law.
  • Captain Paul Smith the Third - A retired captain who likes hunting down sea monsters.
  • George the Fisherman - A not so bright fisherman.
  • Charlie the Fisherman - A fisherman that likes fish.
  • The Sea Monster - The legendary myth that lives under the lake.
  • Juice Shack Employee - Works at the Juice Shack.
  • Shape Shifters - They can change their form and blend in.
  • Hotel Manager - Manages the Urbane Hotel.
  • Bell Boy - Moves around luggage at the Urbane Hotel.
  • Receptionist - Signs guests into their rooms at the Urbane Hotel.
  • Maid - Cleans rooms and delivers room service at the Urbane Hotel.
  • Guest at Room 10 - Didn't like his room.
  • Alien Prison Guard - Maintains the alien prison in deep space.
  • Theater Cashier - He gives out the tickets and is typically bored when working.
  • Movie Characters - Various fictional characters from classic movies
    • The Ghost Patrol - a group of ghost hunters with laser packs.
    • Professor Sometimes - He was cut from the special edition.
    • The Great Detective - a brilliant detective with an impressive amount of skills.
    • Ethan the Explorer - an explorer named Ethan. Loves artifacts.
    • Alex, Space Fighter - He was also cut from the special edition.
  • Old Shop Owner - A wise elder who knows of magic elements and runs a shop in town.
  • Amanda - The birthday girl that Coco totally had a thing for.
  • Birthday Kids - Kids that attended Amanda's party.
  • Truck Driver - He drives the Cheddar Chompers truck. 
  • Micheal - In charge of Bio-Tech Industries. Likes to fire people and cancel projects.
  • Bio-Tech Guards - They guard stuff at Bio-Tech Industries.
  • Madison - A child who looks up to the alien heroes that saved her.
  • Madison's Parents - The mother and father of Madison.
  • Dr. Horan - One of the head scientists at Med-Corp.
  • Med-Corp Guards - They guard Med-Corp and are pretty intense when doing it.
  • Med-Corp Scientists - These are the guys that work the science behind Med-Corp.
  • Art Museum Crew - They work at the art museum and make sure there aren't any messes around.
  • Alternate Coco - Forged from an altered reality, this version of Coco was the first to discover the Omnitrix.
  • Alternate Brandon - Best friend to Alternate Coco, this version of Brandon is pretty much the sidekick.
  • TV - It's Computer but it's a television. As if reality couldn't get any more altered.
  • Belli - An old warrior captured and forced to fight others. A really honorable guy.
  • Valgor - He doesn't really like the main hero but he's one of the good ones when it comes to alien fighters.
  • Alien Fighters - Captured against their free will, these guys were forced to fight on board the Doomcruiser.
  • Alien Audience - They're not bad for not being involved but not good either for watching aliens fight. 
  • The Planetary Force - A team of intergalactic super heroes who work together to save the galaxy.
    • Alpha Delta - Leader of the Planetary Force; he's strong, kind and heroic.
    • Dark Harness - Shrouded from the light, this hero uses his energy and razor blades in combat.
    • Pathena - Gifted with telepathy, she can peer into the minds of others and lift things with her mind.
  • Captain Sevrog - Captain of the Fenros, a ship made for harnessing energy.
  • Fenros Crew Members - The crew for the Fenros ship.
  • Camp Adventure Campers - Kids who go to camp at Camp Adventure.
    • Ashley Tarrier - A daring girl who only wants to have fun doing going on adventures.
    • Matthew Daniels - A rough kid who likes skateboarding and performing stunts.
    • Simon Carth - A- erm- sensitive boy who's really good at computers.
  • Counselor Deacon - One of the conselors at Camp Adventure. He's not the brightest though.
  • Counselor Jay - One of the conselors at Camp Adventures. He usually does patrol and fixes stuff.
  • Camp Adventure Higher-Ups - These guys were used to bring in new programs to Camp Adventure.
  • Bus Station Clerk - A helpful lady at the Bus Station who just wants people to read the pamphlets.
  • Bus Driver- He drives the bus.
  • Special Services - Always on call to maintain the peace and regulate your routines.
  • Citizens/Civilians - In practically every episode to populate the cities/towns/planets.

Major Villains[]

  • The Conqueror - The main antagonist who weilds a staff, commands a robot fleet and craves power.
  • The Mutater - A mad man bent on mutating the world so that it falls into his control.
  • The Creator - An evil scientist who loves to create various machines and robots for world domination.
  • The Extreme Bikers - A group of alien hunting bikers who perform their actions in the most extreme way.
  • The Sorceress - A magical girl with a serious grudge against the main hero's best friend.

Minior Villains[]

  • Conqueror Droids - Droids built by the Conqueror, aiding him in tasks of any kind.
  • The Mutator's Mutations - Mutations created by the Mutator. Used as minions or quick experiments.
    • Mutant Fly
    • Mutant Scorpion
    • Mutant Venus Fly Traps
    • Mutant T-Rex - He can't eat you if you don't move.
  • Aqua Plus Technologies "APT" Divers - Professional divers with some questionable intentions.
  • Mutated Sea Snakes
  • The Creator's Robots - They help him do creative things and destroy things too.
    • Raptor Bots
    • Robo-Ro-Warasaur - A robotic duplicate of Ro-Warasaur; just all Ro- and less -warasaur.
    • Robot Assistant
    • Robot Soldiers
    • The Thinker Robot
    • Venus Robot
    • Farmer Robot
    • Farmer's Daughter Robot
    • Cleaning Robots
    • The Scream Robot 
    • Mona Lisa Robot - Known for her synthenic smile and killer attitude.
  • Robber Group
    • Rob the Robber - He can steal it, oh yes he can.
    • Earl
    • Ted
    • Robbers 3-6
  • Brandon Clone - A genetic copy of the main hero who turned to dark side.
  • Ana the Robber Boss - Tough girl in charge of a group of robbers and armed with robot armor.
  • Ana's Robber Group - Good for robbing stuff, bad at keeping up.
  • Movie Villains - Fictional villains from classic movies.
    • Mutated Movie Monsters - Movie monsters that were mutated by the Mutater.
      • Mutant Ghosts - There's something strange with these paranormal entities.
      • Mutant Hound - Susceptible to pressure point stuns.
      • Mutant Bats - Quite fond of sleeping in tombs.
    • Generic Bad Guys - Every movie in that decade had them.
    • Space Droids - Robots programmed to work on a space hangar.
  • Bank Robber - He just robbed a bank.
  • Camo-Man - A man suited with a powerful camoflague armor but quite a silly name.
  • Andrew Harrison - Coco's former best friend and A.C.T.'s current Capture Zone inhabitant.
  • Capture Zone Aliens - Aliens from another dimension that are really voilent for some reason.
  • Dr. Coleman/The Disease - Once a not-so-respected scientist, now he's fused with a sentient alien disease.
  • Dr. Gallomore - Out of a bunch of good-hearted scientists, of course there's the one insane mad scientist.
  • Infected Citizens - Affected by the Disease's touch, citizens become super infected zombie dudes.
  • Alternate Conqueror - Compared to the original Conqueror, they seem pretty much alike.
  • The Master Handler - In charge of the Doomcruiser, this guy uses his magic gloves to make aliens fight.
  • Other Alien Fighters - Some of the alien fighters mean well despite fighting, others uh- not so much.
  • The Bounty Hunter - A mercenary assassin suited in heavy armor with a thing for blowing things up.
  • Vargon Invaders - These guys will never come back again. Apparently.
  • Vargon High Command - Leader of the Vargon Invaders.