Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Bishop's Original 10[]

1.Gravattack: A gravity controlling alien.

2.Megagator: A super strong alien that can also limitedly breath underwater.

3.Chimpanzing: A super fast, agile alien.

4.Gila Monster : A lizard like alien who can create earthquakes.

5.Ono: A robotic like alien that can shoot lasers, go on fire, and many other tricks.

6.Terrordactyl: A powerful alien whose abilities resemble Superman's.

7.Frankendrain: A zombie like alien who can steal life force.

8.Narcolepsy: A phantom like alien that can stun.

9.Chiller: A mosquito like alien that can shoot ice blasts and create force fields.

10.Sunspot: A sword fighting alien who can also shoot fire.

Additional Aliens Wave 1[]

11.Brainfreeze: An intelligent crab alien that can open up his head and shoot ice lasers from his brain.

12.Oxhead: A shapeshifting cow alien.

13.Fuzzy Wuzzy: A teddy bear alien that can manipulate love and grow to 100 ft tall.

14.Bitternight: A parasite alien that induces fear in his prey.

15.Nuclam: An oyster alien that can create atomic explosions.

16.Elican: A pelican alien that can enlarge his beak and shoot lightning bolts.

17.Ego: Every organisms' consciousness as three clones of the User.

Additional Aliens Wave 2[]

18.Dark Age: A shadow alien that can cloak objects and go back in time.

19.Fooddude: A life-size chocolate bar alien that can change into any food.

20.Scylla: A six headed, fast reflex, giant dog alien.

21.Charybdis: A giant snake alien that can create black holes.

22.Alpowca: A llama alien whose skull is the hardest substance in the universe.

23.Mad Hatter: A psycho alien that can go into any balloon around him and take control of it.

24.Cell: A gooey alien that can short circut electronics.

Bishop's Ultimate Aliens[]

25.Ultimate Ono: An ultimate anio that has mind powers and more powerful lasers.

26.Ultimate Megagator: A stronger, armored skin swamlen.

27.Ultimate Fuzzy Wuzzy: A larger and stronger Styker that can shoot powerful lasers.

Annihilatrix Aliens[]

28. Annihilagator: A croc alien that can breath fire.

29.Skeletowl: An owl alien that can shoot lasers and manipulate his bones.

30.Presto: A magic alien.

Annihilatrix's Annihilator Aliens[]

31.Skeletowl Annihilator: A stronger Skeletowl that can't fly but his regenerating bones explode on impact.

32.Annihilagator Annihilator: A stronger Annihilagator that has pyrokinesis.

Tartarus' Nemetrix Aliens[]

33.Spheron: An energy absorbing sphere. Ono's predator.

34.Swampstomp: A teleporting Swamp Monster. Megagator's Predator.

35.Flameburst: A fire burst the shape of a bird. Brainfreeze's Predator.

36.Unconsciousness: 100 copies of the user that can access anybody's mind. Ego's Predator.

37.Carnivoracious: A bear like alien with enhanced strength and a good eater. Fooddude's predator.

Bishop's Negative Aliens ( Wave 3)[]

38. Parasite: An orange energy stealing alien.

39. Laughing Gas: A Gas-like alien with solid-like punches.

40. Parry: A fast reflex mongoose like alien.

41. Cowlendar: A calendar shaped alien that can manipulate time.

42. Al Capaca: An alpaca like alien with a brilliant mind.

43. Kaboomerang: A bomb like alien that shoots boomerangs.

44. Lazarus: A zombie like alien that can heal and even resurrect the dead.

45. Megabird: Non-flying bird like aliens that can duplicate and explode.

46. Sabertooth: A savage shark like alien.

47. Leech: An alien that can steal people's looks, powers, and weaknesses.

Bishop 11 New Aliens[]

48. E-Bola: A computer virus alien.

49. Jack the Yipper: A bloodthirsty 20 ft. dog alien

50. Delta: A telepathic, laser shooting alien.
