The Light Drive is a powerful piece of technology from Tech 10: Rebooted.
The Light Drive contains large amounts of light energy, which can be utilised by inserting the drive into a machine. This grants the machine usage of the light energy to greatly enhance it's abilities. The machine in question may be designed to transfer the abilities to it's user rather than itself. It seems to never need to recharge; whether this is because it draws in light from it's surroundings or simply connects to an external energy source is unknown. It also carries an internal timer; once the time is up, the Light Drive automatically teleports itself to a randomized location. This was most likely implemented to prevent abuse of it's power.
The Light Drive was originally created by Cerebrocrustecean scientists trying to find an alternative light source, going down on record as stating "The amount of storms blocking out the sun on this planet is TOO DANG HIGH!" After realizing the power source they had on their hands, they promptly ejected it out into space, stating that "Hey, every other piece of dangerous alien technology seems to wind up in the hands of a human that'll use it for good, so why not?"