Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Vital statistics
Home World Earth
Species Mutant Turtle
Age 16
Other info
Physical description
Gender Male
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Blue
Relatives Hamato Yoshi / Master Splinter (adoptive father)
Donatello (Donnie) (adoptive brother)
Raphael (Raph) (adoptive brother)
Michelangelo (Mikey) (adoptive brother)
Affiliation Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Powers and equipment
Powers Combat Proficiency
Martial Arts Proficiency
Weapon Proficiency
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Healing
Paralysis Technique
Stealth Expert
Tactics Knowledge
Paraphernalia Niten Ryu Swords
Smoke Bombs
Grappling Hooks
Production details
First Appearance The Return
Portrayed By Seth Green

Leonardo (Leo) is a mutant turtle from Earth and a protagonist in Ben 10/Justice League: The Series. He is the oldest of the original four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Leo resembles a humanoid turtle, with green skin, blue eyes, a brown shell, four fingers, and three toes.

Leo wears a blue bandanna on his head with eyeholes for him to see through, a brown garment around his neck and the front of his torso, brown braces on his elbows and knees, thick yellow bandages around his wrists and feet, which expose his toes, and white bandages around his fingers.

Leo's two Niten Ryu Swords are mounted on his back.


Leonardo was one of four turtles, the others being Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo, who walked into a puddle of mutagen that spilled into the sewers of New York. As the mutagen began taking effect, transforming the turtles into mutants, a cat attempted to hunt the turtles, only to be fought off by the ninja Hamato Yoshi, who had been exposed to the same mutagen and transformed into a mutant rat.

Yoshi, who changed his name to Splinter, took the turtles in as his sons and named all of them after painters from the Renaissance. In Leo's case, his name came from Leonardo da Vinci. Alongside the rest of his brothers, Leo would learn ninjutsu from Splinter and develop a fondness for pizza, and from a young age, Leo showed exceptional talent as a ninja, leading Splinter to make him the leader among his brothers.

As the most mature and responsible of the four, Leo would join his brothers as they bravely ventured into the streets of New York above them to serve as heroes for the city, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They fought many enemies, including the Kraang, the ones who brought the mutagen to Earth, as well as the Foot Clan, helmed by Yoshi's former adoptive brother Oroku Saki, now Shredder. They would also have a complicated stance toward the cat they encountered, now a mutant cat named Old Hob who led the Mighty Mutanimals, another group of mutants. They would also meet new allies, these being teenage investigator April O'Neil and teenage vigilante Casey Jones.

At one point, Leo, alongside the rest of the turtles, would meet an acquaintance of Yoshi and Saki, Bruce Wayne, who fought crime in Gotham as the vigilante Batman, and they would work together to battle enemies in New York, and sometimes also Gotham.


Leo maintains a stoic and calm demeanor, even when facing adversity, allowing him to make decisions in battle with a clear head. He is disciplined and focused in training and in combat, showing his dedication to the teachings of Splinter by remaining resilient in battle and always maintaining his focus toward the most challenging adversaries. Leo's actions are driven by a strong sense of honor and integrity towards his values and principles.

Leo takes his duties as the eldest brother seriously, prioritizing the needs of his family above his own, so much that underneath his tough exterior, Leo cares deeply for his family, and will show compassion to them in times of need. With a courageous and determined spirit, he serves as a natural leader who will defend his family and home from any danger, his leadership serving as a backbone to his team.

Powers and Abilities[]

Leo is a skilled combatant, able to defeat many foes in hand-to-hand combat, thanks to the training Splinter gave him. He is proficient in martial arts, mainly the form of ninjutsu, allowing him to be stealthy as a ninja. Leo is also skilled at wielding swords, such as his Niten Ryu swords.

Leo is knowledgeable of ninja techniques, such as the healing hands, which Leo can use to heal himself and others with a glowing aura, triggered through a chant and hand seals, and a paralysis technique, allowing Leo to strike an opponent with his hands to induce paralysis in the enemy.

Thanks to his mutated biology, Leo possesses great strength, stamina, agility, and reflexes, beyond those of the average un-enhanced human or even an ordinary turtle, allowing him to endure prolonged battles and dodge his enemies' attacks. With a strategic mind, Leo can devise tactical strategies for outsmarting more dangerous enemies.


Leo wields two Niten Ryu swords as his primary weapon in battle. In addition to these, he carries shurikens, smoke bombs, and grappling hooks.


Leo occasionally feels the pressure of his leadership, including guiding his brothers and making critical decisions, weighing down on him, leading to stress. He also can be too overprotective of his family at times, whether through being too cautious or taking unnecessary risks.

Being outwardly stoic, Leo often struggles with expressing emotions or seeking help, causing him to try to internalize his stress. The struggles he faces to balance his leadership and his role as a brother also cause him to sometimes feel isolated from his brothers.

Leo can be very dependent on his swords in battle, making it harder for him if his swords are disarmed from his hands, or if encountering a situation where swords are not practical for winning.


  • This is an adaptation of Leonardo, inspired by multiple portrayals of Leonardo across Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles media, many of which are similar.
    • Of these portrayals, Leo's design, personality, powers, and voice actor of Seth Green are inspired by his portrayal in the animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), though adjusted to match other portrayals of the character.
    • Leo's, alongside the rest of his brothers', association with Batman is inspired by his depiction in the film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.