Leaflet is one of Shade 10's Aliens. He is set to appear in Shade 10: Evolutions. He is a Ninjutsu Konoha from Planet Methanos.
He looks like a hooded ninja with spiralling and stretching arms. At the end of the arms there is a shuriken. He has five shurikens, on his back, on both arms and on both of his feet.
Leaflet has an ability to fire a shuriken as his hands are of shurikens. He has enhanced agility and is capable of that of a ninja. He has a shuriken on his back which he can use it to fly. He can disassemble his body into leaves to teleport. He also have regenerative factors and chlorokinesis like Swampfire.
As his hands are of shuriken. He has trouble catching things. Sometimes, his hands or arms can be cut off and as he can't regenerate, Shade must return back to his own form and then transform.
Sem 2.10[]
He is one of the aliens unlocked by the Florauna Captain's upgrade. He appeared in DNAtrix Rising to battle Hyjinx. He appears again in Noah 10-Sem 2.10: Clones Attack to dodge gunfire.
Appearances in Sem 2.10[]
Main Characters | Shade - Bellum - Calliste - Arcina - Nemesis - Upto Astrate - Osirius |
Aliens | Aerophant - Burnerfly - Gashangel - Jetstream - Leaflet - Mecha-Insect - Mentalwarp - Quetzalon - Shadewolf - Trihead - The Unnamed Shade 10 Alien |
Recurring Characters | Meses - Kari Cadmus - Alex Cadmus - Frederick Cadmus - Infinity and Eternity (characters) |
Superhero Characters | Storm Dancer - Fox - Light Weaver - Ghostboy - Star Surfer - Doctor Luck - Moon Knight (Shade 10) - Pisces Aphrodite - Sapphire Star |
Villains | Mr. X - Mystricy - Geochels - Boa Lontridor - Phantasm Knight - The Doom Bringers - Zang Ortus - Rissis - S.O.O.D - Greed, Pride, Wrath and Envy |
Misc | Shade 10 Episode Guide - List of Shade 10 Planets - Shade 10 DVDs - Metamatrix |