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La spada e l'orologio (Parte II) is the second episode of the Season 1 of Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien and it is the second of the two-part.


Fleeing from the giant monster, the group stumbles across one of the Eternian ruins. Here Adora discovers that she can read the language of the forgotten people and sees the names "She-Ra" and "Infinite" under the image of two figures that resemble her and Ben transformed, but Glimmer accidentally activates the ruin block. Meanwhile at the Fright Zone, Shadow Weaver orders Catra to bring Adora back.


Adora and Ben, now as She-Ra and Infinite, come face to face with the monster. Seeing She-Ra and Infinite, Bow asks Glimmer if what she's seeing is real, and Glimmer says yes. She-Ra and Infinite then look at each other and, seeing that they are no longer Adora and Ben, de-transform in shock. Glimmer runs to get the sword back from Adora, while Ben accuses her of not knowing that being a princess was contagious. Bow tries to stop the fight and asks they transformed, but Adora and Ben insist they don't know. Glimmer chimes in, saying that what matters is that they don't let him do it again. Glimmer finally takes the sword, but the monster's eyes glow, showing that it is still there. He stands up and all four look at the beast, which raises its paws and roars, crushing the earth and driving them away.

Adora and Ben fall, while Bow and Glimmer hide inside a tree, only to find that the monster is aiming for them. In desperation, Bow takes the sword from Glimmer and runs towards Adora and Ben demanding that they transform again. Angry, Glimmer teleports from the tree to Bow just as the monster breaks through the tree. As Bow tells Adora that they need them to transform again, Ben confidently steps forward and transforms into 2x2. To everyone's shock, Ben confirms that he is an alien and engages in a fight with the monster to allow the others to escape.

The group runs, until they fall onto ruined ground. Later, 2x2 ends up joining the group after being defeated by the monster. Just as Bow asks who is there to keep the monster busy, the beast appears from the top roaring. Bow suggests that it would be much better to go inside the temple instead of staying outside. As the monster rushes from the group, 2x2 slows it down by dropping debris on top of it. The four run towards the door and 2x2 tries to open it, but the structure seems impenetrable. Glimmer says she'll try to teleport everyone in, but Bow refuses because Glimmer has never teleported more than two people before. 2x2 asks him if he has a better idea, as the monster gets up and roars. Adora asks what was written there, and if that was a password, and Bow asks if he can read it. 2x2 seems surprised that Bow can't read his people's writing, but they are interrupted again by the roaring monster. Bow yells "What does he say?" Adora replies "Eternia" and the door lights up and opens. They run inside before the monster reaches them.

Inside, Ben transforms into Fulmiraggio to shed light, and Glimmer then creates a glowing sphere. Bow asks if Adora has always been able to read the language spoken only by the First Ones and Ben if he has always been transformed into strange creatures. Before Adora and Ben respond, Glimmer asks what exactly was going on there. Adora says she just read the word written on the door. Glimmer doubts that Adora simply read a word in a language not spoken in a thousand years. Fulmiraggio asks Glimmer if she thinks they did all that stuff on purpose, while Adora asks if she thought she wanted to be a monster princess. Glimmer accuses Adora and Lightning of being the monsters and Bow tries to stop the rivalry, but Glimmer asks Bow if he has forgotten all the evil deeds done by the Horde and says that they must find a way to Bright Moon as soon as possible and that her mother , he would know what to do with Adora and Ben. Bow thanks Adora and Fulmiraggio for saving them from the monster instead of running for their lives. Adora replies that she didn't save them and just wanted the sword, but Fulmiraggio asks if she secretly doesn't like them.

They start walking, and Bow says he thanks him anyway and says his name. Adora and Ben say their names and the archer comments that they are strange names for a Horde Soldier and an alien. Glimmer, in front, tries to transform, whispering "For the honor of Grayskull" and "It's Hero Time". Bow asks what they are doing, and the girl, trying to hide what she did, exclaims "Nothing", and to distract him says to look at the recordings of the First Ones. Adora and Fulmiraggio ask what a First Ones is. Glimmer asks if they've ever heard of them, and Bow explains that the First Ones were colonizers who disappeared a thousand years ago, but left behind a lot of technology and ancient ruins. Adora asks what happened to them, and Bow says that no one knows and that they just disappeared. Fulmiraggio comments that they resemble previous populations of Earth and that they probably "disappeared" in the same way. They stop in a hallway and Glimmer says she'd like to leave, and Bow says it will take a while to find the exit.

Bow asks Adora if she wants to turn on the lights, but she says she doesn't know and that she's not magical. Glimmer agrees and comes up with the idea of ​​growing the sphere to create more light, but Bow suggests not to overdo the magic because it will take him longer to recharge. Glimmer yells at Bow in embarrassment, while Adora mocks her for her rechargeable powers and Fulmiraggio feels blamed. Glimmer tells them to move away, avoiding Bow's warning, and throws the shiny ball on top of the ruins. Adora and Ben (back to normal) are impressed, Glimmer weakens a little and Bow runs to her, but she says everything is fine, and everyone sees a pedestal of an image that looks like She-Ra and Infinite. Bow says it's Adora and Ben, but they say he looks nothing like them. Bow asks Adora if she can read the inscription on the picture and she says with determined concentration, "She-Ra" and "Infinite."

Then, the pedestal shines and illuminates the rest of the place, and a nameless hologram appears in front and says "Greetings, administrator". Adora, wary, asks what it is and Bow recognizes that it is an ancient hologram. Bow tries to get some information from the hologram, but the only response he gets is "What's your question?". Ben suggests leaving the hologram alone because it's broken, while Glimmer says the hologram is just old and runs her hand through the hologram. The hologram turns red and the lock function begins, with the doors starting to close as they shatter with age. Bow tries to tell the hologram to cancel the block. The ceiling begins to crumble and Ben tells Adora to try to stop it. Adora tries different words to no effect, giving Ben the idea that maybe She-Ra and Infinite can stop it all. but Glimmer doesn't want to give them the sword and teleports with the group before a piece of the ceiling hits them.

They end up high in the sky and fall from there with Glimmer unconscious. Before they fall to the ground, Ben transforms into Pungiglione and carries everyone to safety. Glimmer wakes up to find that her plan worked. Glimmer says she's fine, and Bow says she saw it coming and suggests they don't teleport until they get to Bright Moon. Glimmer then asks Adora and Ben why they didn't run away, Adora replies that "If I go back I'll never find out who I am or where I come from" and Ben says he doesn't know how to get home and that "the only thing I have for hands is a thousand year old story." Bow extends a hand of friendship, but Glimmer makes it clear that she trusts neither Adora nor Ben.

In the Fright Zone, Shadow Weaver asks Catra about Adora's whereabouts and reveals that she has tracked Adora, without Catra's help. Shadow Weaver tells Catra to go find Adora and when Catra refuses Shadow Weaver uses his magic to paralyze her.

In Thaymor, Glimmer disguises Adora in Ben's jacket. Adora is enchanted by the party atmosphere, the fun, the games, the stories and the food. And when Adora sees a horse for the first time, she utters the phrase "WHAT. IS. THAT?" she gets weak in the knees, but Ben introduces Horsey to him and Adora says that "This is the best day of my life." Then, Horde tanks invade Thaymor, sending the citizens fleeing. Glimmer accuses Adora of bringing them there. Adora reveals her ignorance of the Horde's evil plans. Take on a Horde tank piloted by Catra. The two fight over the attack, while Ben (as XLR8), Glimmer, and Bow fight the Horde soldiers. Catra reveals to Adora that they were both manipulated by Shadow Weaver and Hordak and that they should return to the Fright Zone. Adora immediately abandons the Horde and begins to defend the village, but Catra turns against him and XLR8 saves her.

Glimmer and Bow find Adora and Ben and attack Catra. While Bow fights Catra one on one, Glimmer takes Adora and Ben away and hands over the Sword of Protection and begs them to help them. Adora and Ben shout "For the honor of Grayskull!" again! and "It's hero time!", transforming into She-Ra and Infinite. While Bow and the horse are surrounded by Horde soldiers and tanks, She-Ra and Infinite enter the fray and quickly defeat the enemy. The enemy retreats, and after She-Ra and Infinite transform back into Adora and Ben, Catra slips away full of anger and heartbreak.

The four celebrate with Horsey, as they named the horse, and head home to Bright Moon.

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

Character Debuts[]

  • Thaymor villagers
  • Horsey

Ultimatrix Alien Debuts[]

  • 2x2 (Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien debut)
  • Fulmiraggio (Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien debut)
  • Pungiglione (Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien debut)
  • XLR8 (Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien debut)
  • Armadillo (Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien debut)



  • Hordak (mentioned)
    • Shadow Weaver
    • Catra

Aliens Used[]

  • 2x2 (first reappearance) (selected alien was Gigante)
  • Fulmiraggio (first reappearance)
  • Pungiglione (first reappearance)
  • XLR8 (first reappearance)
  • Armadillo (first reappearance)


  • The Whispering Woods
  • First Ones Temple
  • The Fright Zone
  • Thaymor

Naming and Translations[]

Language Name
English The Sword and the Watch (Part II)