No known rating. |
General Information | |
Series | Ben 10: Haunted |
Details | |
Season | 1 |
Episode Number | 75 |
Credits | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous episode | Dojo of the Foot |
Next episode | Watch Trouble |
Deep within the darkest depths of the ocean, many fish can be seen swimming around. A large shape began to form, revealing a living Megalodon. The Megalodon ruled this underwater world, only Giant and Colossal Squids could challenge it for dominance, and usually it won. Visible scars proved this. Suddenly a flash of purple light illuminated the darkest depths as an odd garbled sound could be heard. The Megalodon spun around to investigate, noticing most fish flee the area. Suddenly a large shadow appeared from deeper in the ocean. The Megalodon continued it's descent, only to see a blue light form from below.
The prehistoric shark began to wonder what this was, should it be afraid. A beam of blue energy barely missed the gigantic fish. The Megalodon now knew to fear whatever this was. It tried to swim to the surface, a large toothy mouth formed behind it. The Megalodon then knew it's time was up as it just remained still...and then darkness. A loud booming roar can be heard.
Theme song!
The roar was picked up by an underwater Plumber recording station. Blukic and Driba were tasked with figuring out what this was, and so they listened to all the known recordings of underwater life. Nothing matched.
Driba: I can't find anything to match the sound, can you Blukic?
Blukic: No. Maybe it's alien?
They then reviewed hours of alien vocalizations. Meanwhile, off the coast of Japan a fishing vessel had noticed the oceans teeming with life. The fishermen didn't quite know what to make of it, it was abnormal. Suddenly the ocean glowed with a blue energy as the ship exploded. A few fishermen managed to survive as they clung onto wreckage to remain afloat. They observed a large shadow swimming below them, it was something they had never seen before.
Blukic: Still nothing!
Driba: Then it must be a new Earth Species previously undiscovered. Not even by the Saturdays.
Blukic: We should call magister Tennyson.
And with that Max came down to their lab and listened to the audio. He also couldn't identify it.
Max: It's nothing I've ever heard. The closest thing I know of is the kaiju that came from another dimension.
Driba: Of course!
He then pulled up audio of Zilla's vocalizations. Blukic then put the two side by side as they heard it was close enough.
Blukic: Looks like they're back.
Max: I don't think so. This creature sounds larger, plus the vocalizations are slightly different. Maybe the one we encountered was a subspecies?
Suddenly alarms blared.
Patelliday: Max! You have to see this!
Max scooped the two Galvans up and ran to follow Patelliday. A group of Plumbers gathered to watch a news feed from Tokyo. They then watched as a large from appears in the water, getting closer to the mainland. Suddenly loud booming footsteps are heard as the same roar they picked up earlier is sounded again. A large reptilian head emerges from the water as a giant dinosaur emerged from the water.
Max: That's a problem.
The Dinosaur's dorsal plates then began to light up one by one as it's mouth began to glow. It then released a stream of blue energy which obliterated the helicopters buzzing around it.
Max: This is a high priority risk...Where's Ben!
Ben was meanwhile on a date with Kai.
Ben: So, how's your grandpa?
Before she can answer Ben's Omnitrix beeps rapidly. A hologram of Max appeared from it.
Max: Ben, we have an emergency!
Ben: What is it? Vilgax?, Aggregor?, Dagon!?
Max: Worse.
Ben sighed and hung up.
Ben: Sorry Kai, I have to go.
He then turned into Portaler.
Portaler: This guy's new. I wonder what he does? No time, I need to get to-.
A portal opens up to Plumber HQ. Portaler shrugs and enters it.
Portaler: What's the problem?
Max: Do you remember when those scientists and those two monsters came here from another dimension?
Portaler: Oh yeh, are they back?
Max: Something worse arrived.
He pulled up the footage, Portaler turned back as ben looked shocked.
Ben: that?
Max: If my hunch is right...the real Godzilla. I never told you, but we've been able to intercept a few transmissions from the Technodrome because Kevin was able to put a hidden recorder in the main area.
He nodded to Blukic and Driba as they played the audio.
Krang's voice: I see you've unlocked three new forms.
Ghost King's voice: Three? I only sampled two. No matter, Yeh I got new forms. A creature known as Cryptocledius and a Zilla. Would you believe his handlers thought he was the REAL Big G?...Hey Krang, do you hear something beeping?
Max: And that was the last transmission we intercepted. We plan on using a device to play Godzilla's roars and lure him away from Japan. Then you come in as Waybig and take him down.
Ben nodded as Max began to fiddle with a satellite dish in space.
Max: I hope this works.
Godzilla is meanwhile seen feeding at a nuclear power plant, lapping up the leftover toxic waste to fuel his energy. Suddenly he perked up, hearing the recording of himself before snarling. He then abandoned his snack and began to walk back towards the ocean, leaving the partially ruined Tokyo. Ben used Portaler to arrive on a small uninhabited island where he would await the behemoth. Eventually the massive kaiju arrived and looked around out of confusion, expecting to see another of his kind.
Portaler: That's right ugly, enjoy your last moments of bliss before Waybig trashes you!
However instead of Waybig, he gets NRG. Godzilla sniffed the air before looking down at NRG.
NRG: NRG!? Now!? Here!?
Godzilla let out a booming roar as he used his tail to knock NRG into the air. NRG escaped his containment suit and flew out of dodge of the monster grabbing it. NRG then glowed as he began to grow, feeding off of Godzilla's energy. The monster king then dropped the empty containment suit and stared at the larger NRG with a ravenous look.
NRG: That...can't be good.
Godzilla swung his massive tail at him again and grabbed him. NRG tried to hurt him with radiation, but the monster simply absorbed it and grew stronger.
NRG: Definitely not good!
He then struggled to escape as Godzilla moved his hand over his mouth, intending to eat NRG. Before he can however, NRG is able to turn into Waybig and escapes Godzilla's clutch.
Waybig: Did you SERIOUSLY try to eat me!?
Godzilla snarls upon seeing Waybig and issues a challenge roar. His dorsal plates began to glow as he fires a red variation of his atomic breath at Waybig. The To'kustar fell over, feeling pain. Godzilla lifted one foot up and pinned Waybig to the ground. Waybig tried to get up, seeing Godzilla prepare to use his atomic breath on him again. He then moved his hands to form the pose needed to fire his energy beam the Godzilla, stunning him. long enough to fling his foot (and the rest of him) off of his chest. Godzilla slowly rose, now full of rage. He let out a defiant roar as suddenly a Plumber ship arrived, Waybig noticed the multiversal projector on board and smiled.
Waybig: Enjoy your trip back home big ugly.
Godzilla seemed to understand this is he cocked his head in confusion. Suddenly a portal opens beneath him as he is sucked in. Waybig turns back once the portal closes and Godzilla is gone.
Ben: I`m glad that's over.
Meanwhile, Godzilla is returned home to his version of Monster Island. Multiple Kaiju can be seen living amongst each other in peace. A giant Pteranodon and Ankylosaur-like creature walk over to Godzilla to check on him, curious as to what happened to him.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Godzilla is somehow warped from his world to Ben's.
- Portaler Debuts
Minor Events[]
- The events of Visitors from Another Earth and Winter's Revenge are mentioned.
- It is revealed for a short while that the Plumbers had a recording device inside the Technodrome before Krang discovered it and destroyed it.
- NRG displays the ability to grow from radiation.
- Ben Tennyson
- Max Tennyson
- Blukic
- Driba
- Patelliday
- Plumbers
- Fishermen
- Newscasters
- Helicopter Pilots
- Citizens of Tokyo
- Kai Green
- Fish
- Megalodon
- Rodan
- Anguirus
- Monster Island Kaiju
- Godzilla
Aliens Used[]
- Portaler
- Waybig
- The Godzilla depicted shares attributes with the Showa and Heisei versions.
- Godzilla thought Waybig was Ultraman, indicating why he snarled at the To'Kustar. This was included due to Teselodon making a cameo in Terror of Mechagodzilla and Todora (in actuality being a very slightly modified Maguma suit) appearing in Ultra Q.
- Ghost King and Krang were made aware of Godzilla's arrival after he was sent back.
- Monster Island's inclusion was thrown in last minute, the monsters seen living on it are Godzilla, Rodan, Anguirus, Manda, Gorosaurus, Titanosaurus, Kamacuras and the Giant Condor/Ookondoru. But they aren't the only ones.