Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki


(Alex) J-Jax is that y-y-you

(stretch Neck) y-y-yes... well gotta go

Stretch Neck dashs off and finds Vortex  who Grabs his Neck and pounds him against a wall repeatidly Stretch Neck bites Vortex'x arm and he lets go Jax Times Out

(Jax) even that Lame alien is better then me


(upchuck) alright Bub your dealing with Jax Whatever my last name is

(vortex) die

Vortex Throws A seed pod grenade But Upchuck eats it and blasts vortex's face

(Vortex) ow why you little Son of a-

Upchuck Blasts Vortex in the stomach and runs back to The RV

(Upchuck Timing out) whew

Jax Times out

Then Alex and Dan run up Alex starts up the car and drives off

(Alex) all right JAX!!!

(Jax) yes Dad

(Alex) you are in soooo much trouble

(Jax) but dad i fight Evil

(Alex) no buts You almost got us killed

(Dan) Um sir i think...

(Alex) Dan did you Know about this

(Dan) yes sir

(Alex) Well kids you guys should be ashamed

(Dan) Yes sir

(Jax) Dude stop saying that (Dan) Ok ok

Later at a hotel Jax and Dan are in a hotel room

(Jax walking to Dan) Uh hey um i just uh wanted to say i'm sorry for you know getting us in trouble and you where right i should of told  my dad

(Dan) It's ok Jax

They hug and Alex sees through a crack in the door

(Alex) What have i done

(Vortex sneeking up on Alex) i have a sugestion

(Alex) What what no no NO

(Jax opening the door) Dad? (Sees note) Huh?

(Note in Vortex's voice) Dear Jax did you think you could get rid of me that easily WRONG and if you want your Dad back i sugest you come to the old abandonded ship yard or else

(Jax) Oh No



Dan (Jax 10)

Alex (Jax 10)


Vortex (Jax 10)

Aliens used[]

Stretch Neck(from Last Episode)




Star Striker(Debut)
