This sequel series to John Smith 10 takes place a few weeks after the end of the first series. While the first series takes place mainly on Earth, this series focues more on events in space, where John and his team have to face a galactic threat in all out war.
All alien forms to appear in the first series will be available in this series. However, all of the Ultimate forms are unavailable due to the deactivation of the Ultimatrix.
Season 1[]
- Heroes United Part 1 (John Smith 10)
- Heroes United Part 2 (John Smith 10)
- Breakout (John Smith 10)
- Burning Sensation
- The Big Tick (John Smith 10)
- Inferno (John Smith 10)
- En Garde
- The Exchange
- Couples Retreat (John Smith 10)
- Enemy of My Frenemy (John Smith 10)
- Ultimate Aggregor (John Smith 10)
- Map of Infinity (John Smith 10)
- Deep (John Smith 10)
- Out of Luck
- Perplexahedron (John Smith 10)
- Forge of Creation (John Smith 10)
Season 2[]
- Alone (John Smith 10)
- Escape
- The Alliance (John Smith 10)
- "I Decree"
- Duel of the Fates
- The Secret of Chromastone (John Smith 10)
- Distress
- Trip to Naboo
- Hunter Becomes the Hunted
- Attack of the Clones
- The Clone Wars (John Smith 10)
Season 3[]
- General John
- Prisoner (John Smith 10)
- General Gwen
- General Kevin
- Ghost Town (John Smith 10)
- Confusion
- Secrets (John Smith 10)
- Crystal Mercenaries (episode)
- Metal John (episode)
- Escort
- Lost Vendetta
- Last Laugh (John Smith 10)
- Reunion (John Smith 10)
- Traitor
- Framed (John Smith 10)
- Ultimate Weapon (John Smith 10)
- Rebellion
Season 4[]
- Ultimate John (episode)
- Girl Power
- On Ice
- General Tack
- On the Run (John Smith 10)
- Separatists (episode)
- Relaxation
- The Ultimate Battle Part 1
- The Ultimate Battle Part 2
- Set Up
- Justice