"My name is Jo Trout. I'm 12 years old."
Jo Trout is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Ultimatrix and Flumpyflix's sample of a Strirgeon from Wetboyville.
Jo Trout resembles a trout, specifically the one from the cover of Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall, with a case holding a banjo attached to it, also from the cover of Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum by Tally Hall. The Ultimatrix / Flumpyflix symbol is on its right side.
Jo Trout is used for the first time when stranded on the desert planet in which they play a few funny tunes on their banjo in an attempt to lure over a Chub-Buzzer that had taken Fly away and later lighten the mood a little.
Jo Trout is used for the second and final time when Ogre first gets the Flumpyflix. After being saved from drowning it is used to play the Banjo Kazooie main theme.
Powers and Abilities[]
Jo Trout is an expert in playing the banjo.
Jo Trout can breathe underwater without dying like a fucking loser.
Jo Trout can swim real good and fast.
Jo Trout comes with a banjo when transformed into.
Jo Trout dies like a fucking loser on land.
Jo Trout on a base level is named after the word "jo", a shortened version of banjo (which is also used in the My Singing Monster Shugajo), and "trout", a real, freshwater fish. However, he is also named after an inside joke about a fake presidential candidate called Joe Trump, which sounds similar to Jo Trout.
- Jo Trout is one of Ogre's Four outbreak aliens alongside Green Boy, Glorben, and Billblegum.
- Jo Trout is the only alien in the Trixters to begin with the letter J.