Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

It is another Ben 10 fan fiction show.

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This where characters,villains,and aliens are written.

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Season 1

Episode 1:Patriot Act-Jeffrey gains possession of the Furytrix then he uses it to save White House from a group of terrorists.

Episode 2:The Doomsday Sanction-Jeffrey was recruited to the Superhero Academy,and he helped Block-Aid,Stretchy Guy,Shin,and Huntress defeat Doomsday and a group of taskforces.

Episode 3:Devastation-Jeffrey helped Brain Bot,Guitarian,and Commander defeat Devastator and a group of mercenaries.

Episode 4:Stonewalls of Doom-Jeffrey helped Lightspeed,Huntress,and Shift Man defeat Stonewall and a group of marauders.

Episode 5:Now I Met You-Jeffrey becomes the new leader of the Alpha Crimefighters.And,they also met Professor Chemo,the one who created Doomsday,Devastator,and Stonewall.

Episode 6:CreatureMerge-Using the technology CreatureMerge,Professor Chemo merged Doomsday,Devastator,and Stonewall into one giant creature-Morpheus.

Episode 7:One Piece of The Plan-Professor Chemo assigned General and his group of soldiers to make an assault in Washington D.C.

Episode 8:Transformation-Professor Chemo drank the Plantman Mutagen that his henchmen,General,and his soldiers created,turning him into a giant monster.Professor Chemo took out all of the Alpha Crimefighters.After defeating Chemo's henchmen,General,and his soldiers,General and Jeffrey teamed up to create an antidote.

Episode 9:Shivering-Professor Chemo assigned Jack Frost and his group of snowmen to attack the heroes.
