Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Jake Cummings (Shadow Angel)
Shadow Angel
General Information
Species Human
Home World Earth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Iron Man suit
First Appearance Iron Man: the Next Generation


born in England his father worked for Stark Industries, his family moved to Japan when he was young, he was raised there and lived happily until the age of 18 when he and his family was kidnapped by Zodiac, it turned out that his father had helped realise the Dio Project, Zodiac took whatever information they could from his Father, Dirk stole a copy of the Dio and went on a rampage through the base. intrigued by how well he was able to pilot Dio, he was put through several Tests and vigourous training, including the eraser of parts of his memory and making him think that Tony Stark was his father, who had abandoned his family, driving his mother to an early grave. After the fall of Zodiac, he disappeared with Dio.

He re-emerged several years later and tried to kill Tony Stark, failing spectacularly, He would have been handed into S.H.I.E.L.D., but was rescued by his master, Doctor Doom. He tried a few more times to kill Stark, but eventually found out the truth. Turning on his master and managing to bring him in.

He became a Mercenary for a short time, but quickly found himself on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Radar and was brought in and given an Ultimatum, he would work for the newly set up group called A.R.M.O.R. (S.H.I.E.L.D.'s alternate dimension monitoring agency.)

It was here that he met the former X-man, Rynaxx Bexley. They began talking to each other and really started to open up to her. Then they began dating, before they were married at the Xavier Institute. After a short time, Rynaxx decided to go to the Ledgerdomain in order to receive training from the Masters of Magic from her own universe, unaware that she was Pregnant. During Labour, she managed to call out to him and forced him to come to her, along with her Mother. He had to fight several of the gardians of the Ledgerdomain alongside his Mother-in-law.

Jake was the first person to hold baby, who they named Tony after Jakes "Father". As Tony grew into a powerful young wizard, Jake helped him by building a new version of his Shadow Angel Armour that would be well suited to a wizard.

