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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Infotain Me is the seventh episode of Omni-World.



Ditto (O-W)

Eyeguy (O-W)

Guest starring



Previous episode

Party Peoples in the House

Next episode

The Breakfast Burrito


Ditto was watching a show called Spirit Hour.

(TV): And now, thanks to his new refreshed mind, Wildmutt finally learned to actually fly.

(Ditto): Wow. If Wildmutt can refresh his mind and fly, a humanoid being like me can certainly can.

We cut to Ditto in the park on a blanket.

(Ditto): Ok, clear your head, take a deep breath, simple.

He tried, and tried, and tried, and (speedup) triedandtriedandtriedandtriedandtriedandtried but he just kept getting annoyed by a fly.

(Ditto): Grrrr.

He tries to squash the fly.

(Ditto): Grrrrrr.

He tried it again.

(Ditto): Grrrrr! Nanomech, can you give me a sec? I want to fly, and you keep annoying me!

(Nanomech): Hey dude, I'm just doing my job.

(Ditto): What job?

(Nanomech): Being a fly! Flies annoy people!

(Ditto): Well, you're fired. Go away.

(Nanomech): No way!

Nanomech fired a laser at Ditto!

(Ditto): Hey! What is wrong with you?

(Nanomech): You will not stop me from my job!

(Ditto): Wrrraaa!

Ditto tries to squash Nanomech, but he kept dodging it, and eventually ended up chasing him.

(Ditto): Come here you!

(Nanomech): Weehee, I'm annoying you!

(Ditto): Wait a second...

Suddenly, Ditto closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and thanks to his new refreshed mind, Ditto finally learned to fly.

(Nanomech): What are you doing!?

(Ditto): Awesomeness!

He eventually catched up with Nanomech, and squashed that little bugger.

(Nanomech): Aw! Man! What the hairgel?

(Ditto): That's for annoying me!

We cut to Ditto flying to his home peacefully.

(Eyeguy): Hi Ditt- DITTO, ARE YOU FLYING!?

(Ditto): I'm flying, yes.

(Eyeguy): are.

(Ditto): ......

(Eyeguy): .....

(Ditto): SPRITE!

