Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Impossiball is an alien in the series Ben 10: Alien Team. Impossiball is one of Ben's new set of aliens.


  • Can roll and hit anything in his way
  • Can switch between two modes: Green and Yellow
  • Green mode is heavy, and indestructile
  • Yellow mode is speedy, bouncy and electric


  • Yellow mode isn't very strong or heavy
  • Green doesn't move very fast
  • He is just a plain ball; he can't hold anything at all
  • Sometimes when rolling he can change modes against his will

Species and Planet[]

Species: Liathroid

Planet: Myach


He is a plain ball, green and yellow look exactly the same, just different colors

He has 4 circles on him, which he uses as changing faces

Main Characters
Ben - Upgrade - Spidermonkey - Cannonbolt - Upchuck - Chromastone - Humungosaur - Ripjaws
Other team members
Swampfire - Echo Echo - Jetray - Brainstorm - Goop
Steeljaws - Impossiball - Windup - LMN - Boywen - FuzzBall - Cannonman - Energybender - EchoFibian - Scorch - Claycreep - Waterflush
Technological forms
Windup 2.0 - LMN 2.0 - Boywen 2.0 - Cannonman 2.0 - Upgrade 2.0 - Ripjaws 2.0 - Upchuck 2.0 - Chromastone 2.0
Main Villains
Ghostfreak - DNAlien - Humungoclone - Pyrobot
Other Villains
Plasticine - The Muscle Man
