Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Imad 10 is the series revolving around the ATD Wielder Imad H. It shows how the protagonist evolves into a better person and hero, while battling stronger and stronger ennemies, to the point of facing many potential reality benders or reality warpers . He encounters many persons, some of which become his allies, with some of his ennemies redeeming themselves, and forms bonds of friendship with other dimensional ATD wielders like Ben Tennyson. You can read the whole saga here:

Trivia: There are 10 Chapters of the story, ( One that resembles an epilogue) and a last ending, with each of the main 10 chapters a certain number of parts, written so if you add the number of parts of 2 Chapters, you'll always get the Number 10. Example: Chapter 1: 7 parts. Chapter 2: 5 parts. Chapter 3: 3 parts. Chapter 4: 2 parts . Chapter 5: 8 parts . Chapter 6: 5 parts. Chapter 7: 4 parts. Chapter 8: 6 parts. Chapter 9: Epilogue summary: 1 part. Chapter 10: 9 parts. + special epilogue at end: 1+9 = 2+8 = 3+7 = 4+6 = 5+5 = 10.

Here is a list of Imad 10 Aliens .

Chapter 1 : Mirrored Power[]

While testing a spatial portal with ten of his friends from Hara-City, a malfunction caused by the character Electronico created a wormhole that absorbed the protagonists and sent them to a paralell world, where The tower of Haran ruler Jazzufa was left to rust and Imad's tower was replaced with a tower with an X hologram. The protagonists landed in 4 different places, Imad being alone. He noticed that the people of this strange city all displayed great fear of him, so just in case, he acquired a black cloack to hide his face. In the meanwhile, his friends broke into the tower where they heard Imad could be, and spread to search for him. However, a

doppelganger of The hero appeared and used all 10 original aliens of Imad 10 to neutralise and capture the

Mirrored Power 2

Xadim Striking each of Imad's friends. Notice the characteristic blue eyes of his aliens instead of Imad's yellow ones.

intruders. It was then revealed that the Imad-look alike was called Xadim, and was a sort of dictator of this version of Hara City. Imad used his physical likeness to Xadim to borrow a ship and go to Galvan Prime, but he couldn't find This dimension's Azmuth there. He went to what he knew was a secret location Azmuth uses, and was "greeted" there by galvans in battle suits , commanded by Azmuth, who mistaken him for his dark counterpart and who refused to listen. However, by saving one of the assistants from certain doom, Imad prooved his good mirrored

Mirrored Power 3

Imad cloacked in the first pannel and Xadim as he appears in the second panel. In 3 and 4 , we see Imad's cold welcome in Azmuth's secret lair

will and was welcomed in the hideout for some explanations. Inside the dome, Imad explains who he is, and sees twins of his friends, though a bit physically different. Azmuth tells him that he is in an alternate reality. He explained the background story of what's happening. Xadim was one time called Imad, and had found the omnitrix and used it as an instrument of Justice. However one day, a criminal blackmailed him into leaving him alone or he'd kill his hostage (It would later be revealed who was truely the hostage in another story). Xadim backed down, but the criminally insane man killed the hostage anyway and laughed like a maniac. The alternate Imad (Xadim) at the sought of innocent blood being spilled (and another reason not yet revealed) became furious, and as the alien Chthonian , jumped at the criminal and began severely beating him up, inflicting considerable amounts of pain at him. He even went to the point of mutilating the man and killing him in a slow terrible way. From this day on, This Imad was never the same, he had undergone a

Mirrored Power 4

A background story of Xadim told by Azmuth, before a roast pyroxivore Dinner.

complete change of personality. He changed his name to Xadim to symbolize his rebirth, and exiled This dimesions's Jazzufa from the Hara, with the intention of ruling it with an Iron fist so no evil like the one he witnessed could ever return, and even spread his control over many cities. His other friends followed Jazzufa of their own free will, and they went to Azmuth , who knew what happened. They retired to this hideout with some assistants, ready to step in should Xadim become a real threat. Azmuth reassured Imad that he's nothing like Xadim and will never become like him, while they were having roast pyroxivores. Imad, Jazzufa and Azmuth worked for a month on the omnitrix to install an evolutionary function and transform it into an Ultimatrix. Azmuth , however, told Imad that during a simulation on his computer, he found out that one of the evolved aliens ( Revealed later) is too powerful and dangerous, and thus locked him for another time, saying the other ultimate aliens will provide enough firepower for Imad to defeat Xadim. A stand off announce echoed throughout the Hara and called Xadim out. The later complied, and parachuted from his jet with his robot army following , in front of Imad. The two exchanged a few

Mirrored Power 6

The Battle that ensued in the middle of Hara City, Central Square

words, revealing their different point of views, before Xadim ordered his robots to attack. Imad used Needlemouse, Morpho and Masquerade to defeat most of the regular droids, Ultimate Spectral / Blizzard to freeze the elite infantry, Ultimate Colossal to blow up the armored divisions and Ultimate Dragonoid to shoot down the jets. Xadim joined the fight as Colossal, but using Ultimate Chtonian's power, which included volcanic crystal control, shotting heat rays and explosive crystal shards, Imad quickly gained the upper hand, before striking Xadim with 3 huge chunks of explosive crystal. His counterpart admitted defeat to the joy of all

Mirrored Power 7

A good ending...for now

the citizens he ruled. Xadim was exiled by Jazzufa from Hara City , and the sentence was that he would only return after he would feel remorse and become the way he were before. Imad was rejoined with his friends from his world,and feasted with them on Galvan Prime before returning home in a device Azmuth created.

(NOTE: In a part of the story, Imad tells Azmuth while having supper he's affraid that he'd become one day like Xadim. Azmuth replies that they're nothing alike, and says that for instance there's a difference between Imad and Xadim's eye and skin color, Imad says that's only something on the outside, But Azmuth continues that Xadim Hates the roast Pyroxivore that Imad seemed to be enjoying, and only swears in deep fried Pyroxivore, which disgusts Imad. That argument lightened a load off from Imad's heart)

Chapter 2: Reversed Revenge[]

One year has passed in Imad's dimension after the events of Mirrored Power. Thanks to the help of the Galvans, Haracity became a far more advanced place called Haratropolis. Imad had organized a small party in his tower to inaugurate the new dimensional gate, when Suddenly, One of the alternate Azmuth's assistants, Novos, appeared in a flash of red light in the room, in a very weak condition, before being taken to the hospital wing. There, he was able to tell our friends that His master was now prisonner of an unknown enemies who had many omnitrixes at his disposition. Using Novos' transport device, Imad was teleported to the devastated remains of Galavan Prime, where he saw many Robots armed with Omnitrixes excorting a mobile prison in which was held Azmuth. Imad lost the effect of surprise and had to fight the robots, countering their Dragonoid transformations with Ultimate Blizzard/Spectra freezing them, Masquerade with Ultimate Ninja which overwhelmed them with clones, and Needlemouse with Ultimate Colossal whose blasts sent the robots flying. Imad liberated Azmuth and got out in time.

In the "I Corp" Tower, in front of a hot Beverage, Azmuth tells our friends he's the one to blame for this enemy's ise to power. He told them that in his dimension, Five years passed since Xadim was first defeated. He told them that Xadim came to him after a few months asking for a chance for redemption, and Azmuth couldn't ignore an old friend's plead for help. He allowed him to get a small job in Galvan society, but over the years, Xadim has proven to be so selfless he became an honorary Galvan citizen and one of Azmuth's assistants. However, when he got all the security codes needed, Xadim stole from the central computer the original plans for the omnitrix and ultimatrix and ran away. In a few months, he assembeled an army of omnitrix wielding robots and he was at their head with an Ultimatrix. Despite conquering many worlds, He had built the ultimatrix out of the original plans and therefore had an evolved transformation locked. Knowing it must be powerful, he sent his armies to retrieve Azmuth to unlock it. The robots invaded Galvan Prime and almost captured Azmuth if it weren't for Novos alerting Imad. However, word was Xadim had a secret weapon as a backup plan should Azmuth refuse to reveal him the secret of the Ultimatrix.

Azmuth unlocked to Imad Ultimate Masquerade , but warned him that the safeguard of the ultimatrix will allow only a small amount of his power to flow in Imad's body. However, should Imad remain in that form for too long or be in serious danger, the safeguard will break under that tremendous power and a higher portion of the alien's strength, and the power will take over his mind. Imad Waited for Xadim and his Army in Central Square. When the madman arrived, he tried in vain to reason with him, before fending off his robots. While Imad had the upper hand, the battle became quite violent when Xadim stepped in, with the protagonist and antagonist countering each other's moves with their ultimate forms. However, Xadim soon was bored and transformed into Way Big ,

Ultimate Masquerade vs Ultimate Way Big

The final blow to be delivered in the epic rematch between Imad and Xadim.

explaining that as a backup plan, he incubated a To'kustar molecule in arificial cosmic stroms in his lab. Imad responded by using Ultimate Masquerade to effortlessly defeat Way Big. Xadim then revealed all the madness within by Evolving his alien into Ultimate Way Big . Xadim inflicted heavy Damage to the Psychic alien using his wide control of cosmic rays and tremendous size and strength, but just as he was about to deliver the final blow, something happened. Sensing risk on his life, a higher portion of Ultimate Masquerade's power broke the Ultimatrix's safeguard, letting the ultimatrix be absorbed inside the alien and giving Imad more tha enough power not just to defend himself, but to defeat with a few mere thoughts the destructive Alien.

However, things were not over. The silvery alien landed near Xadim (Xadim reverted to human), and in a fit of rage, prepared himself to eliminate him once and for all in order to rid the world of his evil. However, Imad's friends arrived and tried to talk to Imad who was stuck inside the powerful alien. Ultimate Masquerade spared Xadim, but decided to remain an alien to be helpful to the universe. However , seeing that all these people will miss the friend they have in Imad, he decided to revert to human form.

Xadim was taken to rehabilitation on Alternate Galvan Prime, and the story ended with Imad thinking wether there was still hope for Xadim's redemption.

Chapter 3: Jeopardized Existence[]

In this story, while Imad was relaxing in his tower, Azmuth accompanied by Professor Paradox (Whom Imad didn't know yet) appeared and asked for his help, transporting him to alternate Galvan Prime. They Explained That an ancient Osmosian called Varos , few million years ago, had absorbed an Extradimensional piece of meteorite from the plane of the Naljians and gained immortality through absorbing the lifeforce and powers of many creatures. They told Imad that After gaining the power he needed, has assembled an army and is now trying to acquire the complete Map of Infinity held at the temple of the planet Endymion. His goal was to fuse with the source of all reality within this plane, the Core of Existence . Imad was surprisingly partnered with his old nemesis Xadim to try and stop the Osmosian. Azmuth revealed he had built another ultimatrix, and he entrusted Xadim with it for his high experience in using it. However, he placed in it a device linked to Imad's ultimatrix's heartbeat detector: Should He kill Imad out of rage, the device will cause his ATD to self destruct taking him out with it. This reassured Imad a bit. Before departing with Xadim, he was told by Professor Paradox of a secret about Ultimate Masquerade . He was told that this alien's true power is gaining reality bending powers after a billion years of existence, but should he unlock it before , he will be consumed and erased from existence by these same powers in a few minutes. Imad sensed an ominous warning, but was immediately transported to Endymion, where he and Xadim using Ultimate Masquerade and Ultimate Way Big defeated the huge army Varos had prepared for them. During the battle, Xadim defended a surprised Imad, claiming that his death would mean his demise too. However, both these forms were no match for the osmosian who stole the map and vanished. Imad and Xadim followed him with Paradox's help to destination. On the way there, Imad asked Xadim why he truly became like this. Xadim replied that the person who had been killed in front of him on the past was none other than a young woman who was his lifelong best friend and his girlfriend, and that he wanted to make sure no one suffers the same fate as her. Imad asked Xadim if the girl wouldn't happen to be named a certain name, which greatly surprised Xadim, asking him how he knew. Imad told him that in his world, that girl was also his best friend but that he never had the chance to confess his feelings to her. He stated that both alternate women share many traits of personality like mercy, and would never have wanted either of them to avenge them, but instead give the world a second chance. Xadim seemed touched by these words, but they arrived to the Core's dimension.

Varos had fused with the now purple Core of Existence, and although he couldn't fully control reality yet, gained considerable power. He easily countered and defeated Xadim's Ultimate Way Big and knocked him out, and effortlessly beat Imad as Ultimate Masquerade. However, Imad used his will power to unlock a higher portion of his alien's power, and unlike the first time he did this, he was still in full control thanks to some mind strengthening techniques he learned. However, he was still outmatched. Seeing Imad was losing, Xadim jumped on Varos' back and ordered his ultimatrix to self destruct, hoping it would also destroy Varos. Imad was horrified to hear that, but Xadim told him before the explosion :"Please Imad...Do it for her...". The explosion was immenlsy powerful and blasted Imad away, however,it was in vain, as Varos was still standing and laughing. In a fit of rage, Imad unlocked the full reality warping power of Ultimate Masquerade, realizing this signed his deathnote. Varos was scared for the first time, and Imad's warping moves got through Varos' Shields and knocked him out cold. He used his power to purify the core of the osmosian (The core became blue again) and to make sure Varos won't hurt anyone any longer, (and although he won't admit it, part of him wanted to avenge Xadim) He erased Varos from existence. The silvery alien mourned over the loss of his comrade, but surprisingly, found Xadim in front of him, still alive but very seriously injured. Imad a bit rejoyced to see his former enemy still alive approached him, and Xadim told him that he truly was sorry for everything he did, and that he only wanted to protect his people. His dying Wish was for Imad to tell the people of Hara City that he just hopes they forgive him for everything he's done. However, Imad refused for this to happen and used his newly acquired powers to heal Xadim back to perfect Health. But before Xadim could thank his dopplganger, Imad Puts brutally his hand over his heart and collapses. He explains to a terrified Xadim that this is the fate that awaits him for resorting to use his powers. He answers him too that he did it because they all want a better world, including "her", refering to both girls from alternate worlds. Xadim told Imad to use his powers to save himself, but Imad told him that was impossible, as once activated, his powers cannot save him, and they're depleting , with him being slowly erased along with them. (His body was becoming more and more transparent). The protagonist gives his final farewell to Xadim, mentioning that maybe under better circumstances,they could have became true friends. Xadim Cries over his fallen comrade and promises him to honor his name. However, something happened. A green flash filled

Jeopardized Existence Comic

Comic summarizing this chapter

the dimension, and from it emerged a silvery alien very similar to Ultimate Masquerade,only she's a female. She asked telephatically Xadim, to whom she refered as a noble human, to hand her over Imad. Reluctant at first, he finally accepted. The silvery alien reverted Imad to his full Human self and prevented him from being erases. Imad thanked her and asked her who she was, she only told him this: "I'm someone who you'll meet and save from a horrible fate in your distant future.Where i come from,we are great friends,and i've traveled to this place to make sure that this future remains this way.Till we meet again,Imad." before disappearing and taking them home.

Imad asked Paradox if he knew this was gonna happen, Paradox simply told him time and space are complex and unpredictable things ( In reality, he was just obeying someone's orders). Imad and Xadim left as good friends, With Xadim being forgiven for all his deeds by both galvans and humans.

Chapter 4: Back from the Void[]

The story begins in the core of existence where it appears that a part Of Varos' soul had survived. Meanwhile, while Imad was talking with Xadim via a machine, A giant monster with Varos' face arrives and wreaks havoc on Haratropolis. Imad battles him as Ultimate Way Big and defeats him, but Paradox arrives and transports him to another dimension, where Imad witnesses another ultimatrix wielder called Zak Son or Zak 12, defeating a monstruous alien amalgam with his Alien Terrablaze. Paradox introduces the 2 heroes to each other and tells Zak what happened with Imad one year ago, and reveals that Varos managed to hide a part of himself in the core's dimension and that this weak part fused itself with the core and enhanced 2 alternate sleves with alien DNA, and that it is getting strongre by the minute. Our protagonists travel to the Core of Existence, where Varos' soul summons a beast created from the fusion of a few alternate selves to stop them. However, Zak uses Ultimate Wildmutt and Imad Ultimate Sonicwave, an alien who's normal form Azmuth unlocked for Imad a year ago to reward him. Together, thy defeat the monster, but Varos calls upon all his alternate selves and becomes a time manipulating giant. Zak transforms into Clockwork, and Imad's ultimatrix, detecting time warping aliens, unlocks Chronos, and Imad uses his ultimate form. Varos freezes time for our 2 heroes after deviating Zak's time ray, But Imad warps him and Zak to the future and bring their future selves to the battle. After using an accelerated mode of attack, all 4 heroes rewind time back to Varos' soul to a point where it didn't even exist. However, Paradox appears and tells them that since Varo's soul had ceasd to exist in time while in the core, all this adventure will be erases and it will be like nothing ever happened. Imad and Zak bid farewell to each other before history rewrites itself. However, Imad retains a slight image in his memory of him shaking Zak's hand, hinting they will meet again.

Chapter 5: Total Chaos[]

The story starts on Anodyne where a group of black anodites in a secret chamber inside a planet perform a dark ritual, sacrificing one of their own kind to liberate an ancient demon sealed long ago inside the planet, and presenting him an orb that give him back his power. The story shifts to Haratropolis, 3 years after the events of "Jeopardized Existence", where Professor Paradox along with Azmuth and Ben Tennyson arrive in the "I Corp" tower in front of Imad. After the two ATD wielders were introduced to each other, Paradox tells our friends to look outside to see why he brought them here. Our two heroes see to their horror that wormholes have opened above the city and were dropping thousands of rogue aliens who are destroying everything. Paradox wants them to come with him and abandon everything, but Imad and Ben decide to stay and fight. Despite their best efforts, Imad and Ben Were outnumbered, and Paradox transported them to Anodyne. Imad asks with apprehension what will happen to the humans on Earth, and became Furious when Paradox replied him that there is a big chance that most of them will be killed. Ben tries to comfort Imad who snaps back at him, only to apologize. The leader of the Anodites, Celestia, enters the room and explains to our friends the nature of the crisis.

Long ago, an extradimensional demon named Chaos, originally exiled to oblivion, managed to enter this plane of existence. He is known as the demon entity of war destruction and death, and had the powers to mind control beings. He used his mind-controlled minnions to wreak havoc and destroy other planets, and the more destruction he caused, the more powerful he got. Knowing their time would come, the Anodites fought a tremendous battle against him. However, a group of corrupted black anodites known as the brotherhood of the Dark Chimera joined Chaos. The Anodite high Mage Equinox was able to seal most of Chaos' power in an orb, severly weakening him and allowing the anodites to seal him inside their planet, thus defeating him. However, the orb was stolen and Chaos was freed, and should he cause enough deaths, he will become omnipotent.

Ben and Imad first agree on finding a way to shield their minds from Chaos' mind control. Paradox replies that the answer lies with the Psychysapiens, a race of aliens who's highly evolved brains are immune to mind control. He sends Them both to their homeplanet Cerebrax VII, without telling them what to do. Our heroes find themselves on the planet which is being attacked by many berserk aliens. They conclude that Paradox knows they can't save everyone, but wants them to Save a certain person, One who's in desperate need of their help. They enter the scientists building from which where fleeing many scientists and fend their way through hords of berserk aliens using their ultimates to help one another while facing Kinecelerans and Vaxasaurians.All the floors were empty, but when they arrived to the top floor, they heard a faint voice saying "Please...Help me..." . They transformed into Ultimate Chthonian and Ultimate Swampfire and bursted in the room, where they found Wildvines in front of a wall of blue fire. After defeating the aliens, Ben tried to get through the flames and freeze them, but it was no use with these special flames. Imad told him about his alien's ability to stand volcanic heat and told him to meet him down. He went through the flames and found behind them a beautiful female alien under fallen rubbles who had fainted under the extreme heat. Knowing that his body won't be able to protect her from the heat generated by the flames, Imad found another way out. After clearing the rubbles with his enhanced strength, he blew a hole with his explosive crystal shards in the wall, grabbed the female scientist ,jumped and slided in a crystal slide he generated from the ground. Down, he and Ben reunite. The alien begins to open her eyes and Imad reverts at that moment to his human form asking her if she's ok. She says she's fine, but remembers that her planet is under attack. When Imad and Ben couldn't convince her to leave her people behind, Imad snaps and in a burst of despair shouts at her about how he had lost everything and that if they don't escape, there is no more hope for this entire plane. The scientist was scared, But Imad bursted into tears hiding his face. She tried to comfort him, but Ben Reminded her of their mission. They escape On board a spaceship, leaving the planet to die.

On the ship, Imad hears the alien sobbing silently. Feeling bad for her and knowing what it feels like to have lost everything, he tries to comfort her with words. When she turned to face him with her emerald green eyes, he found her really beautiful, and something strange happened: He felt transported at high speed into space, and when he looked down, he found a being weeping over his fallen comrade, he felt something melancolic and familiar. Then an angelic figure appearing from a flash of green light and everything went blank. When he woke up, he was on the floor and found Ben and the scientist over him. The alien told him he went into a transe and fainted. Imad felt a little embarassed, but the alien reassured him that there is nothing to be ashamed of, and that Imad's thought popped on it's own in her head, without her resorting to use her telephatic powers. She also told him there was some sort of connection between their minds, and she thanked both heroes for saving her (Imad's name popped into her mind, but she had to ask Ben's name). Imad felt sympathy towards her, as if he knew her. The Scientist introduced herself: She was called Pearl . When the aliens attacked , she heard a child crying on the last level while she was inspecting the building to see if there was still someone. She tried to get the litt

Total Chaos 1

First Half of the Story

le girl to safety, but was blocked by rogue aliens. She allowed the child to escape by fending off the aliens with her powers, but an experimental combustible took fire and the explosion knocked her back, and the rubbles fell on her. The heat was too intense for her to use telekinesis, so she tried desperately calling for help. She was half awake when Imad rescued her. She says she wished she could have said farewell to her loved ones and began crying. Pearl also sensed Imad's intention to comfort her and thanked him, before asking our friends what is happening. She proposed connecting her mind to Imad telephatically to understand quickly the story. Imad accepted, and during the process, saw their meeting with Celerita, but also flashbacks of his entire life, as well as flashbacks of Pearl's Life, before finding himself looking at the 3 unknown figures he just seen. After the link broke, he dryly asked what did Pearl do to him, only for her to innocently assure him, this wasn't supposed to happen. She explained that Her and Imad's minds are tuned, a term used by Psychysapiens when two individuals have complementary brain waves, something very rare especially between members of two different species.At that moment Professor Paradox appears, and tell them they have done well, after being introduced to Pearl. He tells Imad and Ben that he had work to do, and saving Pearl was something Both of them had to do, Especially Imad. He transports our friends to Anodyne.

Azmuth reveals Paradox had brought a complete Potis Altiare to be used against Chaos, and that the anodites have gone to stop Chaos' destruction to weaken him. Pearl reveals that she knows the place of a special magical stone that can increase a psychic alien's powers to unbelievable levels. So they decide to grant Imad both artifacts so he uses Ultimate Masquerade with a high potential of power and defeat Chaos. Pearl builds two discrete anti-mind control devices for Ben and Imad. After Azmuth unlocks them the master control, They venture towards the planet Rozumite XI, which is surrounded by black holes, with some Anodites. However,it is revealed anodites get drained of their energy while in proximity of this planet, so Paradox takes them back home, leaving our trio alone. Pearl stays in the ship, on contact with both Imad and Ben on their vizors to guide them through the temple's traps. But the traps had already been activated, hinting someone preceeded them there. Imad and Ben had to fight thousands of berserk aliens near the magical stone. Seeing they can't take much more of it, Ben Takes the stone, gives it to Imad and tells him to make a run for it. Imad refuses, but Ben Pushes him through the portal telling him he is the last hope the universe has, knocking some sense back into him. Imad goes to the ship and orders a reluctant Pearl to take off without Ben, without explanations and shouting at her under the pressure, before apologizing and telling her to trust him. A dogfight ensures, with Pearl dodging laser blasts from enemy ships and Imad blasting a few of them, before Pearl making a very dangerous move: She goes towrads a black hole which drags and destroys the enemies, and then uses high tech to destroy the black hole. Imad told her what Ben did, and Pearl admitted he's a true hero after all despite his cocky attitude. However, while Ben as Way Big fended off the aliens, he was taken out of the fight by a single blow of Chaos who transported himslef there. Paradox appears and tells them that there was an anodite spy among them, which is how Chaos knew to go on Rozumite XI, however, the reason he couldn't take the stone is because only one with pure intentions can take it off the pedestrial.He reveals Chaos had removed Ben's device and turned him into a mind controlled Minion.

Pearl, Imad and Azmuth work on the Ultimatrix, upgrading it with the Potis Altiare And the stone, turning it into the powerful Psychytrix . Imad leads an assault on Chaos' fortress with the anodites, where he single handedly took out hords of berserk aliens and the Brotherhood of the Dark Chimera Using Mental confusion and Mental burst. When mind controlled Ben steps in, Imad uses his Psychic power to release him from Chaos' control, but the demon knocks Ben out again. A fierce battle engages between the death god and Imad, the latter countering the first's attacks with psychic shields, strong telekenisis, and an amazing ability to slow downn time with his mind, in addition to some deadly punches and kicks. He finally used "Psychic Mirage" creating 4 energy clones in a V Formation which rammed the demon sending him out of the castle, with Imad sending him towards a star. Imad used his mind to transform it into a black hole, and fired at Chaos a beam which prevented his attempt to escape from his doom. The later shouted "CURSE YOUUU!" Before Imad destroyed the black hole.

Total Chaos 2

Second half of the story

Pearl lands in the castle and hugs both Imad and Ben, thanking them. However, all those who died are gone for good. Ben Transforms into Alien X with Gwen Tennyson's and Kevin Levin's help. Paradox gives Imad an idea: Imad turns into Ultimate Masquerade and transports mentally himself and Pearl inside Alien X's head, where they come to an agreement with Serena and Bellicus. After resolving two of their motions, they vote on reversing all the damage done by Chaos, and on the trio Getting out of Alien X's head, and both were won. Paradox congratulates the team and tells Imad to come with him. He reveals to him that what he saw when he first looked into Pearl's eyes, the vision of 2 comrades and an angel in space, was in fact what happened with him 3 years ago in the Core of Existence . He reveals to him that the mysterious being who saved Imad is none other than Pearl in her distant future. He tells him the reson he and Pearl shared this vision is because of the strong bond they will have in the future. When Imad asks how will Pearl evolve into an ultimate form, he tells him he'll figure it out himslef when the time is right. Imad tells Pearls about that, and The trio is last seen going to Ben's favorite snack bar, the Burger Shack, saying it's the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Chapter 6: Duty's Call[]

This story happens a year after Imad defeated Chaos. His service to the Universe has earned him an honorary membership within the Plumbers, becoming one of their top agents, the one monitoring him and giving him his instructions being Magister Dikrome. After defeating a crystal Beast using Ultimate Necroid's spectral Wail, he receives a call from his superior from the plumbers telling him to stop some Incursions battle robots from doing any harm. Imad went into space with his ship "Meteor Flare" , defeated most of them and was ordered to destroy the remaining of them. However, he sensed a trap. Behind an asteroid, was waiting for him an Incursion Battleship, commanded By General Bloo-D who ordered the units to fire when ready. However, Imad detected the ship on his scanner and changed Course, alerting the Magister it was a trap. However, Dikrome told Imad that he had received a high prority order for him from Plumbers HQ .

A roboticized Prison Ship has been spotted in a nearby sector, on board of it are four dangerous criminals in cryostasis. However, the ship's malfunctioned ,is out of control and the cryogenic systems are down, which means the prisoners will soon wake up. Dikrome states the prisonners are criminally insane and will destroy everything on their path, including Earth. Imad's orders are for him to go to the ship and reactivate the Cryogenic containers. If however he is too late, he must resort to destroy the prison ship with the criminals. Imad found this too cruel, but the magister replies that he has no choice, and that a plumber must obey orders, to which Imad simply replies "Hmpf". The Incursions were able to relocate the "Meteor Flare". Incursion commader Dima- told Bloo-D that the protagonist is going on a rendez-vous point with what he called a "Guardian Drone ship" to which the general said: "So it's like that,monsters!?You want to reuse them!?" . Imad wore a space suit with a plumbers badge and enter the ship with a decoder. However, the prisonners woke up a short time after Imad's arrival, the lights went on by themselves revealing the 4 ogre-like, green-faced and cybernetically enhanced armored beings. Imad got ready to transform, but The one who appeared the leader of the pack saw Imad's plumber Badge and ordered the others to stop. He advanced towards Imad, knelt and said: "We're awaiting our orders,Plumber."

Imad was surprised by the fact that they didn't seem to hold a grudge against one of the plumbers, organization that imprisonned them. The alarm of the ship went off, showing that there's an Incursion fleet surrounding them. The criminals yelled angrily and took positions on the commands and firing the ship's weapons at the Enemy, blasting, destroying and severely damaging their robots and ships. Bloo-D thought that for a noble Hero, Imad doesn't fight with honor, but he will beat him this time. Dikrome ordered Imad to escape, despite Imad saying it's impossible due to the destruction out there. One of the prisonners reported to the leader that they're still outnumbered. The leader asked Imad for the permission to execute "Manoeuvre Epsilon Centaur", a move when they have no more chance of winning by normal means and nothing else to lose. Imad accepted under the pressure from the battle, but soon realized that it meant ramming the incursion ship at full speed. The reactors of the Incursion ship were damage as it fell, while some incursions evacuated . Both ships fell on an asteroid with breathable atmosphere. Imad and the criminals got out, and so did Bloo-D and a few incursion soldiers. Imad transformed into Ultimate Chthonian and began fighting, while his temporary allies used tesla coils, missile launchers, sharp blades and plasma cannons from their suits causing immense destruction. A soldier told Bloo-D to use his transport unit to get out, but instead, the general took an explosion ray cannon and aimed at Imad, taking the chance to rid himself once and for all of his nemesis. The prisonners' leader saw that and warned Imad who destroyed the general's weapon in time. The incurions fleed, but the Criminals' leader managed to capture Bloo-D, and tried to dispose of him once and for all by slitting his throat with his blade. However, Imad stopped him and asked him what took over him, to which the leader replied dumbfounded that Bloo-D is an incursion and must be eliminated. The Psychytrix wielder told the criminals that the battle is over and Bloo-D is their prisonner, and no one approaches him without permission, to which they replied "Yes Master." after Imad used energy handcuffs on the general.

Dikrome navigated the "Meteor Flare" to Imad via artificial intelligence. Imad told the magister that he doesn't know why are the prisonners acting like this, but that he agrees that they're insane monsters. Bloo-D grinned and said :"Yes...monsters just like the plumbers who created them." Imad was astonished by what he just heard. Bloo-D mentioned that these are called "Guardian Drones", and that the likes of them were created by plumbers and slaughtered thousands of innocent Incursions. Against his superrior's orders, Imad ordered his Ship's computer's AI to infiltrate and decrypt the plumbers' archive. Here was the result: "File 354/0R: Creation of Super soldier drones at stellar date 732,9 by milky way's top scientists specializing in genes,cloning,and cyborg technology.A process of Bio-Growth enabled to develop in little time a huge army to form a force capable of stopping the Incursion Empire's advance.However,scientists discovered a serious error of programing: Being apparently deprived of Emotions and being utterly devoted to stopping the Incursions,the Guardian-Drones destroyed everyone in their path without pity to achieve their mission,be it a civilian,a woman,a child or an embryo.After what happened at Kore Kimaire,the plumbers' counsel judged them too dangerous and uncontrolable,and ordered their elimination.The drones were repatriated and transformed back into primordial stew form,all except one group in deep in the galaxy,which Plumbers lost track of until today."

Dikrome told Imad how to complete the mission: Set the core of the Guardian Drones Ship on self-destruct to destroy the asteroid and the drones on it, while Imad will have gotten far with his Meteor Flare. However, Imad went furious and said he won't do the plumbers' dirty work. He realized that the plumbers had tricked him and invented the story of 4 dangerous criminals on the run to push him to defend Earth by all means, even killing them. Dikrome says that he can fill a protest form after completing the mission.Imad says he won't murder anyone, to which Dikrome replies those aren't even sentient beings. At this point, Imad wnt into a fit of rage and accused The plumbers of being non sentient and following orders like robots. He also says that just like these drones experienced anger rage and confusion, they can experience positive feelings. Dikrome replies a plumber has to obey orders at all costs. However, Imad refuses, declaring he 's not leaving anyone behind. In the mean time, while the drones were overhearing Imad, Bloo-D pressed a Beeping Device.

Commader Dima- received the beeper's signal and sent hords of Incurions to rescue his superior. Dikrome told Imad to stop Bloo-D from escaping for now. Imad used Ultimate Masquerade to fend off his enemies. But the Incursions came prepared with heavy artillery and shot the drones' leader in the back, severely hurting him. Imad went down to get the leader t safety, but in the meantime, Bloo-D was freed from his handcuffs. The leader of the drones ordered the others to restrain the general, to which Imad replied :"NO! Retreat to the ship!There's only one order i'll execute:get us all back home in one piece,No one gets left behind!", surprising the drones. Dikrome sent a robot to click on the ship's self destruct sequence, but the robot was blown to bits by Imad's blast on purpose, who said "you don't abandon your team mates,even when the odds are against you!". Bloo-D procured himself a lightsaber and went to destroy Imad, who heard a beep behind him. To his horror, when he turned, he saw the leader of the drones enabling the self-destruct sequence. The drone leader replied sadly that the destruction of the asteroid is their only option. Imad reverts to human and asks him if he's doing so just to destroy the Incursions and accomplish the mission they have been programmed with. To his surprise, the leader kneals his head to face him and replies: "No!To enable the only Plumber to ever treat us as his get back home." And for the first time, the drone leader smiled sincerely. The "Meteor Flare" arrived on top of Imad and enabled it's tractor Beam. Bloo-D jumped to deal to Imad the final blow with his sword, but a drone jumped on him, seized and immobilized him. Imad looked for the last time at the guardian drones and exchanged s

Imad 10 - Guardian Drone and Bloo-D

The only story in Imad 10 with a sad ending. Memorial of 2 characters who have perished in it: Incursion General Bloo-D and Guardian Drones leader.

ome last words with them with a tear in his eye, showing that both him and the drones consider each other friends now. Bloo-D roared Imad's name in frustration for the last time. Imad took off, but was sadder than could be said. The drones catched a last glimpse of the flying ship, and cried for the first time proving they had emotions. The Asteroid exploded, but nothing could be heard in space. Imad set his ship to take him to Plumbers' HQ.

Imad confronted the Plumber High counsel, accusing them of tricking him into murder. The counsel replies that those drones are only dangerous savages. Imad denies it, saying they saved his life. The plumbers said that they only did so to protect a plumber, which is something they are programmed to do. Furious, Imad says that :-"If what you were saying was true, then they would also be programmed to preserve other forms of life.But they didn't do so on Kore Kimaire beacause of your barbaric methods of making them blindly follow orders!". The counsel has had enough, and tells The Psychytrix wielder that they can never understand humans. He replies "No, you wouldn't". They also say that disobeying them like this again could result in him getting fired. However, those were Imad's last words to the counsel: -"You won't get that pleasure, cause I QUIT!Here,take back your badge,i'm out of here!" before throwing them back their badge and storming off.

Special Chapter 7: Seventh Menace[]

Seventh Menace is an extra special Chapter in Imad 10. It is the seventh Chronologically. It features the

Imad 10 - Sociopath Seven

The Sociopath Seven, A powerful legion of mastermind evil scientists.

Sociopath Seven. It happens after Chaos was defeated, and after the events of Duty's call directly.

Read about it here for now

Seven sinister persons are watching Imad through a spy camera defeating an energy monster (Which was revealed to be created by one of them as a part of their plan to weaken him) . Imad is then immediately called upon by Pearl to Cerebrax VII, where Bio-Tox, the bioloical weapons expert of the Seven is Commiting crimes to steal a piece of technology. Imad fails to stop him because of his weakened state, but is saved from death by Pearl before Bio-Tox swears revenge on Imad for seriously injuring him. Pearl takes Imad to the the medical center to help him recover faster from his injuries. While Imad is healing, he begins a conversation with Pearl, telling her that he misses seeing her because of his and her busy schedules and about how he left the Plumbers. Pearl reveals also to her friend a few secrets of her past, about how she was shunned by other kids back when she was little because of their jealousy of her superior intelligence, and how this affected negatively her love relationships later, with boys being intimated by her high intellect and breaking up with her. Imad tells her in return of his past and how he had to deal with jerks all the times, and tells her that whoever she'll end up with will be a very lucky man. Both of them deepen their bonds with each other.

However a call from Ringa Morr is heard from Xylene, Imad and Pearl (in a battle robot) go there to face Echo-Wave and Cryo-Flame, the latter injecting Imad with a poison from Bio-Tox. While the heroes gain an early upper hand, the poison starts to act and causes them defeat, Pearl tries to save Imad, only to make Echo-Wave angrier. However they were lucky as the two teleported away having stolen what they wanted. Pearl detects an unknown poison in Imad's body and goes with him on Galvan Prime to remove it.

On Galavan Prime, Azmuth orders Imad to protect the center of science, much to Pearl's disagreement because she puts Imad's safety first. However, Imad says that he has no choice but to help Azmuth so the latter would help him. They face Drain-Ergy, Cyber-Fiend and Ray-Wave, who despite losing at first, take advantage of the poison acting in Imad's body again to win. Pearl prevents Ray-Wave from killing Imad, just before the villains teleport away and Imad faints.

Imad wakes up in a bio tank in front of Azmuth, Xylene and Pearl, with Azmuth apologizing, because if Pearl and Xylene hadn't brought their friend here in time, especially at the rate his heart has been pumping the poison infected blood due to fighting, Imad would have died. The 4 determine that the Sociopath Seven are building a space-time machine, and they'll need a power source suitable for it found only on Galvan-B.

On Galvan-B, all Seven members of the villain league arrived, with Fallen-Star, their leader, wanting to become a god, making her way to the energy core, and Imad fighting off the others with Pearl and Xylene. After some encouragement from Pearl, Imad uses Ultimate Masquerade and is fully able to resist the power tmptation, and defeat the 6 villains.

However Imad is too late to stop Fallen-Star from gaining great power. He is forced to unlock a bigger part of his power and endure strong pain. When both are evenly matched, Pearl telepathically suggest to Imad a plan. Imad deliberately tells Fallen-Star that she can boost her power to win, the later quickly thinking of Cyber-Fiend. She blackmails Imad by threatning Pearl to reactivate his powers (Xylene had escaped just as Pearl told her) , and the latter improved the efficiency of the space-time machine. However, the machine explodes creating a space time anomaly, since as Pearl predicted, the component stolen from her planet wasn't perfect and couldn't handle too much efficiency, and will cause in cojunction with the energy core a rift. The rift was at the verge of destroying everything, but Imad got the Sociopath Seven to a Galvan High Security Prison and Pearl to saftey at her home by Warping at the given locations. He then created protection around himself, got into the rift and destroyed it before escaping through a stable rift of his creation.

Pearl invites Imad to rest at her house after this long adventure, and drops some sensual connotations. Imad feels happy to spend some alone quality time with his friend at last.

Chapter 8: Escaped Identity[]

This story happens 3 years after Imad has acquired the Psychytrix and defeated Chaos. He has became a galaxy-wide known Hero who used his ATD To save entire planets. His mastery over the Psychic alien Ultimate Masquerade had earned him the nickname of "Psychic Imad", as nothing compared to the tremendous abilities of this alien.

After defeating a rogue galavan called Zorc who was piloting a giant mecha (using a combination of Ultimate Needlemouse, Spectra, Cannonbolt and Chthonian), Imad tore open the mecha's chest and got ready to apprehend him. However, the insane villain set of a self destruct system which will not only destroy the mecha, but send a destructive negative wave energy that will anihilate everything within a lightyear in less than half a minute. Imad shifted to Ultimate Masquerade and slowed time down with his mind, and took off at full speed while carrying the mech. He threw it into an empty part of space, but just as he was heading back to Galvan Prime, his power ceased and time took back his regular flow, letting the mech explode and sending a negative energy burst that hit Imad, without apparently damaging him much. When Imad landed and tried to transform back to human, black lighning emerged from the Psychytrix and caused a feedback explosion. When Imad woke up in his human form, he found to his utmost Confusion his Ultimate Weapon standing in front of him his arms crossed and without a psychytrix symbol on his chest, saying he was finally free.

Imad asked the entity who he was, the latter replying he was the true Ultimate Masquerade, and that his name was Necros . Imad said that it was Impossible since he himself was that alien, the latter furiously saying back that he has nothing to do with him. He also says that he was always a prisoner having no control over his body, and that the only time he had ever had control but soon let it go was when Imad first transformed into him .He even accuses Imad of using him as a playtoy, saying he didn't want any of this heroics, and that he'll take his rightful place as the ruler of this universe now that he's free, a right granted to him by the so called fact that he's the most powerful being and the perfect creature. He reveals his insanity when he mentions he'll anihilate all those he think are worthless creatures and waste of space. Imad tried in vain to stop him as Colossal, only to be blasted back effortlessly by Necros. The latter said he may spare Imad and add him to his army, but soon

Escaped Identity 1

Ultimate Masquerade escapes from the Psychytrix with terrible god-like powers, and transforms Pearl into an evolved Psychysapien like him to be his queen.

departs to Cerebrax VII. Professor Paradox arrives and explains that Imad was lucky to be Ultimate Masquerade at the time he received the negative energy feedback, because that alien's strong mind prevented him from becoming insane. However, it entered the Psychytrix and corrupted The evolved alien's mind, and breaking the DNA seal, and since the DNA Strand was so powerful, Necros was able to escape, with his powers allready boosted by the ATD, so that in a million years only instead of a billion, he will become fully omnipotent. When asked by Imad what must he do , Paradox replies :"talking some sense into him and eliminating the darkness in his heart." He also told the dumbfounded Imad that Azmuth has invented with Pearl special gloves that allow one to connect his mind to another.However, he would have to weaken Necros before using them on him.

Meanwhile, Necros had landed on Cerebrax VII and has delivered his promises of power to the Psychysapiens, who because of his threats, sent their troops to bring him down. However, their weapons were of no use against him, and He caused terrible destruction and countless deaths, even going so far as claiming as he is authority itself and that he's a god who can't be beaten. However he stops when he hears a familiar voice saying "STOP IT!" . He turned around to see Pearl , who asks him a bit scared if he's Imad. He replies Angrily that he hates that person. When she took a few steps back, he told her not to be scared of him, that he treasures her and will share his power with her by making her his queen. Pearl protests saying she wants nothing to do with the likes of him. Angrily, Necros grabs her and says she'll change her mind when she has a taste of the power, and uses a special energy that turns Pearl into an evolved Psychysapien like him. Pearl acts like she loves the feel of her power and that she'll be with him. She knew it would be foolish to take him on now, as he had only granted her small mastery over her powers compared to his own.

Back on Earth, Imad spent all night trying to figure out a plan to beat Necros, in vain. When he fell asleep, Pearl contacted him through her telephatic powers and her mind which was tuned with his in his dream. She made him see what the New king of Cerebrax VII wanted to do with Earth. When Imad woke up, he found Paradox, and asked him for what should he do, as he isn't powerful enough to defeat Necros, but couldn't leave Pearl at his mercy. Paradox told him to be "true to yourself and your feelings". Imad didn't understand what he meant by that, but asked him to take him to Pearl's planet, which he did. Imad was guided by Pearl telephatically, and was surprised to see her as an evolved Psychysapien. However Necros arrived and scolded Pearl for being infidel to him, to which she replies she only wants to live in peace with others. Necros tries to eliminate them both, but Imad fights him with Ultimate Chthonian and Spectra to divert his attention from Pearl. However, when things seemed bad for Imad, instead of running away like Imad told her to, Pearl stayed and attacked Ultimate Masquerade so that he doesn't hurt him anymore. However, Necros felt nothing and easily struck down Pearl who screamed in great pain. However, Imad saw this and became enraged, Transforming into Ultimate Way Big and pummeling furiously his ennemy. However, the later was still undamaged and easily took care of him, destroying a few blocks of the city. Necros landed near Imad, who was seriously injured, and told that he's far more trouble than he's worth. When he asked him if he had any last words, Imad's life flashbacked as he accepted his seemingly inevitable doom. He saw finally Pearl's face, which touched him the most.He told Masquerade that since they were both one single being at one time, he should have some mercy for him and grant him a last request, to which the latter accepted a bit dumbfounded. Imad wished to speak to Pearl a final time before dying. Necros brought Pearl to him, and she was horrified to see her best friend in such a painful condition. Imad said

Escaped Identity 2

Imad couldn't defeat Necros. However, After Imad confesses his feelings to Pearl, a few unexpected events happen.

with difficulty it didn't matter, as soon it will be all over for him. Pearl refused to hear him say that, but despite that he asked her to forgive him for not being able to save everyone this time, despite giving it his best shot. Pearl cried and said that there was nothing to forgive, she hadn't forgotten all those times he saved everyone, especially her. She calls him her best friend, which to her surprise, Imad replies :"-"You're one of my closest friends too. Only...i just wish i could live a little longer for us to be more than that..." He told her he's been too scared to admit his feelings, but it was now or never, before bidding her farewell and using the remaining of his strength to give her a gentle kiss on the lips. Pearl was at first in a state of shock, but she closed her eyes and returned tenderly Imad's kiss back.

Necros knocked back Imad furiously saying Pearl is his and got ready to terminate him for good, only for Imad to shout at him that he's no longer the selfless hero Pearl admired, but a mad destroyer. Surprisingly, he fired his blast at the last second at a building, vaporizing it. Necros then said with a weak voice, while trembling :" me...i can't control myself!" Imad seized the opportunity and used the glove to connect his mind to Ultimate Masquerade's. Imad was transported inside his head, which ressembled the void of space with twinkling stars, galaxies and black holes. However, a bolt landed near him. Imad saw TWO ultimate Masquerades in front of him, one that i s chained and powerless, and the other rising above him, looking like a black version of the alien with red eyes. The black alien introduces himself as Necros, the true strong Ultimate Masquerade, and the chained alien as Neos, his brother, the so called weaker fake version of UM. He says that he chained him to limit his powers until he defenitely disposes of him. He also reveals that when Imad battled Xadim using Ultimate Masquerade, it was Neos who gave Imad back control of his body, and that he (Necros) and his brother Neos, were inside UM the whole time equal in power so that none overpowers truly the other, deciding of his moves, until Imad learned to shield his mind from them. However the negative energy from the mech's blast weakned Neos and strengthned Necros, allowing the later to drain the power from the first. He even claims :"Life is made of Power,and there are those who are too afraid to seize it,and those who dare harness it and control others with it,crushing any opposition.", while Imad replies that there is only good and evil, with some doing the right thing and others becoming dangers to all, accusing Necros of siding with the latter. However, Necros replies he sides with harmony, and that he will destroy everything in order to rebuild it better. He reminds Imad who said he'll stop him that he's got no Psychytrix here, and he can only use his mind and will power, which Imad says that's exactly what he intends to do.

A fierce battle engage, with Imad and Necros exchanging words as well as powerful blows (Imad created a sword and shield). In the middle of the battle, Necros asks him why Pearl chose Imad over him. When Imad accused Necros of having nothing to do with harmony and balance, making him furious and attack him with lethal accuracy. However, Imad wasable to convinve him of his idea by supporing it with the fact that Necros killed many Psychysapiens, enslaved his brother and was willing to kill the woman he said he loved. The shock was too much for Necros who began cracking. In a desperate attempt to take down Imad with him, the two finally fire at each other powerful beams, of darkness (Necros) and Light (Imad). While the first had the upper hand, Imad

Escaped Identity 3

The mental showdown between Necros and Imad.

remembered his friends who gave him imaginable power, allowing him to destroy Necros once and for all. Imad frees Neos, who thanks him and reveals that he and Necros are the 2 voices inside Ultimate Masqueride. Neos stands for good and righteousness, Necros for evil and wrongdoing. He shook Imad's hand which resulted in a flash of light. At that moment, in the real world, Imad's and Ultimate Masquerade's unconscious bodies fuse back as one. Imad wakes up in his alien form, and although Pearl is afraid at first, she sees a vision of her and Imad while looking in his eyes, recognizes her friend and cries tears of joy. When Imad reverts back to human, she hugged him tightly, which although surprised him, comforted him, and he returned the hug.

Imad and Pearl adress the Psychyspiens telling them Necros is no longer of this world, to which the people all hail Imad's name. Imad tells them that he couldn't have done it without his friends and his bonds with them, and calls for a minute of silence in respect of all those who died because of Necros. He also presents Pearl as a candidate for a new leader due to her many qualifying qualities for the job (Necros killed the leaders of Cerebrax), to which all Psychysapiens accept. Pearl declares there will be a party to celebrate the victory.

At the Party, Pearl guides Imad telepathically to a garden with a beautiful view , where she was sitting on a bench waiting for him. When he tried to talk, she put her finger over his lips,and told him it would be :"fun to open up our minds to each other tonight", and the two silently engaged a telepathic conversation. They talked about the beautiful scenery, and in a few words, Imad shifted to how much beautiful he found Pearl, much to her joy and blushing. He then said he knew why Pearl brought him. Pearl thought Imad's brighter than other humans, and asked him to remain with her on Cerebrax VII. When Imad told her he couldn't live nearly as a quarter a much as she could live (her being semi-immortal), Pearl told him he could transform into Ultimate Masquerade and live as much as her,that it was destiny and meant to be. Imad compliments Pearl on her persistence, but says he'd miss his friends on Earth, and his planet needs him.He states that no matter how true their love is, it's just not

Escaped Identity 4

Ending of another story

meant to be. Pearl shows sadness, and extends her hand seemingly to shake Imad's, saying it's how humans say good-bye. But when Imad grabed her hand, she pulled him towards her and engaged with him in a sounding kiss. The two let go of each other and compliment each other on their beauty, But Paradox interrupts the party, revealing he was spying on them all along, much to Imad's rage (However, he soon calmed down). Imad and Pearl gave each other flower blossoms as a token of their bonds and promise to see each other again (Imad said he might reconsider Pearl's offer, and Pearl said she might make a human body with her powers one day and live with him on Earth), before Paradox taking Imad home. The later was thinking about reconsidering one day his friend's proposition, but he was surprised when his Haran Friends were throwing him a party inside his tower. He said finally while partying that he has all the time in the world to think about it.

Chapter 9: Dark Path[]

Three years passed since Necros was beaten. Imad was meditating on a few thoughts on the top of his tower when the weather suddenly became unnaturally stormy, and Professor Paradox appeared with Pearl, the first being gravely injured. Imad was transported with them to an alternate dimension, where were also there Ben Tennyson and Zak Son (Zak 12). Paradox used his powers to make Imad and Zak remember each other despite their adventure having been erased. An alternate Jazzufa with a scar arrives to take care of Paradox who wants to explain the nature of the crisis to our four protagonists, but at this moment, Robots erupt with anti-tachyonic cannons (Weapons that are made to counter time travelers like Paradox). A battle ensues, with Pearl, Ultimate Griphon, Ultimate Wildmutt (Zak) and Rath (Ben) covering Jazzufa who was trying to get Paradox to a safe location. However, Paradox was captured, but before being teletransported, he tells Imad to "Go back to where you and Ben first met her!It's our only hope!" .

Pearl deduces that Paradox meant her, since Imad and Ben's first mission together was rescuing her. The heroes and heroine decide to go at the scientist building on Cerebrax VII. Ben and Zak turned into Jetray, and Imad into Ultimate Sonicwave. While traveling in groups of two, Pearl asks Imad what's bothering him. Imad, after failing to hide what's troubling him due to Pearl being one of his best friends and their minds being tuned, reveals that he doesn't know if they can win a fight against someone who was able to harm and capture a time warper like professor Paradox. Pearl tells him a small expression native from her homeplanet ("Even the darkest night can become like the brightest day,all you need is some hope,even one tiny ray") and gives her friend some hope, and they promise to always be there for each other. Then they arrive at destination (The planet was now an arid desert filled with ruins), and enter the global science laboratory. They find on the last level a female evolved Psychysapien glowing with a blue aura. She welcomes the group and reveals herself to be who Pearl might become in her distant future after mastering her powers for a billion years. The omnipotent Pearl cried a little when seeing Imad, saying she never thought she'd see him this way again, before explaining the crisis.Before,she told them: "You must first know that i'm a Pearl who can Exist in every dimension and universe due to me being a full reality warper,no matter what happened to my alternate selves in other worlds."

She explained that this dimension's Imad had to fight Necros like his counterpart, but feared he wasn't strong enough to do so. He worked on a backup plan: he hacked the Psychytrix and evolved a strand of Psychysapien DNA (He had one kept in his laboratory) and also one strand of his own human DNA into their ultimate forms, creating the "ultimate strand of DNA", a strand of evolved human-psychysapien DNA he dubbed the "Hybrid Form". It united the ultimate human's adaptability with the Ultimate Psychysapien reality warping powers, allowing him to instantly attain reality bending powers while in this form. However, he decided to only use it as a last resort. His friends knew he was up to something. That's why ,during the destructive battle between alternate Imad and Necros, his friends teleported there and tried to help him with Alternate Pearl. However, Necros simply killed them all (except Jazzufa, who was still badly injured) . Imad was enraged and activating the failsafe, transforming into the Hybrid Form, his most powerful form yet. Though he could have instantly won, he took pleasure into torturing Necros before giving him a painful death. Jazzufa tried to talk back some sense into his old friend, but the latter said that Imad is dead, and he's now DAMI, or DARK IMAD. He began his reign of destruction on many planets from here on. The immense power of the Hybrid form and Imad's inner darkness and desire for revenge had corrupted his mind, to the point he laughs maniacally when he remembers his friends' deaths. Omnipotent Pearl and Paradox tried to go back in time to fix this, but Dark Imad had already barricaded the past of this timeline so it couldn't be traveled to and changed. He also created machines that were deadly against Paradox (Anti-Tachyonic cannons) . Present Pearl asked her future self why couldn't she repare everyting with her reality warping powers, to which the latter replied that despite her and Dami being Equal in power, the latter has human adaptability, which makes his powers grow stronger as they clash with Pearl's, who had made a shield to prevent her enemy from accessing other dimensions, but Dami is drilling through that shield, which will fall sooner or later. Omnipotent Pearl finally reveals that she's using all her powers "to maintain that shield and to prevent him from erasing beings and destroying them just with the thought of it", and also to hide herself from him, although she can't keep it up much longer. Imad, after regaining some hope by remembering the proverb Pearl told him, asked Omnipotent Pearl what would happen if two fully grown evolved Psychysapiens combine their powers. Surprised, she replied :"The Hybrid form is part evolved Psychysapien,so the rules of reality warping power are cumulative.Two warpers of a species combined are more powerful than only one.But Dami is growing stronger by the moment,and there can ony be one fully evolved psychysapien individually in existence.However,apart from Dami,Ultimate Masquerade and and I are the only evolved Psychysapiens in existence,and it would take at least a million years for you to become a reality warper." She also answered another question, saying she can't use her powers for something as big as accelerating time for Imad as Ultimate Masquerade so that he becomes a reality bender. (Imad hoped that if she done so, they'd combine their powers against Dami's). He asked Ben and Zak if they have time warping aliens they have fully mastered their control, but the answer was no. So, Imad decides to bust Paradox out with the help of his teammates.

the team proccur themselves a stealth ship and go the other day above Dami's fortress on galvan Prime, with the following plan in mind: One team will rescue Paradox and the other will stall for time against Dark Imad. However, Pearl, Ben, and Zak Disagree with Imad who said he will face his evil self by himself since he's the only one tough enough for that. Under the pressure, Imad admits he's afraid of losing his friends and becomning a monster like Dark Imad, with Pearl reassuring him that will never happen, and saying she'll go with him. Imad and Pearl break the castle (Imad as Ultimate Hydro-shell) and fight a few robots, while Zak and Ben, respectively as Ultimate Swampfire and Diamondhead, break into another part to rescue Professor Paraodx. However, Dami soon arrives in front of Pearl and Imad, knowing who the latter is thanks to telepathy. Dami used Darkness blasts to blast Imad to the other side of the room, (Even Ultimate Hydro-Shell's shell wasn't tough enough to eliminate the pain). Pearl tried in vain to harm Dami, only to suffer the same fate. Imad charged Enraged at his other self,only for the latter to outflank him, grab him by the head and squeeze it till it cracks, making Imad roar in immense

Imad 10 Dark Path BG

Imad and Pearl face their worst Enemy in the entire series, tied with the Naljians and the last villain to appear: DAMI, aka DARK IMAD.

pain.(Dami and Imad exchanged views about wether Imad's friends are his biggest weakness or strength) Imad shifted To ultimate Gravitron and used his Gravity control to inflict some damage on his nemesis, however, when Dami's helmet cracked, it revealed Imad's face with Ultimate Masquerade's Features. Dami tried to convince Imad to join him and become like him, only for the latter to refuse and tell Pearl to get out and get his friends, before creating a black hole to destroy Dark Imad. However, destructive demon absorbed it and redirected it as Darkness lightning at Ultimate Gravitron, whose armor cracked. He then stepped on him, ready to finish him. Imad saw flashbacks of his life,but Pearl's scream interrupted Dami, as she bursted in and used her full power on him in an attempt to stop him from harming her friend. However, the demon felt nothing and severrly hurt Pearl and threw her on the wall. Imad was enraged and transformed into Ultimate Chronos and showered his enemy with explosive time blasts. He then shifts to human goes to an unconscious Pearl, begging her not to die and leave him alone, even confessing his love for her explicitely. Pearl wakes up saying she told him hw would never become a monster thanks to his immense care towards his friends, and kissed him. Dami gets back on his feet, but at this moment, Zak, Ben and Paradox arrive. Imad transforms into Ultimate Chronos and shoots a blast that misses Dami, but he reveals it was intended for the last anti-tachyonic device in the room. Paradox accelerates time for Imad as Ultimate Masquerade, who becomes a reality warper. Omnipotent Pearl arrives and combines her powers with Imad to drain Dark Imad's powers and travel back in time. Imad and Omnipotent Pearl arrive in the "I CORP" tower, during the day the Hybrid Form was created. Imad uses his new powers to appear human and goes to talk some sense to his alternate self. Imad is able to make him admit his fears and reassures him that he is in fact stonger than he thinks and has friends, giving him back faith. Alter that, alternate Imad destroys the Hybrid DNA strand and erases the computer files about it. Imad returns with Omnipotent Pearl to the present that has been restored to peace, since Dark Imad had never existed. Imad invites everyone to a party in his tower. During the Party, Pearl and her future self talk a little on top of the tower. The latter tells her that she roams the universe free, however she feels lonely. However, she tells her it might not always be like this, for she is who Pearl might become, and if the present changes, so will the future. Pearl says she might be ready to accept changes as part of her life. Her future self answers her a question, saying that she knows deep down the truth, before leaving her and telling her to transmit to Imad her appreciations. Imad arrived asking where Omnipotent Pearl has gone, before sitting near Pearl and talking with her. They exchanged a few secrets and answers, before Pearl asking her friend if he reconsidered her proposition 3 years ago. Imad answered that despite him not willing to give up on his human self, which is part of him, he couldn't live without her, which made him propose to her in marriage, much to Pearl's joy, who expressed her happiness through a passionate kiss. The new couple agreed to go one month on Earth and one on Cerebrax VII consecutively, so they could always be there for their people. Pearl asked Imad to plan the wedding in 2 days, since telephatically, she can sense that they truly love one another and wouldn't

Imad 10 Wedding BG

The wedding

regret a marriage. Imad said that Pearl might be Crazy and he might be Crazier, but he's enjoying every second of it, and accepted. Two days later, Imad were wedd together by Jazzufa, with Paradox being the Best man, Pearl's cousin ruby the flowerfirl, Imad's cousin Salbador Mecanico the ringbearer, and Zak and Ben among the guests, which included aliens and humans alike. Paradox gave Pearl a temporal vision orb as a wedding present, a sphere allowing one to view past and present events. Azmuth gave Imad a list of new aliens for his psychytrix, but more importantly, Omnipotent Pearl appeared and gave Imad the ability to gain the powers of Ultimate Masquerade and his lifespan throgh his human form, for a more successful couple life wit


A happy Family.

h Pearl.

100 years later, It is revealed that Imad and Pearl were blessed with two children (Twins), a daughter called Jennifer (Jenny) ,a sweet young girl that incarnates Innocence, and Daniel (Dan or Danny) a fun-loving troublemaker who likes to mess around with everybody. Both those kids (Daniel is a few minutes older than his sister) had powers and were about 7 years old in human years.

Chapter 10: Future View[]

"(This is a small epilogue of what happened after Dark Imad was defeated) After making sure that Imad's alternate self never chose the wrong path and thus created Dami aka Dark Imad, Imad and the gang went to party in Imad's tower. There,after a small conversation with her future self,Pearl brought back the proposition she made to Imad three years ago.Only this time,Imad had the courage to declare his full love to her and felt ready to ask her in marriage,to which Pearl gladly agreed with all her heart. The wedding took place in 2 days,and Imad was offered by Future Pearl the power to gain the abilities and lifespan of an evolved Psycysapien. Imad and Pearl lived happily for hundreds of years,since evolved Psychysapiens are practically immortal,and were blessed with two adorable twins: Danniel,the older twin,who was reckless,fun loving and enthusiastic,as well as trouble maker;and

Imad 10 - Future

Epilogue Chapter: 1 part

Jennifer,the younger twin,who was the definition itself of innocence,sweetness and the ability to love without excpecting anything in return.However,Many Eons later, A great Peril menaced Imad's world. Rogue Naljians from another plane of existence invaded their universe,and with their incredibly strong reality warping powers,wanted to claim this world as their own. This is when a new character made his appearance: Kronin, the Grandmaster of all Time. Kronin was,to be simple,the spiritual entity that embodies and controls time in this world.He was omniscient,knowing everything that was,is,will or even might be. He watched over the universe from his fortress which was immune to all alternate timelines and time paradoxes,as one watches a parade from above,granting him a full view of everything. He was excpecting for the Naljians to come,so he went to the only Person he knew was capable of stopping their rampage:Imad. He informed him of the invasion,and told him of a way to evolve his Human Dna with the Psychytrix while shielding his mind with his warping powers from insanity. Therefor, he would gain adaptability making his powers even stronger than the ones of the Naljians. Imad did as Kronin told him,and was able to become strong enough to exile the Naljians to Oblivion. Imad was grateful for Kronin's help,and asked him to remain by his side as his close advisor,giving him advice about when and how to warp reality for the good of all. Kronin Gladly accepted,knowing he'll be doing the universe he serves a great favor by forming another omnipotent and omniscient Hero to protect it."

Chapter 11: Young Corruption[]

It was Daniel and Jenifer's birthday on Cerebrax VII, they became teenagers. Their Parents Imad and Pearl invite a few of their friends to celbrate. Jennifer wishes to go with Azmuth learn a few things on galvan Prime, while Danny wishes to fight evil with his father. Azmuth knew this would come and created an ultimatrix for Daniel. However, during his first attempt at taking down a monster with his parents, Danny was knocked out cold and injured, which made his parents rush him to an hospital. He suffered for weeks of a coma, which made Imad go back in time to forbidd his son from using his Ultimatrix until the time is right, despite Kronin's warnings not to tamper with time and to believe in his son's abilitie. When Imad gets back to the present, He sees desolate ruins instead of the buildings, and fights off a few robots before meeting Azmuth and Jenny. Azmuth reveals that they saw what happened in the temporal vision orb: Danny went despite his father forbidding him to defeat a monster, a chemical plant exploded with him near it, which only affected Danny's human DNA, turning him into a younger version of Dark Imad, In powers and in mind (The power corrupted his mind too). He took his parents offguard and killed them both by draining their life force,killed Paradox and made accessing the past of this timeline impossible with his powers .However, the young man remained in this form for longer than his father remained in his ultimate human form, and thus acquired higher mastery over his powers. Just was Imad was about to give up, a he heard someone's voice (Kronin's voice) inside his head, giving him back hope. The next day, they attacked the citadel. Imad used his Ultimate Human form's power with his acquired ability of accessing Ultimate Masquerade's reality warping powers (Omnipotent Pearl's gift) to make his son vulnerable to Azmuth's weapons, but out of nowhere, appears a Kronin-lookalike who blasted Imad away. He introduces himself as Temporalis, Kronin's twin brother, whose purpose is causing destruction and chaos in the timelines: He made the chemical plant blow up and affect Dany this way. Imad tried to stop him, but, Temporalis disappeared, reappeared behind him and used his control over time to repeatedly knock Imad against the floor. He says:"You see,reality

Imad 10 Young Corruption

Final Clah

warper,Pure Cosmic Time warpers are omniscient.They know everything that was,is,will and might be.You can never surprise them if you haven't mastered warping reality". He transformed his staff into a scythe to kill Imad, But Kronin appeared and hit him, saying he wouldn't abandon an old friend in need. He told Imad to use his son's own power against him, before following his fleeing brother into a time portal. Imad transformed into Ultimate Necroid and posessed his son, having control of his actions and making him shut down his own powers by himself. Imad reverted to human after letting his son go. Danny, still insane, tried to attack his father, but the later punched him saying that sadly, there was no other way.He then travels back in time to the day he changed history, and found Temporalis fighting with a scythe Kronin who was using a sword. Imad used his human ultimate form to stop time (Temporalis and Kronin weren't frozen, as they exist outside of time), and tried to eliminate Temporalis, only to be told by Kronin that Temporalis' existence is essential for the fabric of space time, which made Imad banish him to Oblivion. Kronin tells Imad to repair his mistake and just trust him and his son, which Imad does before returning to the present. The H. family was visiting Daniel, and Imad spoke to his unconscious son a few touching words hoping he could hear them. Amazingly, Dany woke up at last and was greeted by heart warming hugs from all the family. A month later, after getting out of the Hospital, Danny helps his parents defeat his first monster, much to the joy of the people and the whole family. Since Danny never went Evil, Paradox was never killed.

Special Chapter 12: Comrades in Arms[]

Imad, Pearl, Jenny and Danny were having a Pick Nick on Earth, but they sensed a wave of energy heading towards them. Imad and Pearl protected themselves and their children with their shields, but every other human being on Earth was turned into an Esoterica, albeit with a different color scheme. Imad and Pearl tried to Battle them, but there was too much, but they were soon joined and lended a hand by a few old friends (Ben Tennyson, Xadim and Zak Son) and a newcomer to their world who happens to be one of Zak's friends, John 10. After the enemy fleed, Paradox arrived with 5 Azmuths coming from different dimensions, and explained what had happened.

Imad 10 Excalibur

Inspired of the episode the Ultimate Enemy

An extradimensional demonic spirit from a higher plane named Fuze plans to invade this universe. He fused with the traces of Chaos' life force and with Diagon's power which he absorbed directly from Ascalon and became an almost omnipotent being, who rivals or even exceeds Ultimate Masquerade in terms of reality warping, and has incredible Omnipotence adaptability like Imad, making him more than a match for him alone. For that, Paradox reunited 5 Heroes and convinvced the multiple Azmuths to let them wield their Universe bending Swords, which were used to protect 4 heroes from the Esoterica morphing Wave. Each Hero took a Sword, and activated it by giving it a name (Ben called his sword by the name Ascalon, Zak called it Vulcain, John Helios, Xadim Athlantal, and Imad called his Excalibur.) However, Excalibur responded to Imad better than the others by giving him a shield too, which was explained by Paradox that the sword, which possesed a degree of intelligence, recognized Imad's age (more than half a millenia) . Fuze appeared in his form fused with Chaos and Diagon, and informed the heroes that in this universe, they're the only remaining survivors of the wave. The knights bravely charged at him and tapped in the Universe's force to destroy the beast (Imad used mostly light, John fire and lightning, Zak Wind, Xadim Earth and Ben water) but to no avail. Ben tried to seal fuze within Ascalon just as he did with Diagon, but it was revealed that Fuze can negate the weaknesses of those he absorbs, before letting a giant meteor fall from the skies to destroy our heroes. The ATD wielders used the elements , and were helped by Pearl, Danny and Jenny who decided to stay at Imad's side, to lessen the impact, that was still strong enough to knock them out.

When they woke up, Pearl suggested uniting their powers in a single being to defeat Fuze, But Xadim warned that the one who receives that much power will be consumed by it. However, Imad convinced the others to let him use that power, because since he'll shift to his ultimate Human form, is fused with Ultimate Masquerade's powers and is over half a millenia old, he should be able to hold on long enough to destroy Fuze. The others, at first unwilling to do so, agreed, and fuzed their swords' energy within Excalibur, creating a being whose powers could not be described, known as Divine Knight Imad.

Imad 10 Divine Knight Imad

A form originating from the fusion of multi-dimensional powers while in a special Ultimate Human Form. Most powerful form to appear in Imad 10, though not an alien form

Imad used all his powers to deflect Fuze's beams, fly in the air and deflect all attacks from the demon. He noticed his weak point: A red Jewel on the monster's belly, which was in fact the soul stone in which Fuze resided and controlled the beast from. He fired a divine rainbow beam at the jewel which shattered, making the beast desintegrate and letting the spirit form of Fuze escape. Imad teleported and struck the demon with his divine blade, killing it.

However, when he landed back and his friends and family came to congratulate him, Imad declared himself the new master of the universe, and even a god. Xadim told him that it wasn't him talking and to snap out of it, and asked him if he thinks his friends would want him to become a power Hungry megalomaniac. Imad reminds Xadim that he himself used to be like that and has no right to judge him. Xadim responded that what he did was wrong, and that Imad showed him how friends look at each other. He reminds him of the unnamed girl Imad used to harbor feelings towards, which made Imad's eyes go back to normal for a split second, before he sadly declared that "What's done is done, it doesn't matter anymore" meaning that eventhough he still cares about that girl, he learned to live without her and is willing to accept his new status as an omnipotent being and make his friends proud. However, Pearl came forward and talked to him. She told him she knows she isn't the first woman Imad layed eyes on, but knows that any of Imad's friends wouln't want for him to become mad with power. Imad replied that he could make the Universe a better place, but Pearl says that though his intentions are good, he shouldn't force his ways on everyone. Besides, her world is already perfect, with a husband and two kids she all loves, and she finished by saying that they're all proud of Imad because of him having a pure and noble heart. Her husband, touched by that, used the sword to revert back all damage done by Fuze before beraking the fusion between the swords and reverting to his normal self. He declares that he will fight evil with his own abilities without wiping out free will, before thanking Xadim telling him his debt towards Imad is repaid, and thanking Pearl stating he could never wish for someone else, and sharing a kiss with her. Paradox arrives and tells Imad how proud they all are and that his struggles are over at last. Imad teases Paradox by guessing that Kronin is his master. Paradox leaves the friends to catch up on old times, and for Imad to make acquaintance of John.

Special Chapter 13: Ending: Final Destiny[]

Danny grew up to be an elite plumber who rose to the rank of magister,and used both his training and the Ultimatrix to save entire worlds.As for Jennifer,she became one of the genius head scientists of Cerebrax VII and shared some technology with her other homeworld Earth. Paradox was never killed since the events of the story never occured. As for the happy couple,here is the story: Imad and Pearl lived happily together for billions of years,and they could have extended their lifespans with their reality warping powers to become immortal.Kronin offered our 2 heroes the chance of becoming immortal cosmic beings like himself,who would do their best to try and preserve time and space,he offered them to become omniscient.However,both Imad and Pearl declined the offer,saying that they have accomplished everything they could have ever imagined in their lifes: They found friends,adventure and true love:in other words,they found each other,and they were blessed with 2 children from the heavens above.They said that it's not a matter of how long you live,but how you live that matters,saying also that nothing could make them any happier than they were.Kronin,smiled and told them that he was proud of them,for they have learned everything important there is to learn,and that accepting their fates is the sign of ultimate wisdom and modesty. Imad and Pearl said farewell to all their friends and family before sharing a final


Imad and Pearl as 2 angels

passionate kiss and fading away from this universe and moving on to a higher plane.

Jennifer and Daniel

Jennifer and Daniel all grown-up

Imad and Pearl ascend to a higher plane, one becoming an angel of justice, the other an angel of light and love.

Jennifer "Jenny" H. Became an upstart responsible young woman and followed her mother's (Pearl) footsteps as a head scientist on Cerebrax VII and provided Earth with some tech.
Daniel "Danny" H. : Even though he remained a trouble maker, Daniel acquired maturity and responsibility from experience and became a high ranking magister within the plumbers. His father told him that he had a bad experience with the plumbers, but reminded him that Plumbers are still Peacekeepers and the choice of joining them was Daniel's to make.

CROSSOVER FINALE: Harmony's Resonance[]

The Story starts in Imad 10's Universe, in Kronin's time fortress, where the master of time is foreseeing events about to happen. He forsees the rise of a terrible beast about to devoure this world and even the multiverse. He decides it is time to act and attempts to become one with the timestream to know what must he do to prevent this catastrophe.

Emptiness beast

Melchydion, the deity of emptiness, Freed from its captivity by The Ignoble One.

Harmony Deity

Aetheridis, the deity of Harmony.

We are then transported to HaraTropolis in the same world, where Imad, Pearl, and the 3 kids Jenny, Daniel, and Ruby ( Pearl's little cousin, who affectionally views her cousin as an aunt) are there on a small visit. Imad and Pearl reflect on their times together, before Imad asks permission from his wife to go do something. He goes to a flower store and gets blackish roses, and then goes to the a certain part of the city's graveyard, where lies the tombs of his longly deceased Haran Friends ( Imad 10 was blessed with semi-immortality to live with Pearl and his children, but his Haran Friends were still mortal humans in the end ), along with a statue Imad had erected in honor of them and his memories with them. Imad says a few words to his friends in the afterlife thanking them for being with him all that time, but eaten by sadness and despair of having watched all of them die, before doing them a salute an wishing they were still there. Ruby shows some concern for Imad's sad looking face, and Pearl with her mental connection to Imad, feels and shares his pain and offers him some comfort. At that moment, everything around the family froze, and Kronin appeared, telling Imad that he needs to partner up with his alternate self, and angel reincarnation to stop an ancient and terrible threat, before opening a portal to them.

We shift to Hara Chronicles' world, where we get a brief introduction on this world's Imad's angel origins and different personal growth, where he embodied chaos more than order, unlike his Omnitrix counterpart. We see his and Pearl's house where were studying their two twin children, Helios and Luna, and  also Pearl's cousin Ruby, about the effects of Toonite. However, Kronin's portal opens in this room and Kronin introduce himself to an alarmed family, and then comes in the Omniverse version of the Hars Family. However, Both versions of Imad, having some polar opposites way, clash and fight after an argument (Imad 10 uses Ultimate Necroid ) (whose main cause was Imad 10 accusing Imad of knowing nothing about his pain, and resorting to turn Jazzuffa and Electronico Immortals selfishly just to keep him company ), only to be stopped by their indignated wifes, who reprimandated them on acting like savages in front of their terrified families. Ashamed, both Imads calm down and appologize to each other, allowing Kronin to explain the Crisis. He tells Imad 10 first about the time Hara Chronicles' Pearl, Jazzuffa and Electronico with the help of the Seraphim Varion forced the Ignoble one ( Religions know him as the Devil ) to make a pact stating he'ss never attack Heavens again, or else his soul will be sent to the netherworld.

However, out of pure hatred and Anger for Imad and his family and friends, who denied him the chance of ruling everything, The devil tributed his own soul to break the seal keeping Melchydion in stais (Melchydion was a supernatural deity of Nothingness whose original purpose was to consume the corrupted Fabric of Reality so that his equal, the deity of Harmony Aetheridis, could recreate what was destroyed in a more perfect form. However, at one point of time, Melchydion went rogue and uncontrolable, forcing Aetheridis to seal both himself and the beast for all eternity in stasis crystals, as it was the only way to stop the beast ). Kronin states that they will need Jazzuffa and Electronico to provide a distraction long enough for the heroes to enter with him a pocket dimension, but mentioned much to the horror of everyone that their souls will inevitably be devoured by the Beast. Furious, Imad 10 insults Kronin for his cold attitude and asks his alternate self to help him defeat the beast. Chronicles Imad agrees, and asks Kronin to take their families somewhere safe, as the beast is multi-dimensional and cannot be escaped from in any regular dimension.

Imad 10 reunites with the alternate version of his old friend Jazzuffa, who at first mistakes for a robotic hornet Ultimate Sonicwave, then Electronico and Seraphim Imad join them in the "J CORP" Tower, which is then attacked by the gigantic Beast Melchydion. Imad 10 tries to stomp and squash the monster using Ultimate Way Big, only for the immensly powerful deity to grab him and crush him on the nearby buildings. As Melchydion tries to stab and kill Imad 10, only for Jazzuffa to slice the stinger with a homing Death Slash blast from his scythe. However, Ultimate Way big is splattered by The beast's acidic blood, causing him pain, and the beast merely regenerates his stinger. All as one, under Prime Imad's command, our friends unleasahed deadly attacks ( Jazzuffa created Death Thunder, Electronico caused the earth to crack and flames of hell engulf the Beast, Imad 10 used a black hole created by his alien form Ultimate Gravitron, while Angel Imad summoned his armor from Heavens and tapped into the Milky Way's essence to execute a devastating celestial attack and cause meteorites to rain on the beast.

However, Melchydion not only manged to get out of this beating unscratched, but he also SWALLOWED Gravitron's black hole. He then, much to the horror of both Imads, to grab Jazzuffa and Electronico and begin draining their souls. Pushed to the limits of his patience by seeing his loved ones on the verge of Death, Imad 10 transformed into his most powerful alien, the god-like Ultimate Masquerade and tried to Erase the beast from existence. While it seemed working at first, the beast proved to be immune to these powers. Desperate, Imad 10 unlocked his full power at the price of unimaginable pain and tried the deed again. However, due to his anger and emotional overload, his very hatred and rage began causing reality to collapse and crumble. Kronin intervened in time and reverted Imad 10 to human mode. before transporting both remaining heroes to the pocket dimension.

The hars families were shocked to know that Jazzuffa and Electronico met their demise, and Imad 10 started punching the ground with his bleeding knuckles, blaming himself for what happened, only to be healed by Kronin, who reminded him of his mission. As both Imads accused him of being selfish and not caring, This is what Kronin replied:

–“Do not talk to me that way, human. I always do things for the greater good, without my numerous interventions, the world would have been lifeless since many eons ago, and it would have remained that way. You might have lost a few friends, but I have lost billions, if not zillions of friends and allies. All of them are good and gone. But if you’re both too selfish to only think about yourselves and your own pain, than your friends sacrifice would have been for nothing, and would have only been the first in the countless deaths to occur next.”

Both Imads felt a bit embarassed and regretted what they said, before letting Kronin guide them to a place, where where crystal debris and a giant crystal with 2 orbs in it, one of light and one of darkness. Kronin explains that these orbs are the embodiment of Aetheridis' powers, 2 equal opposite forces. However, he touched the crystal with his scepter, causing it to crumble to dust and the two orbs inside it to fuse into a lifeless grey sphere.

The time master explains that the devil used the remaining souls in hell to bombard the embodiment of Harmony in stasis, rendering it too weak to awaken by itself. He explains then his plan: Imad 10 will use the Psychytrix to copy Aetheridis' DNA, while he will awaken with his powers Chronciles' Imad dormant power ( Both Imads posessed High adaptabilty and unlimited potential, But Angel Imad had an advanced ability to copy powers) so that he can use the DNA sphere acquire the deity's power too. Both heroes received Aetheridis' powers, and they were confronted almost immediately by the deity of Emptiness, Melchydion.

However, upon using their new powers, something unexplainable happened: Imad 10 transformed into a being of pure light, and Angel Imad into one of pure darkness. Both had inherited only one side each of Aetheridis' power, and only an immensly minuscule fraction of it, which proved useless against Melchydion. As Kronin tried to evacuate Imad's families, he was stabbed by Melchydion's stinger, cusing him great damage from void energy. A voice coming from Melchydion claimed nothing will stop its revenge. Kronin finally realizes what was happening, as the face of the Ignoble One materialized on Melchydion's medallion. The devil claimed that he was immortal and couldn't die even if he tributed his soul, and that his hatred for the mortals was so strong it allowed him to fuse with Melchydion and control it. He even confirms Kronin's guess that he was the one who caused the beast to become uncontrolable in the past due to his hatred of Zetaion, Prime Imad's past seraphim self, who loved all living things.

The two Imads tried one last time to stop the devil, but they were knocked back and would have been killed had it not been for Kronin, who used his remaining powers to create a forcefield that protected them all, along with their families. Both Imads admit that they have lost for good, only for Kronin to tell them they're both wrong, as he was sure of what he saw in his vision, and that both of them defy the impossible and will save everyone.

Both Pearls reveal to their husbands of a recurring dream they've been having, about two opposite forces colliding and destroying, before finally fusing with each other. They knew that these were no ordinary dreams, and that in order to win, Both Imads must accept each other and learn from each other's differences. Both Imads have a small talk in which they acknowledge both their potentials and nature, and joined hands.

In a great show of light, the heroes fused as one and awakned the spirit of Aetheridis dormant inside them, giving him his original body as a vessel. The deity of harmony easily defeats the corrupted Melchydion, and when the devil tries taking his soul, he reverses the effect, separating the Ignoble One's soul  from the original melchydion and sending it for an eternity in the netherworld. He healed the purified Melchydion who released all the wrongfully captured souls, and he then sent a healing wave all over the multiverse, restoring everyting to normal.

Aetheridis exchanged a few words with Kronin before apparently splitting in two copies, which Kronin explained are the two Imads, now capable of using this form. After reverting to human, both Imads shared one big group hug with both their families at once. Imad 10 is granted a request by Imad 10: he let him meet the alternate selves of his deceased friends beofre going home, which greatly relieved him, beofre finally leaving.

The story ends in a night in Hara Chronicles' world, where Pearl teases lovingly Imad who responds to her with a loving kiss.

Chapter 14: Seven's Sentence[]

Imad 10: Seven's Sentence is a chapter of Imad 10, coming after Imad 10: Seventh Menace . The story tells about the origins and secrets behind the dreaded Sociopath Seven, who return to their plan of enslaving everyone under the guidance of the Mysterious Helen Kaslin.

The Seven are freed form their prison by a teleporting mysterious being with technology advanced enough to crack galvan codes, from a prison in which teleportation doesnt work. The Seven are then introduced by Bio-Tox to their mysterious rescuer, Helen Kaslin, a silver haired young beuaty with waist-long hair, slender body and ravishing face, who happens to be Bio-Tox's old girlfriend, and knows a lot about the Seven, including their secret identities. She successfully tempts the seven in carrying on her plan to take over the universe: Using their stolen technology and a few other components, they will build planet destroying anti-matter bombs and replicate them with a cloning device, and scare any planet into submission. While Echo-Wave, Ray-Wave and Cryo-Flame are suspicious of their new ally, the remaining of the seven agree on letting Helen inside their team. Helen references her ultimate goal as "we will all be one together."

Imad was on Earth playing with Ruby who had come to visit him with Pearl, Magister Dikrome, who was Imad's mentor from the plumbers before Imad resigned, warns them that the Sevem have escaped by unknown means, and they might be seeking revenge. After securing Ruby back at her home, Imad and Pearl do a little ressearch about the Seven's Past. While very little info could be provided, they both came to the conclusion that the Terrorist organization "The Void", a dangerous group that was dismantled a year after the same time all traces of seven scientists, whose identities have been censtored, have disappeared, are the ones who kidnapped the seven and forced them to do these dangerous experiences.

In a parallel dimension, that of Imad's alternate self Xadim, Cryo-Flame and Fallen-Star were attacking the Galvan ressearch center, and Azmuth had called in Xadim and his girlfriend Moon-Lee to help him fight the mysterious aggressors. Xadim and Moon-Lee used a combination of Spells, Mana and the alien form Hydro-Shell, the hoeroes gained an advantage over the villains. However, the 2 criminals used the power bracelets given to them by Helen for this mission to amplify their powers to a whole new level and use new abilities which proved too much for Moon-Lee and Xadim (as Ultimate Necroid), and were able to knock them out and give them serious injuries, allowing the 2 criminals to escape with a strange device.

In another parallel dimension, where the ATD hero is a young man name Jhon Kai Knight, the hero has been summoned by his version of Azmuth to stop 2 other criminals, Cyber-Fiend and Drain-Ergy from stealing a similar component, and while John used masterfully his alien Firecracker and then his Ultimate form to counter Cyber-Fiend's Techadon regenerating machinery and body, The power bracelet allowed Cyber-Fiend to regenerate entirely from scrap. John utilized his alien Feedback to drain the power out of Cyber-Fiend successfully. When he attmpted to Absorb the excess energy out of Drain-Ergy, Using his power bracelet, the criminal transformed into pure energy and somehow electroshocked John from the inside, before exiting him, grabbing the device and reenergizing his friend to get away.

Bio-Tox, Ray-Wave and Echo-Wave attacked their own version of Galvan Prime, and Imad was teleported there by Azmuth to stop them (Pearl was in the area near Imad and got teleported too). Imad used Ultimate Photon to send Ray-Wave's Lasers back at her, and envelopped Echo-Wave with Ultimate Morpho's Gelatinous body, knowing that any sonic attack will be sent back at Echo-Wave in this state. However, using her power bracelet, Echo-Wave produced a specil and destructive sonic explosion which knocked off Imad, and using her new abilities, Ray-Wave sent radioactive energy which Electrocuted Ultimate Photon when he abosrbed them. The 2 women decided to maliciously "have a little fun" with the hero, since Bio-Tox ordered them to keep him alive for him, But at this time, Pearl entered the Battlefield, using a Proto-Tool to wrap Echo-Wave with electromagnetic Bolas, and power redirecting Patches on Ray-Wave. Having been informed about the Psychysapien's insecurity deep down, they provoked Pearl into rage by insulting her and Imad, by calling them failures and reminding Pearl of her dark past. Enraged, Pearl shifted her weapon into a Bo Staff with Blades, and proceeded to visciously attack the 2 women, who couldn't use their powers for defense because of the bolas and patches, causing them immense pain and deep wounds. Eventough they begged her to stop, she kept hitting, full of hatred, (She had learned Pluribellator fighting techniques). Imad, horrified, pleads his friend to stop, saying they're really hurt. Pearl responds that they know nothing about the pain she felt as a kid, being rejected, humiliated and abused by everyone, and that she will make them pay for putting salt on the wound. Imad convinced her that the Seven were once and still are humans, sentient beings who have been condamned to insanity for the rest of their lives, and that murdering them, even though they might be monsters, would also mean murdering the humanity left in them, and that making them feel pain this much is a horrible thing to do. Pearl's facial exapression changed to that of a poor child, horrifiedof what she has just done to the 2, she dropped her weapon and began sobbing heavily, unable to hold all these emotions.

Imad noticed that Bio-Tox was about to spray Pearl with his toxic weaponry, so he took the hit for her as Ultimate Gravitron, thinking the alien's tough armor should protect him. However, Bio-Tox had used his bracelet to make the ooze poisonous by radiation, which affected Imad through his armor, and made him faint. Bio-Tox yelled with Disgust at Pearl, saying that eventhough the Seven are immoral monsters, they still have some humanity to spare those who are truly suffering. Still weeping, Pearl told him that she won't stop him from ending her life, but begged him to spare Imad, who had nothing to do with this. Bio-Tox made a deal to the Psychytrix Wielder: He will let Pearl live and leave her alone, only if Imad takes her place to suffer instead and comes with him. Pearl watched horrified as Imad accepted these terms, in a very weak state. He threw away Pearl and took Imad, before teleporting out with his comrades and the hero.

With Pearl at the verge of a mental breakdown, Azmuth tries in vain to confort her. Angered, he resorted to slap some sense to her, his patience driven to its limits, and succesfully reminds her that all beings are prone to emotional mistakes, and that she's not a monster. At that moment, using Mana teleportation, Xadim and Moon-Lee enter the place, and so does John from another portal, mistaking the alternate dimension with their own. After clearing a few things, They realize what happened, and that the criminals in all three worlds are the seven, who for some reason, stole a Negative, Neutral and Positive dimensional stabilizer. Moon-Lee recognizes Pearl, Saying in her and Xadim's world, Pearl Leonis is the Fiance of  Luxinos Illusionist Protos Armades, making Pearl question herself if she was looking for love in the right place. Xadim recognized Pearl, much to her surprise, as the mysterious angel who saved Imad in the Core of Existence. Explaining that they tried to use mana to track the villains, and knowing Imad has been taken by them, John asks if there is something belonging to Imad. Pearl takes out an old drawing given to her by her friend, allowing the anodites to track Imad successfully with a new portal.

Imad wakes up in a stasis pod, with a lock preventing him from accessing his weapon. He saw Bio-Tox and Helen, with the former surprisingly telling Imad not to tense much, and that he still needs time to heal. Imad was bewildered as to why he was helping him, to which the criminal responded with a twisted voice that "There is no use on experimenting on an already dying subject," not letting it clear wether he was joking or not. Helen reveals that she knows a lot about Imad, also about his Ace Ultimate Masquerade, saying knowing everything about her ennemies and allies is her job, and she reveals her plan to him. Imad asked her what makes her think the Seven won't backstab her, as they're insane, to which she replied they need her, and they're far from stupid. As she leaves, Imad askes his captor what he intends on doing with him, with the latter answering he might do all sort of horrific stuff, but he reminded him that they had a deal, and that as long as he doesn't hurt Pearl, he can do as he pleases with him. before adding that eventhough he forgave her and told the others that she was sorry, they might not be very clement with her. Imad asks him on how were Ray-Wave and Echo-Wave doing. Bio-tox got angry and asked him why would he care about them, to which Imad replied that eventhough they are monsters, they are still human somehow. As his final question, Imad asked Bio-Tox what did they intended to do with the dimensional stabilizers, as they are neither components in a bomb or replicating machine. When asked what would he know about all this, he responded that he knows that The seven, especially Bio-Tox, are far smarter than that. However, Bio-Tox exited the room.

Pearl, Xadim, Moon-Lee and John arrived to the base, and readied themselves (Pearl had borrowed from Azmuth a Proto-Tool and Proto-Tech Armor). Pearl and John went to look for Imad, as Xadim and Moon-Lee tried to uncover the seven's plan. The first team finds and liberates Imad, while the other finds by "chance" a secret room, where they uncover the Seven's plans and secret identities. The first team arrives in a room where they are confronted by the Seven and Helen. The Seven and the 3 heroes exchange blows relentlessly, before stopping for a moment and the second team entering the room, telling the seven that Helen is in fact an Anodite and the leader of "The Void", The organization that turned the seven to monsters, and proving it after some unlucky attempts in doing so. At that moment, without losing her cool, Helen activated an anti-matter powered forcefield, which trapped both the seven and the heroes, and said that her true plan was to use the dimensional Stabilizers, combined wither her mana and a null void projector, to blow up the Core of existence, and therefore, anything that has and will ever exist. She also reveals the reason of her madness: She was once about to be sacrificed to free Chaos, and although she was saved, a shard of Chaos' malice was stuck inside her, making her this way. She finally reveals that anodite teleportaiton works even in Teleportation proof rooms.

Unexectedly, Bio-Tox jumps from th shadows and headbutted Helen, freeing the others from the anti-matter field with a click of a button. Bewildered, Helen asks how did he get out of the field, only for Bio-Tox to reveal that as soon as he heard Moon-Lee saying that Helen is the real villain, he sneaked into te shadows and left a hologram looking like him at his place. He said that Imad had made a point by saying something was wrong, and that he took him with him to test how much is he prepared to sacrifice for his friend. Helen unveils her true form and uses the technology stolen to transport herself the Core of Existence.

Imad takes out a device and tells Fallen-Star that they should team up to stop Helen. He says that if Moon-Lee and Ray-Wave use their powers with the device, they can create the exact same energy used by Helen to get away. They do so, and after a quarrel, Moon-Lee is chosen to stay with the device holding the portal open, as the rest go in to stop Helen. (Before going in, Pearl reconciles with Ray-Wave and Echo-Wave)

Helen prooves to be a god-like opponent, using the Core's power to multiply the damage she receives and send it back at her attackers, and absorbing the damage as healing energy, defeating the Seven and the Heroes. Pearl has an idea: she sas that Moon-Lee noticed that the power bracelets are mana based, and concludes that if John uses a spell to reverse the mana flow inside them, thye act as mana draining weapons that can be used to counter Helen. After modifying the gauntlets' cores and fusing them with the proto tool, Bio-Tox takes the weapon turning it into a sword, and asks Pearl to let him be the one who does this, as he haven't got much time to live (his life sustaining system was severly damaged), and he needs to make things right by avenging the seven of the demon that made them this way. Bio-Tox was able to damage Helen succesfully and stabs her in the heart with the mana draining energy sword. However, she was still too powerful. However, as Bio-Tox was losing the battle, His team arrived to lend him a hand, and momentarly immobilized Helen against the bomb, holding her with all their Force. The Seven ask Xadim not to mind them, and use the Null Void projector to send the bomb and them to the Astra-Bar Galaxy, an energy world where no alien will be harmed. They said that it was already over for them, and they'd rather die fighting than on thier knees. Imad, John, Pearl and Xadim aall aimed the Null Void Projector at them and fired, but were eaten by remorse.

In their last moments in the Astra-Bar Galaxy, the Seven recall some things in their lives, and to his joy, Bio-Tox finds Helen as herself, somehow exorcized from Chaos' shard of evil. He hugs her and says that he is finally where he belongs, with His family and his soulmate, as the Bomb explodes and annihilates them.

Back in the Core, everyone was devastated by the Seven's Sacrifice. Imad, the most regretful of all, saddned by the fact that the seven lived unhappy lives, uses Ultimate Masquerade with the Core's power to reincarnate the Seven and Helen as babies, which he proceeded to get out of the core with his team. Unknowingly to Imad, the shard of malice from Chaos Had escaped and got back with Imad, where it possesed him and trie to make him Kill Pearl, only to be thwarted by John and Moon-Lee, who tried in vain to exorcize the evil out of their friend, who was being tortured inside his soul by the monster.

Pearl convinces Moon-Lee to let her astral Projection enter Imad to help him, telling her how he means everything to her, making Moon-Lee realize that in this world, Pearl was Imad's soulmate. She does so, and Pearl's Astral projection frees Imad from the demon and manage to destroy it for good with Imad's help. Although terrified at the idea he almost killed Pearl while possesed, Imad  quickly got back on his feet, and went to see Azmuth. Azmuth was furious that the heroes didn't get the stabilizers back, but Imad told him he will provide him with Brand-New Toon-Tech Haran stabilizers, if Azmuth got good families for the reincarnated babies, to which  Azmuth Approved.

Back in the present days, we see that this story was being told By Imad and Pearl, now Husband and wife, to their twins Danny and Jenny. We also are told that Imad and Pearl both asked each other out on a date afterwards (Pearl invited him to a small party with her and her cousin, which was her way of asking her out, and while Imad tried to utter a few words to go out with her, she told him that that is what she just did much to his surprise and joy, before giving him a small kiss.)
