No known rating. |
General Information | |
Series | Ben 10: Haunted |
Details | |
Season | 1 |
Episode Number | 71 |
Credits | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous episode | Uprising of the Paranormal |
Next episode | Trick or Threat |
October 21st, 2020
The world was now in chaos, the Samhain Stone was growing brighter with each day closer to Halloween. More and more paranormal entities began to surface from the pages of myth and onto reality. This was Ghost King`s master plan all along since he recovered the stone from the Plumbers. It was a long few grueling months of waiting...but once October rolled around his patience waited off.
The spirit king sat in front of a T.V., watching various news channels to observe the chaos he restored.
Ghost King: You brought this on yourselves humanity.
He and his allies watched with delight, they enjoyed seeing the barrier between both worlds weaken with each day. Ghost King took a long sip of something from his glass.
Ghost King: Ah root beer, the perfect celebration drink in my opinion. Minions, prepare to go haunting on a massive scale. Soon, very soon...things will be set right. The arrogant humans will learn their place once more. After all, this was our world first!
Theme song!
October 22nd, 2020
The Plumbers were being run ragged. There were reports of Wendigos hunting people in the frigid regions of Canada. Boogieman had gained enough fear power and seems to have restored his original realm, resulting in nightly scaring of children. Various other paranormal entities were being sighted all around the world, and causing mass hysteria.
Ben: Why didn`t I see this coming? I could`ve stopped him.
Max: Don`t blame yourself Ben. We`re dealing with something nobody has seen before.
Rook: That...may not be true.
He dropped a very heavy book onto a table. It was old and dusty, cobwebs all over it.
Rook: Gwen sent this, something about the Goths on her campus trying to open a gateway using this book.
Ben carefully opened it, in it were all sorts of illustrations and notes in many languages were inside. He studied the illustrations carefully, noticing a few of the things drawn inside.
Ben: It`s a book on the paranormal. We should study this carefully.
Max: It looks like a few pages are missing. Hopefully they weren`t important.
Ben: What!?
Molly Gunther: To the south as well. They`re everywhere!
Downtown, a sewer manhole burst open as a horde of odd, humanoid creatures emerged. Ben looked to see if they were in the old book.
Ben: Mannegishi, what an odd name.
Suddenly one surveillance camera was attacked by a Mothman. Ben snarled at this.
Ben: I know what THAT is.
Plumber: How are we supposed to deal with them. We can`t take them all on!
Ben: We`ll try our best. Come on, it`s hero time!
They got ready for a big fight. They then left the safety of HQ to combat these creatures. Hours passed as both sides seemed to be in sync with each other. Many citizens evacuated or relocated to safety bunkers, which the creatures seemed to allow. Suddenly a large explosion occurred in the middle of the army of creatures. Julie, Gwen and Kevin had arrived to join the fight. The rest of the opposing army snarled and growled and roared. They charged as soon the battle was in favor of the Plumbers. The army of creatures soon retreated to the outskirts of town.
Ben: (Turning back from being Whampire) We won!
Max: For now. They`ll probably be back by daylight.
Ben: Then let`s find their camps and take them down!
Gwen: We can`t be so reckless! We can`t always charge head on into battle Ben, YOU can`t always charge into battle with no plan and always expect to win.
Ben sighed.
Ben: You`re right Gwen. We should go to HQ and think of a bigger plan.
October 23rd, 2020
It had just turned into the next day. The paranormal army were camping on the outskirts of Bellwood, blocking and preventing reinforcements from arriving. A few Dogmen were curled up around a campfire some demons made to stay warm. Suddenly a loud thudding could be heard. The creatures turned their heads to see Julie arriving, wearing Ship as battle armor. The Dogmen snarled as a few Mothmen screeched to raise alarm.
Julie: Go ahead, make my night.
She turned the armor`s hands into cannons as the creatures snarled and got ready to attack. Before they could however the sound of a horse whinnying and a loud booming laugh could be heard. The Headless Horseman rode past the crowd and unsheathed his sword, raising it in the air in a protective manner towards Julie. Ghost #1 then flew onto the campground.
#!: Boss says she`s off limits...for now. You, human. He knows why you`re here and he`s waiting for you.
The creatures seemed to stand down as they parted for her. Julie gulped, wondering what she got herself into. She slowly began to walk forward to reach Ghost King`s lair and went inside. Torches lit by themselves as they led a path for her. She followed and eventually arrived to Ghost King`s study.
Ghost King: Sit, please.
Julie stayed standing, Ghost King sighed and tucked the book he was reading away.
Ghost King: Very well then, business it is.
Julie: Call them off.
Ghost King: I wish I could, but the balance has long been teetering. Those "Monsters" you see out there have lived in hiding for far too long with nothing to gain. I didn`t want this to happen, believe me I didn`t...but humanity has forgotten the deal their ancestors made with the ancestors of those creatures outside.
Julie: Go on.
Ghost King: Once upon a time, the paranormal wasn`t contained. We were allowed to roam free and co-exist with man however we wished. But eventually they grew to fear us for good reason. So a deal was struck. We would refrain from harassing them so much in exchange for one night a year of mass remembrance. Naturally we chose the night when our power was strongest. It was a simple deal, they hold a few rituals, dress up as us, we keep to ourselves.
Julie: The deal is still in tact, Halloween is-.
Ghost King: A MOCKERY to the deal! Candy is NOT an acceptable substitute to the ritual we agreed upon. Trick or Treat is NOT an acceptable substitute either! What ever happened to ceremonial dances and offerings? Bet you can`t answer that, huh? You`re only here because you`re the only hero to treat me with respect, and I needed SOMEONE to deliver our message. They can`t go and talk with people, today was proof enough of that. Humans will always judge us for our appearances, and assume we`re out to cause harm. If they listened to their ancestors they`d know better.
Julie stood silent for a minute. Ghost King then turned his head, revealing he now has purple eyes like most of the others.
Ghost King: If you`re so worried, this will all end when November comes. That`s how it always ends. They`ll all go back into hiding or return from whence they came, and those who don`t...they`re exceptions.
Julie: Like you?
Ghost King slowly nodded, he then slowly moved to his favorite chair and sat on it.
Ghost King: Now, you`d better go back and tell them our ultimatum. if they show us respect we`ll go away much quicker. And if I`m not mistaken they don`t even know you snuck out.
He waved his hand as his servants opened the doors for her.
Ghost King: Goodnight, Julie Yamamoto.
She left, leaving Ghost King to be alone. His minions then closed the door.
Ghost #1: That speech was beautiful sire, do you think they`ll listen?
Ghost King shrugged. Only time would tell.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- The paranormal invade Bellwood.
- Halloween`s original origin is discussed in depth.
Minor Events[]
- Ghost King is revealed to not want war. However, things are out of his control.
- Ben Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin (non-speaking)
- Rook Blonko
- Max Tennyson
- Molly Gunther
- Julie Yamamoto
- Ship
- Plumbers
- Citizens of Bellwood
- Ghost King
- The Ghosts
- Demons (non-speaking)
- Mothmen
- Dogmen
- Wendigos (non-speaking)
- Skinwalkers
- Mannegishis
- Jersey Devil (cameo)
- Fake Jersey Devils
- The Boogieman (cameo)
- The Headless Horseman
- Snallygasters
- Vampires
- Reanimated Skeletons
- Zombies
- Friedkin Goths (mentioned)
Aliens Used[]
- Whampire
- The Paranormal despise the new Halloween, seeing it as a disgraceful money grab from corporations.
- Ghost King is now officially under the effects of the Samhain Stone, having purple eyes like many of his peers and presumably being more powerful.