Ultra Ben | |
Season 2, Episode 16 | |
Air date | 22/12/12 |
Written by | Razor |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Osmosian Chaos |
Next Epic Osmos |
(Ben): We have to find the Jump Gate.
(Rook): Didn't the Highbreed destroy all of them?
(Ben):They did not want to come here after Reiny talked aboutthe sweltering heat.
(Rook):So we look for it and get to Earth.
(Ben): Yeah. This can't get any worse.
(Rook): It can.
(Ben): How-(sees the Negative 5) CRAP!
(Rook): Luckily, I have a spare Proto Tool. (starts throwing Omni Grenades)
(Ben): Its hero time! (transforms)
(Wildmutt): Roar!
(Ultimate Wildmutt): Thats better. Slashing time! (scratches Alan)
(Alan):So not cool! Whup! (falls from the sky)
(Ultimate Wildmutt): That will teach you to be so inconsiderate for a 276 year old evolved Vulpimancer!
(Alan): Hey, you are being rude to a...19 year old half human and half pyronite!
(Ultimate Waybig): And now you really got me mad. (throws cosmic discs)
(Alan): Ack! (faints)
(Manny):Get him to base! Now!
(Helen):We can't! We need a Jumpgate!
(Manny): We have to join them?
(Helen): Yes.
(Manny): Oh crap!
(Fasttrack): Race you there!
(Helen): Nngh! (runs)
(Fasttrack): I win.
(Manny): No you don't, son of a beach!
(Fasttrack): Grr! (punches Manny)
(Manny): You're asking for a beating!
(Fasttrack): Shut up! Not really!
(Alan): I'll make you eat my fire!
(Fasttrack):I'll make you eat mine! (transforms)
(Heatblast):Boom! (shoots fire)
(Alan): Oof!
(Heatblast): One down, two to go!
(Manny): Actually, you have three to go!
(Evil Ben): Ha ha ha!
(Heatblast): M-me?
(Evil Ben): Me with Ascalon.
(Manny): Vilgax plucked him from another universe. Tsk tsk.
(Evil Ultimate Rath): Roarrrr!
(Heatblast): Oh no
(Ultimate Heatblast): Well, you wanted to play!
(Evil Ultimate Rath): Grr! (slashes at him with all 6 claws)
(Ultimate Heatblast): Ack! (transforms)
(Evil Ben): You can't surprise me!
(Armor Ben): I can. (fires Omni-Lasers) Galvan Tech is goood!
(Evil Ben): Errgh! (transforms)
(Waybig): Ha ha! (fires cosmic rays)
(Armor Ben): You think that can beat me? (fires many Omni-Grenades)
(Waybig): No, gaa, ca! (coughs)
(Evil Ben): No...
(Armor Ben): Yes. (covers them with an Omni Cage)
(Rook): Yeah, lets go on.
(Ben): Oh no.
(Rook): We're there.
(Ben): No. That worm.
(Rook): A Metaculoupus Turapulous! A dangerous insectoid-
(Ben): Shut up! (transforms)
(Jetray): Not the best choice but...(shoots neuroshocks)
(MT(shortened version)): Gar! (flicks tail)
(Jetray): Whuh! (dodges)(stings it)
(MT): Garurorash! (falls)
(Jetray): Lets get in!
(Rook): I'm out of here!
Chimerian Hammer 2.0
(Vilgax): You actually think you are my minion, greatest enemy?
Enemy is echoed
The mind control band is broken
(Aggregor): Grrrr...(smashes Vilgax out of the ship)
(Vilgax): I will return! (teleports)
(Aggregor): Animo is gone. I shall have to rely on the others. (teleports him and the others of the Aggregor Force to Osmos V)
(Vilgax): You weaklings. I will enhance you when we get back.
(Manny): Just get us out!
(Vilgax); Silence! I can convert this to a more powerful energy source for Evil Ben. He can be Infinite!
Earth, Bellwood Plumber Base
(Grandpa Max): Ben, I can detect readings of Aggregor in Osmos V.
(Ben): I thought I defeated him.
(Aggregor Force): You did not...