Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Hyper Pack
Hyper Pack Jake 13
General Information
Species Martian
Home World Mars
Body Small Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Super Intelligence
First Appearance BTUAM - Martian On

Jake 13 - The Underwater World

Hyper Pack is an alien in Jake 13 & BTUAM. He is one of Jake's 13 original aliens.


Hyper Pack BTUAM

Hyper Pack in BTUAM

Hyper Pack looks like a green Martian. He has a large head and a very slender body which is covered by a space suit. On his back he wears a back pack which all Martians have evolved to wear.


Hyper Pack has super intelligence. He also has chameleon-like abilities such as camoflage and wall climbing. His other power, is his backpack. Every Martian has a backpack and inside of the backpack are tools that Martians use to build things (With their super intelligence they can build just about anything from any object). The backpack has an antenna on it that allows Hyper Pack to call his creations to him.


Jake 13[]

Hyper Pack has yet to appear.


Hyper Pack debuted in Martian On when a Martian intentionally hacked the Ultimatrix to cause Ben to be stuck as a Martian.


Hyper Pack is extremely small, only 10 centimetres in height. He is fast compared to Martians but compared to humans and other aliens he is slow.

Original 13 Jake 13
VLOCT | Frosty | FuzzBall | Riff Raff | Dugger | Hopefull | Swift | Tip Top | Deep Crusher | Overflow | Fire Lizard | Hyper Pack | Aqua Dragon | Shadow Claw
Additional Aliens Jake 13
Double Take | Unnamed Alien | Slug | Unknown Silhouetted Alien | Rocks | Unknown Alien | Unknown Movie Alien
Future Aliens Jake 13
Woof | Squawk
Original 13 Jake 13 Sequel Series
Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien | Unknown Alien