Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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                      This is an episode of the series Evfnye 10.

Hidden Solution is the fifth episode of Evfnye 10.


Evfnye as Four Arms tries to stop the Hologram, but with no success. He gets attacked and slowed down by the Hologram. He then reverts back to Evfnye, who quickly hides behind a trash can. The Hologram has already scared dozens of people and everyone starts to panic. Evfnye then thinks of a possible solution to this problem, and comes up with the plan to use XLR8 to become faster than the Hologram. He runs and tries to beat the enemy, but also fails, despite saving many people. He then yells this is impossible, and starts being crazy. Luckily, after a while (when he already timed out) he realized he becomes worse than the psychomaniac who stole the controller if he keeps being like that, and then finally comes up with the best idea yet. He uses Grey Matter and spies the maniac, and jumps on his head to shut off the controller. A light is emitted, and a sigh of relief passes through the town, and the psychomaniac is taken to coma. Evfnye is finally done.

Noteworthy Events[]

  • The Hologram is destroyed.
  • The psychomaniac is taken to coma.



  • Psychomaniac


Aliens Used[]


  • The Hologram model was first made with legos, and incorporated in this episode.