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Heroes, also known as Heroes - A BTFF Cinematic Universe film is the fifth movie in the BTFF Cinematic Universe. It is the follow up movie to the first four movies: The Black Knight, The Hunter, Energy Revolt, and Tiger Rage. It is written by Paperluigi ttyd, Sci100, Cartoon44, and The Awesome Jack. It is being produced and directed by Paperluigi ttyd and Sci100. It was released on July 28, 2013.


When Area 51 is attacked by a new threat, Shane Leon will have to gather these four heroes to save the world from a threat that could end everything. From the post-credits of The Hunter... we introduce a villain so evil, so powerful that even Shane Leon gets nervous when he discovers his true idendity. All the plots, all the storylines come to a head in the final part of Phase One. Only our Heroes will be able to defeat this evil.


[It's the end of June and a hot summer's night in the Nevada desert. There are some cacti and shrubs growing in patches, as well as a few lizards, but other than that the area is lifeless. It is dark, and the sky is cloudless. Everything is quiet. The camera zooms forward on a building in the distance. It is completely surrounded by 20 foot tall fences. A large sign on the front of the fence reads "AREA 51: KEEP OUT - TRESPASSERS WILL BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE." The camera pans past the sign and then continues forward past the fence and into the base. Two men are walking down the hallway. One of them is Shane Leon and the other is Chris Phillips.]

Am I correct in saying that Project V was successfully transferred to its Arctic holding cell after M16 concluded its investigation?

Yes, the transfer went exactly as planned?

And the investigation...

Alien origin... Just like WOLF and some of the others we've seen recently.

We suspected that... Anything else?

M16 is our partner... They don't tell us everything, but I'll look into it...

Speaking of WOLF, it's a shame that TYLER declined our offer to join the team...

Agreed, it is a loss, but there will be more... And if it really comes down to the end of the world I'm sure he will be there to help...

Well, I'll see you around SHANE. I have to head home... The night shift is really killing me...

Take care, CHRIS.

[As the two agents split up in the hallway, the camera cuts back to the outside, specifically a plateau overlooking the base. Three figures are standing on top of it. One figure is easily larger than the other two combined. He grimaces as the base and then points towards it.]

Figure #1
I want you to go down there, hack their computers, and kill whoever is inside, but whatever you do, do not destroy the base... Not yet...

Figure #2
Yes, master!

[The second and third FIGURE jump off the plateau and then land on the ground about 10000 yards from the base and then begin to run towards it. There are security camera on the base and around the desert, but the two figures can barely be detected in the dark of the night. They arrive at the fence and then stand up and look at the sign.]

Figure #3
Brought to justice!? Yeah right!

[He reaches his hand for the fence.]

Figure #2
Wait, it might be electrocuted!

Figure #3 (arrogantly)
Since when does that matter?

[He touches the fence and it electrocutes him, but he quickly absorbs much of the electricity and then rips a whole in the fence and jumps through. FIGURE #2 follow him as the two FIGURES start to run towards the base. FIGURE #3 blasts electricity at the wall and then jumps through and looks to either side. His accomplice enters the building as he realizes that the hallway is empty.]

Figure #3
We're in the clear... For now...

Figure #2
Ugh, let's move on...

[They run down the hallway and then turn around the corner. FIGURE #3 electrocutes a guard who was patrolling the hallway and then jumps and kicks him into a wall. FIGURE #2 blasts a dark energy blast at another guard and then punches him back. He runs up to the guard and then kicks him into the wall, too. They continue to run down the hallway as the second guard falls to the ground. They turn the corner again and this time head into a room after only running down the hallway for a few moments. FIGURE #2 sticks a data chip into the computer as FIGURE #3 stands guard. A bunch of soldiers turn the corner into the hallway containing the room that FIGURES are in.]

Figure #3

[While FIGURE #2 continues to work at the computer, FIGURE #3 blasts all the soldiers with electricity. He jumps and kicks one and then gets punched in the back and then spins around and kicks that guard. He catches a punch from a third guard and then spins that guard around throws him into the fourth and final guard. FIGURE #2 exits the room as he puts the data chip into his pocket.]

Figure #2
Okay, now we find the people inside...

Figure #3
What are we waiting for? GO!

[The two continue to run down the hallway. The camera cuts to the security office in the base. SHANE is watching the break in from several different angles. He sees the two intruders fighting a horde of guards from a camera directly above them. One of the figures notices that camera and then blasts it, destroying it. SHANE slams his hand on the table, grabs an electronic tablet, and then storms out of the room. The camera cuts again to the two figures arriving in the airplane hanger of the base.]

Figure #2
As much as I'd love to admire some of the world's finest aircraft, we've got a job to do...

Figure #3
Calm your jets... They aren't getting here anytime soon, and if they do, we kill them and go... Besides, it will be easier for us if we wait for them to find us...

Figure #2
Okay then...

[He looks around the room and finds a special computerized podium in the middle of the room. He walks over to it and begins to look at some of the files inside.]

Figure #2
But, this doesn't make any sense...

Figure #3
What doesn't make any sense?

Figure #2
Some of this data in here is different from the files I've already retrieved...

Figure #3
What is it? Project V? Project Heroes?

Figure #2
I have no idea what this is...

Figure #3

Shane (entering)

[Shane is aiming an advanced looking blaster at the two FIGURES. He requires both of his arms to hold the massive weapon.]

Put your hands in the air...

Figure #3
Told you it would be easier... You get the data... I've got Mr. Eyepatch...

Figure #2
Got it...

[FIGURE #3 walks over towards SHANE. The weapons shakes in his hand as he grows nervous. He calms himself and then holds the weapon tight, aiming it directly at the FIGURE.]

Who are you and what do you want?

Figure #3
The name is LIGHT. This here is my friend DARK. We're not from around here...

All I needed to hear...

[He blasts LIGHT with the blast, but LIGHT counters with an electrical blast. He forces SHANE to stop his blast and then charges at him. SHANE ducks to avoid and then LIGHT knocks the weapon out of his hand.]

You let us go... You live...

Fine... go...

[LIGHT backs away and then turns around and runs towards a jet. DARK grabs the data chip from the podium and then runs towards the same jet. SHANE quickly gets up and grabs the electronic tablet out of his bag. He runs over to the podium and places the tablet on top of it. The screen lights up with only white, except for a red button in the center. He presses the button, and the lights immediately dim in the base. A red flashing light turns on a second later as the siren is activated.]

Self-destruct activated... T-Minus 2 minutes until detonation...

That should be plenty of time...

[He runs over to a ship in the hanger and then gets inside. He turns on the ship as he sits down in the pilot's seat and then begins to drive the jet forward. The hanger of the base opens up as the jet with LIGHT and DARK flies out of the base. The ship with SHANE in it flies out a moment later. After a few moments, the base blows up in an enormous explosion. The camera cuts to FIGURE #1 watching from the top of the plateau. All that can be seen is an angry smile on his face before the camera cuts to the two planes flying across the sky. SHANE grabs the radio of his plane and then contacts the other plane.]

This is AGENT SHANE LEON of the FLA requesting you to land your aircraft, over.

[There is no response, but DARK can be climbing out of the ship in front and turning towards SHANE'S ship. He fires dark energy blast after dark energy blast at the ship, but SHANE carefully maneuvers back and forth to avoid every single one. It is now starting to get lighter out as the morning approaches. The camera cuts to a road below. CHRIS PHILLIPS is driving in his car as he sees the two planes pass over him, but dark energy blasts moving from the front one to the run behind him. His car comes to a screeching halt as he jumps out and look up at the planes as they fly into the distance. The car cuts back up into the sky. DARK is still blasting dark energy at SHANE'S jet.]

You've got to be kidding me...

[He picks up the radio again.]

I repeat, land your aircraft...

[Again there is no response. DARK now fires a massive dark energy beam at the jet, but SHANE makes the jet avoid and then zoom forward. He presses a button and aims a rocket at the jet in front of him.]

Lock and load, beaches...

[He fires the rocket at the leading jet, but the jet barrel rolls to avoid it. DARK is sent flying backwards onto SHANE'S jet. He cracks the windshield and then continues to kick it. SHANE sends the jet into a barrel roll and forces DARK to fall off towards the ground. He presses another button and aims the ship's only other rocket at the leading jet. He fires this one, which strikes the wing of the jet in front. It begins to sink in the air as it heads towards the ground. The camera cuts to CHRIS, who notices the sinking jet and jumps right back into his car and starts to chase after it. SHANE slowly lands his plane as the wings retract and the wheels emerge, turning the jet into a specialized car. The same happens to the leading jet, except it has more of a bumpy landing than SHANE'S jet. SHANE notices CHRIS'S car next to his jet and then reaches for the radio.]


Don't worry, SHANE, I've got you...

[The two cars continue to chase the leading car as it swerves back at forth. The three cars enter a city and begin to merge with regular traffic. LIGHT makes his car avoid two more before turning down a street. The two agents follow, almost colliding with an 18-wheeler truck. They zoom forward and close in on LIGHT'S car as the people in the streets begin to run in chaos of the car chase. LIGHT makes a machine gun come out of the back of the car. It begins to fire at SHANE and CHRIS'S car, but they swerve to avoid. LIGHT takes a sharp turn at another intersection. SHANE is able to make his car turn, but CHRIS stops to avoid another car. He backs his car up and then continues in pursuit of LIGHT. CHRIS reaches for his radio.]

SHANE, how should we handle this?

Whatever I tell you to do, just trust me, okay?

Got it...

Okay then, we need to split up and trap him between us...

Sounds simple enough...

[CHRIS turns his car towards the left down another street at SHANE continues forward in pursuit of LIGHT. He drifts towards the right as LIGHT starts to drift towards the left. At the next intersection, LIGHT turns towards the left. SHANE slams down on the breaks and turns to the left to follow him. He immediately accelerates again and continues in pursuit of LIGHT. The camera cuts to an aerial shot which shows SHANE chasing LIGHT as CHRIS turns right down another street. All three cars are heading towards the same intersection. The camera cuts to CHRIS'S point of view. He sees LIGHT driving right into the intersection. He pulls ahead to try and cut in front of LIGHT, but LIGHT realizes what is going on and turns at the last moment. SHANE continues into the intersection as his car collides with CHRIS'S. CHRIS'S car goes flying into the air until it lands bottom down with its front facing towards SHANE'S car. Both cars continue to spin out as LIGHT drives his car down the street and off into the distance. After another moment, both SHANE and CHRIS exit their cars and walk towards each other.]

SHANE? Who were those guys?



Doesn't matter who... We have a situation...

Does that mean it's time..?

It does... It's time to call in... Project Heroes!



Act I: Assembly[]

[Two CRIMINALS are holding up a bank. One is standing holding a gun at a secretary while the other works at a bomb in the lobby. He presses a button on it and sets the countdown to 10 minutes.]

Criminal #1
Is the bomb all set?

Criminal #2
It is... They'll never be able to disassemble that...

I beg to differ...

[The camera shows LAUREN GENARE entering the bank. She is wearing her usual garb of black pants with a purple-colored dress on top. She has on black gloves that match the color or her black hair. She has two mana orbs prepared on her hands. A purple mask matching the color of her dress is covering her eyes.]

The name's ENERGY REVOLT...

Criminal #2
ENERGY REVOLT? The person who stopped CHAOS in Britain?

The very one...

Criminal #1
DICK, I just realized this is a very bad thing...

Criminal #2
Me too, WALLY.

Now, I'm going to give you a bit of an option here... You can either die when the bomb blows up, or you can live and go to jail... Your choice...

Oh, what should we do?


Sorry, wrong choice...

[She forms a mana wall around the two criminals and then opens up a small opening so she can run inside. She throws two mana bolts at DICK and then kicks him to the side. WALLY kicks her back and then tries to kick her again but she catches his leg and throws him back. She throws another mana orb at him, knocking him to the ground.]

As for the bomb...

[She turns to the bomb and sees that SHANE has already disassembled it.]

Oh don't mind me, MISS GENARE

What are you doing here, SHANE?

I can explain on the way... You are coming, right?

It depends on where we're going...

We don't know where we could go... Area 51 was destroyed, so the next logical place to go would be M16 in Britain, but they've been receiving security threats as of late, so we should probably stay away from them...

So where are we going?

Away from here... I'd rather not have this conversation in the middle of a public bank!

And these two?

The authorities will get them, let's go...

[They walk out of the bank and head over to a car. SHANE gets into the driver's seat and LAUREN gets into the passenger seat. SHANE begins to drive the car forward as they begin to talk.]

Their names were LIGHT and DARK, and as of right now we know absolutely nothing about them... What they took... Who hired them, if anyone did... And the motive... Three big unanswered questions with no leads... So we're going to set up a sting... We're heading to our base in Doxin City to meet up with RYAN RECKNO... Another one just like you...

So if this is the Project: Heroes you told me about, then where are DRAKE and TYLER?

DRAKE will be rather hard to find, but I know a friend of TYLER who might be able to help... As for TYLER himself... He's not part of the project anymore... He never was, actually... He declined our offer...

And are there any more...

The three of you will have to suffice... Again, we don't know what we're truly up against... It may be manageable, or it may not be... Let's just play it out...

And how long should it take to get there...

At this speed, a couple hours...

[As the car drives into the countryside, SHANE presses a button underneath the wheel, causing the car to zoom forward.]

But at this one, only about 30 minutes... Get ready for a bumpy ride...

[The car drives off into the distance.]

[LIGHT and DARK enter a dark room. The third figure from the Nevada Desert is standing across from them. He steps into the dim light of the room and is revealed to be WOLF'S boss from the end of "The Hunter."]

Gentlemen... Would you like to explain what happened...

That agent guy activated the self destruct... There was nothing you could do...

I told you to kill him, did I not? Killing them would have given us a head start, since it's not like any government officials actually check up on Area 51. Now that they are alive and there is someone to call in the heroes... We have to work quickly...

But STRYKER, we did get the information you asked for... Plus possibly something big...

You got it? Good, then tell me the location that they are keeping Project V in... And what is this something big?

Well, we looked at the files, and it appears they are keeping Project V in the Arctic somewhere...

Excellent... You are to head there at once...

Another one of the files said that they are keeping their supplies of Tigin at their base in Doxin City.

I will send one of my other lieutenants there... Now go!

What about the big thing?

I have places to be... We can discuss this later, just go!



[The two lieutenants exit the room as STRYKER takes out a communicator.]

Hello? TITAN, you there?

Yes boss, TITAN ready for duty!

Head to their Doxin City base and destroy it... We can't let it interfere with our plans...

Right away boss...

[SHANE and LAUREN walk into the lobby of the base. They walk right through the lobby and head through a door and begin to walk down a hallway.]

RYAN should be here in 10 minutes... Any perpetrator shouldn't arrive for at least 30, so we have some time...

We're expecting a perpetrator?

No, but be on the lookout just in case...


For now, feel free to do whatever you want... I have to check on something important...

[He walks down the hallway and then meets up with CHRIS.]

They're here?

LAUREN is, but we're still waiting on RYAN. If you'll excuse me for one moment I have to check on something.

Well, sir, I did have some good news... ZACH STONE returned our call... He says he tracked DRAKE down and contacted him. He's on his way to this base right now.

Good to hear.

[The two men stop walking at a door at the end of a hallway.]

Make sure no one follows me in.

[Shane opens the door and walks inside.]

Authorization Agent Shane Leon, Code B-2-5-1-DETLA-EPSILON-SIGMA-RHO-4-2-7-THETA

Authorization recognized

[A module opens up out of the center of the ground. Shane presses his hand against it and then opens up an archive screen.]

Oh this is bad...

[He presses and holds another button.]

I want every operative on the planet looking for Light and Dark... We cannot let them use the codes that they stole from Area 51.

[He lets go of the button and then exits the room. He looks at Chris with an angry look on his face.]

What did they take?

They took Plan B... They took Project: Endgame...

[The camera cuts to the lobby of the base. LAUREN is sitting in the lobby of the base, waiting for Shane and Chris to return. The main entrance of the base opens up and RYAN RECKNO walks in. He looks around the lobby and sees LAUREN walking up to him.]

Hello, RYAN...

Ah, you must be MISS GENARE.

I see they've filled you in.

Yeah, but they said there would be more coming...

They're looking for the other two...

Shane (walking in)
Well, we've found one of them...

[SHANE and CHRIS walk into the room.]

DRAKE is on his way here...


He's not coming...

In the mean time, we need to prepare a strategy... We think that someone will come for the Tigin samples we have, so we're going to stay here... Every other available agent is heading to our Arctic base to secure Project V.

The four of us will be the only remaining agents for the time being...

[They four stand silent for a moment. RYAN sees a shadow moving towards the main entrance of the base.]


[He jumps out of the way and manages to bring CHRIS and LAUREN with him. The shadow crashes through the glass door and is revealed to be DRAKE DANIELS. He zooms past SHANE, who dives to avoid at the last second, and then crashes into the wall and drops to the ground. A heavily armored figure holding two massive swords breaks down the rest of the wall and then enters the base. The figure is TITAN.]

TITAN has arrived.

[He observes the others in the base. LAUREN, RYAN, CHRIS, and SHANE all stand up as TITAN stands in place.]

I told you to be ready... CHRIS, get RYAN out of here...

Ryan (slightly angry)

It's a necessary precaution...

[CHRIS grabs RYAN and pulls him away from the battle. LAUREN jumps into action and fires a mana beam at TITAN. He swings one of his swords down, but she traps it in a mana tentacle. He snaps the sword out of the attachment and then swings his other sword at LAUREN. She gets knocked back but then doesn't fall and blasts a beam of mana at the warrior. He blocks with his swords and then prepares to slash at LAUREN with his sword, but DRAKE jumps in the way and knocks one sword out of TITAN'S hand.]

THE BLACK KNIGHT... I've heard a lot about you, but when I'm done, I won't be hearing anything from you ever again!

[He charges at DRAKE and they slash their swords together.]

I'm going to make you wish you hadn't said that!

[He pushes against TITAN and then knocks his sword out of his hand. He slowly walks towards TITAN. The camera cuts and shows LAUREN staring, then it cuts to RYAN and CHRIS staring, and it finally cuts to SHANE staring before it cuts back to DRAKE and TITAN.]

Let's dance...

[He charges at TITAN and flips over his should as the warrior slams his fist into the ground. DRAKE stays behind the warrior as he turns around and then jumps onto his shoulders and pushes off. He lands on his legs and then charges at the warrior. TITAN is able to turn around and then begins to block his slashes with his armor. LAUREN jumps in, but TITAN notices and opportunity. He grabs DRAKE by the arm and then swings him around and throws him into LAUREN. RYAN sees his two teammates hurt on the ground. CHRIS sees RYAN start to get angry and grabs his wrist.]

RYAN, stay calm, you can't--

[He realizes that it is too late. His skin starts to turn orange. CHRIS backs away from RYAN and when he is seen again, he is in his full tiger form. He jumps and tackles TITAN to the ground. He starts to punch TITAN and his armor breaks open. He prepares a claw, but a laser comes out of TITAN'S eyes and knocks TIGER RAGE back through the wall of the base. TITAN gets up and draws his sword, but he gets punched by TIGER RAGE before he can use it. He gets knocked through the glass wall at the front of the base and then lands in the middle of the street. Cars swerve to avoid him as TIGER RAGE runs towards him and picks up TITAN. He swings him around and then throws him back into the base. He runs in and prepares a final blow, but TITAN fires his eye beams again and knocks TIGER RAGE through the now completely destroyed front wall. He goes through the street and then crashes into the building across from the base. TITAN stands up and then turns to the rest of the base.]

I'm surprised... That failed to amuse me...

[He walks down a hallway in the base and starts to blast through all the walls and doors with his eye beams. He appears to be looking for something and then stops when he reaches a vault. He presses a button and one compartment of the vault opens up, revealing a high tech container inside. The container is filled with Tigin. TITAN collects in and then walks all the way back to the lobby of the base. He sees DRAKE standing across from him.]

You again? Please! I beat you once I'll do it again...


Or not...

[He jumps up and begins to hover in place with a jetpack. He flies forward and then grabs DRAKE. He flies with him for a moment before dropping him off on top of TIGER RAGE. LAUREN runs out of the building and then jumps up and starts to run after TITAN by forming mana platforms.]

Your not getting away that easily...

You can't keep running...

But I can do much more than run.

[She jumps at him and manages to grab onto his leg. She grabs the top of his jetpack and then jumps on top of it and starts to weigh him down. They start to spin and sputter out of control as they lose altitude. TITAN flips around and separates from LAUREN, but the damage is done: his jetpack is destroyed.]

Fool, you've doomed us both!

[He blasts her with his eye beams. She goes flying back to the base. The camera shows DRAKE waking up. He sees LAUREN falling, still about 500 feet off the ground.]

Drake (at the top of his lungs)

[He looks at RYAN but sees that he is far from waking up. He looks again at LAUREN and then starts to run to where she is.]

I have to do everything myself... Hopefully this doesn't become a pattern...

[He runs as fast as he can to where she is falling, but it doesn't look like he will make it in time. He pulls forward and then dives and catches LAUREN just before she lands on the ground. She places her on the ground and then stands over her. He looks into her barely conscious eyes.]

Lauren (weak)

Drake (short of breath)
Don't mention it...

[They are silent for a moment.]

Guess I owe you one...

[DRAKE stands and nods his head.]


[CHRIS and SHANE approach DRAKE and LAUREN.]

What happened to TITAN?

He fell over there...

[She tries to point in front of her but is still weak from being blasted. The other three turn and see TITAN standing in the road.]

Should we approach?

If you can approach quickly...

[Drake bursts forward and starts to run after TITAN. He is about 50 feet away when TITAN jumps up in another jetpack and then flies away without a word. DRAKE stops and then starts at TITAN as he disappears into the clouds. He sighs and then walks back to the others. TIGER RAGE has now woken up and calmed down, turning himself back into RYAN. He is standing next to CHRIS and SHANE. LAUREN is standing across from them.]

Well this is a fine mess...

Tell me about it.

Meet in the lobby in 10 minutes... I need to make another call.

[DRAKE and RYAN are walking down the hallway next to each other. They are heading towards the lobby as ordered by SHANE.]

Well you made quite an entrance... I doubt anyone is ever topping that...

Yeah, well you made quite a mess...

But that's a totally different mess than the one SHANE is referring to.

[They stop just before they arrive in the lobby.]

Look, they didn't tell me everything, but from what I can tell, you get angry easily and when you do get angry, you turn into Agent Orange. Just try to keep calm, okay...

[He places his hand on RYAN'S shoulder and smiles. RYAN returns a half smile. The two men walk into the lobby and find SHANE, CHRIS, and LAUREN waiting for them.]

Chris, sarcastically
Glad you two could make it...

Gentlemen, and lady, what we have in front of us today is a Level 10 threat. The ones who called themselves LIGHT and DARK stole the data on Project: V and later that day, TITAN steals a sample of Tigin in seemingly--

Wait, he stole a sample of Tigin?

I'm well aware of your work with the substance DR. RECKNO, we had hoped to bring in another member to this team who had even more experience with it... But as you can see, THE HUNTER is not present.

Why don't we just bring in the prey?

Does it look like this is a game to you MR. DANIELS?

Sir, DRAKE has a point. Why don't we just take something valuable from TYLER and then he has to show up.

It's not that simple... He has said there is nothing that will make him return to the hero life...

With TYLER or without, we still have one hero who is familiar with Tigin, which is enough for me.

And me... Anyway, we think the next attack will be at our Arctic base... That is where Project: V is located...

V... for Vladat? I believe I remember you telling me something about this...

Woah woah, hold on here... Vladats?

An alien race... One crashed with DRAKE on his ship... It was alive, and we've been studying it...

So we're going there to check on it...?

Yes, the five of us are going in a jet... We leave immediately...

You want me... in a jet? Yeah, I don't think so...

Come on, Ryan, we don't have a choice...

[Everyone is silent for a moment.]

Fine, but it better be a big enough jet.

[The jet flies towards the arctic. A base can be seen in the distance. The camera cuts onto the ship. CHRIS is flying it as the other four passengers sit behind him.]

We're going to land in the hanger of the base... 'CHRIS and I will head to check on Project: V. The three of you can head to the lounge and wait until something happens... That is, wait and see if something happens...

[The others nod their heads. The camera shows the top of the base opening up. The ship lands inside. SHANE and CHRIS exit and walk in one direction while the other heroes head for the lounge.]

Was anyone else wondering what he meant by the lounge?

Er, sort of...

Not really...

[The camera cuts to the three heroes in the lounge. There are couches, a snack machine, several different types of gaming machines, a couple tvs, four computers, and several other chairs, tables, and shelves. A banner is hanging that says "WELCOME HEROES."]

This... is... AWESOME!

[He begins to explore the room. DRAKE and LAUREN stand at the entrance to the room.]

They prepared all of this... For us?

Guess they really thought we were going to be their perfect team...

Yeah, but they put this in the arctic... Maybe they were trying to keep us away from the rest of the world... And maybe it was also just a distraction to what's really going on...

You're thinking to deep into this.

[She smiles at him but he isn't looking. He is looking at RYAN who is playing at the pinball machine. She slowly begins to lose the smile as she realizes that he's not paying attention.]

Maybe we should just relax... None of us really know each other...

Well, I guess I'll go first then... I was born a long time ago, on a planet called...

[He begins to trail off towards the end as the camera cuts to SHANE and LEON arriving in a room with a window showing the cryogenic chamber that Project: V is stored in.]

Why did we even freeze it if it's already dead?

As a precaution... For days like today where he need all the precautions we've put into place...

[The camera cuts and shows STRYKER sitting in a jet flying towards the base. His eyes are closed. The camera cuts back to the base. SHANE presses a button. In the cryogenic chamber, a pod rises out of the ground and then moves forward. The camera cuts to STRYKER. He slowly begins to smile. At the base, the pod attaches to the window, and part of the window opens up so the chamber can be seen directly. On the jet, STRYKER grabs a device and is now in a full evil grin. In the base, the chamber opens up, revealing the dead Vladat inside. On the jet, STRYKER'S eyes snap open and he presses his thumb against the button. The camera cuts to the base. A high pitched frequency beams into the room. SHANE and CHRIS begin to cower in pain from the frequency.]

What is that?

Close the pod!

[SHANE slowly begins to move to the pod, but CHRIS is much closer. He tries to press the button, but the Vladat's eyes snap open. CHRIS freezes in shock. The Vladat continues to stir, but CHRIS realizes that is happening and presses the button, closing the chamber.]

Did that thing just move?

It did... Now what?

Lock down the base... We have a security breach... I'll stay here...

[CHRIS runs out of the room, but SHANE stays and looks at the chamber.]


[There is a crash from within the chamber.]

Shane, shocked

[A shadow can be seen latched onto the other side of the window.]

Shane, extremely shocked

[The shadow detaches from the window. Seconds later, the figure crashes through the window and is upon SHANE as the camera cuts to CHRIS running down the hallway. The red light of the base is flashing as the siren goes off. He arrives at the heroes' lounge and stops in the doorway. The heroes are all standing in shock, reacting to the alarms just having turned on.]

Chris, speaking quickly
We have a situation... Vladat's alive, caused by a frequency that originated outside the base, which means we're under attack. That means we need you, NOW LET'S MOVE!

[CHRIS continues to run down the hallway as the three heroes follow him. The arrive in the lobby.]

Okay, what are we up against?

[There is no explosion. No loud banging. No people crashing through the wall. There is only the sound of an opening door. Two figures walk inside.]

Agents Carter and Wright?

Agent Wright
Agent Phillips? Funny seeing you here... But, uh, why are you here?

Why are you here?

Agent Carter
We came here to the Arctic base just like Shane asked... Guess we're the first ones to arrive.

Yeah, guess so... Heroes, this is Agent Talia Carter and Agent Jason Wright. They were stationed at our--

[Now, there is an explosion. Talia and Jason go flying forwards and the others go flying backwards. The camera cuts to a wideshot of the base engulfed in flames. A blizzard full with snow, lightning, and wind has begun. STRYKER'S ship can be seen hovering near the base. The camera cuts back down to the base. Drake pushes a chunk of the broken wall off of him and then looks around. He prepares his sword and then looks at Agents Wright and Carter on the ground. He sees the fire starting to spread around the base.]


[He turns around and sees Lauren, Ryan, and Chris all on the ground.]

Just great...

[He turns around and sees Titan standing across from him.]

Ready for round two kid?

I guess I've been called a lot of things in my life... But nowadays... Kid isn't one of them...

Ah, Titan... Not the smartest man to have as your right hand man...

[Stryker walks into view and then stops just in front of Titan. He looks at Drake in disappointment.]

I was looking forward to killing Tyler...

Why don't you try killing me first?


[He walks past Drake, who looks confused.]

Titan can do that...

[Drake turns at Titan who immediately lunges at him and knocks him into the wall. Stryker continues to walk into the depths of the base as Drake kicks Titan back and then rushes at him and slashes at him. He cuts open the armor around his left arm and then ducks to avoid a sword slash from a sword in Titan's right arm. He turns around and then slashes at Titan's back, but he drops his elbow back and knocks Drake into the wall. He smacks against the wall as it cuts to Shane be smacked against the wall by the Vladat.]

Shane (weak)
We killed you twice...

Well I guess you don't only live once...

[He talks a couple steps to Shane, who is on the ground.]

Let me tell you a story... The story of what the Transylians did to my race... They exterminated it, and I'm single handedly going to do the same to yours.

You cannot kill a race of 7 billion people.

No, I cannot... That is not enough to satisfy my hunger... I will kill all the life on Earth, and then I will move onto other worlds... I will be the last living creature in the galaxy... And I will live forever...

The heroes will stop you?

The heroes? You mean hero? Singular? As in Drake?

We have a team...

Titus (surprised)
Oh, how large? 2 people?

Shane (regretful)

Titus (sarcastically)
Oh no I'm scared...

[He picks up Shane by the neck.]

You're lucky... I'm going to give you an option... You can either die now and not have to witness the destruction, or--

Or live and let me take the Vladat...

Titus (confused)
Ye-- No? Who are you?

Stryker (starkly)
Your father...

[Titus stands there confused and Stryker places his hand on his shoulder. He drops Shane to the ground.]

Now let's go... We don't have much time before the heroes wake up...

Why should I go with you?

In time my child... In time...

[Titus looks confused as he walks away with Stryker. Shane slowly stands up and then gets in the radio and begins to run towards the lobby.]

Shane (fading)
Chris? Chris, wake up!

[The camera cuts to Drake and Titan fighting. They slash their swords at each other as the camera pans over to Chris waking up to the sound of his communicator going off. He looks around and sees Ryan and Lauren on the floor with Drake and Titan fighting it out. He stands up and talks into his communicator.]

Yes Shane?

Status report...?

Drake's fighting Titan... The rest are down for the count...

Got it. Be on high alert for Stryker and the Vladat...

Got it, sir...

[Chris witnesses the fight in front of him. Drake jumps onto Titan's shoulder and then gets grabbed by the leg and thrown into the wall. He falls to the ground and then quickly rushes up and then slides underneath Titan's arm before doubling back and then slashing at the back of Titan's armor. He spins around with his other sword and knocks Drake into the wall. Chris looks worried and turns around to see Stryker and the Vladat behind him.]

Drake, we've got problems!

How is Titan not a problem?

[He jumps up and then punches Titan in the face, making him stumble back. Stryker and Titus stop in front of Chris. They wait and watch.]

Finish him, Titan... I took my other operatives off this mission for a reason...

Titan (slightly weak)
Yes, master...

[Drake charges at him with a sword, but Titan knocks Drake to the side. He then grabs Drake and spins him around before throwing him into the wall. He slowly walks towards him as his eye slots in his armor begin to glow red. The camera cuts to Chris looking worried as Stryker weakly pushes him to the side and walks to the exit of the base. Titus follows as Chris turns to Lauren and Ryan, who are waking up.]

Hurry up!

[Lauren and Ryan suddenly jump up and then begin to run to chase after Titus and Stryker, but the former stops them in their tracks when he turns and stares at them with a haunting look.]

You will not stop us... In fact you cannot stop us, so do not even try...

[Chris grimaces as they continue towards the exit. Lauren and Ryan are turn to the almost unconscious Drake as Titan prepares to fire his lasers. His eyes are still red and he prepares to fire; however, an arrow suddenly flies in through a window and hits the center of his armor. A device on it flashes and then speeds up in its flashing until it explodes, sending Titan flying backwards. The camera pans up to the window and shows a figure standing in it. Lightning flashes outside and the figure jumps down into the base from the window, revealing him to the Tyler, as Titan collides with Titus as the two villains were exiting the base. Stryker turns around and then grimaces at the sight of Tyler, the alive, but almost unconscious Drake against the wall, the awake Lauren and Ryan, and Titan and Titus on the ground near him. The two villains slowly get up as Stryker calms himself.]

I've had my fill of your interference... The next time we meet... Do not expect to survive...

[He turns around and walks away as Titan and Titus follow him. Tyler approaches Chris as Lauren and Ryan approach Drake.]

Where's Shane?

Down that hallway...

[He points and Tyler immediately heads off in that direction. The camera shows Lauren and Ryan walk up to Drake as he gets up off the ground.]

Ryan (amazed)
Entrance topped!


Maybe we should follow Tyler?

Tyler's here?

I'm confused, too...

[She turns around and walks off to follow Tyler as Ryan and Drake look at each other in confusion. They follow Lauren and pass by Chris as he walks towards the now conscious Jason and Talia.]

Are you two okay?

I'm okay...

Same here...

I have a feeling that's going to start happening a lot...

[The camera cuts to a hallway in the base. Shane is running down it. He turns the corner and smacks into Tyler. Both men are knocked onto the ground.]

Ugh, watch where you're Tyler? Who wha...?

Yeah, I'm here... It appears we've got a situation...

You can say that again...

[Lauren, Drake, and Ryan arrive behind Tyler as he and Shane stand up.]

What information do you have?

Quite a bit actually...

Then let's compare notes... We have work to do, Heroes...


Act II: Separation[]

[The camera cuts to the lounge inside the base. Inside the room is Lauren, Tyler, and Ryan all sitting down with Drake, Chris and Shane standing up. ]

Now that ALL of us are here, we can get some work done.


Now, Tyler you said you have some information.

[Tyler looks around, and then pulls out a flashdrive from his pocket. He walks over to a computer, and sticks it in. Quickly, the computer starts downloading all the infomation before Tyler walks over and asks Shane a question.]

Is the table also a screen?

Yes, just press the red butt-

[Tyler presses a red button under the table, and the tabletop turns into a computer screen, connected to Tyler's computer. It shows the completion of the download, as Tyler goes back to the computer.]

It begins when Agent Phillips met me in the Bahamas. He mentioned Wolf's boss... and that um... that got me thinking. I contacted Zack, and had him look up more about Wolf while I did my own detective work. Zack discovered strange animal attacks near Brookyln. I looked up Police reports in Brookyln, and the animal attacks began around the time of the Brookyln Massacre.

I was there. I fought against CHAOS while Innocent people died that day. But... I killed Bisectia.

I heard about that.

I knew that if CHAOS, which is a terrorist organization was there when the attacks started, that it wasn't by chance. My theory is that Wolf contacted a member of CHAOS, perhaps even Bisectia himself. I later followed the attacks to the Chicago area, before he mysteriously disappeared around '08. He didn't show himself until last year in Everson City. By this point, he had a boss, the same boss I suspect was here today. This was also the time when Drug X was being produced.

Drug X? Oh my god... that's what Daniel was taking.

So your theory is that this person known was Wolf joined CHAOS when the Brookyln Massacre happened, then got a boss around '08 and disappeared until last year to sell Drug X?


Before Daniel died, he told me he was getting Drug X from someone. I heard about the Everson City event though. Everyone did. Assuming that's when Wolf was making Drug X... could he have been selling it?

No. Wolf was killed before you were captured, Ryan. It has to be someone else. Could be CHAOS.

Terrence Smoke? He was in CHAOS, but he got away. He might be behind it. He could've been giving um...


Daniel Drug X. That works with your theory. Terrence could also be the mastermind. Except he's not that guy who was here.

Who was that, Shane?

[Shane sighs and takes a seat. ]

His name was Stryker. Now that Tyler's explained his theory... it all makes sense now. You see, the FLA was founded in 1999 due to the strange alien events that were occurring in Hungary, Mexico, and Canada. Though I suspect Lauren is part of that reason. Stryker was one of the first few people to sign up for the FLA, though I rejected him because I thought someone else was a better fit. Now the FLA has no record of of his whereabouts during the Brookyln Massacre, but it would make sense if he and Wolf both joined CHAOS, or at least made an alliance.

So... he wants revenge on the FLA?

I'm not done yet. Stryker made a come-back around 2011 and re-applied. We needed the help, so I recruited him personally. A mistake I regret. After he joined, he seemed a bit off. As the FLA quickly became a spy-agency as well, he began to show clear signs that he liked control, and power. Then, he disappeared about a month before Wolf showed up and confronted Tyler. I suspect this has to do with Drug X.

That would make sense, because by now Stryker would have a strong alliance with CHAOS, and that explains how he had the boss at that time.

Well, around a month before Drake arrived, he was found near our Washington D.C. base injured from an attack. He healed and then rejoined the team. When we got Drake and the Vladat... everything changed.

Gee... thanks.

The Vladat amazed Stryker especially. I noticed he spend lots of time guarding it, and I caught him once or twice looking at our scientist's files about him. I told him that the Vladat was better off dead or frozen solid then tested on alive and moving. In March, after I talked with Lauren about joining... that's when everything went down. Stryker was found attempting to get samples of the Vladat. There was a fight afterward. Stryker went rogue, and I chased him across Area 51 until when it became a car chase, a rocket hit the car. We thought he had been destroyed in the explosion, but clearly he escaped.

With the Vladat and Stryker together, that's not good.

Oh my god. Stryker was interested in the strength of the Vladat, wasn't he?

[Shane nods and Ryan gets a grim look on his face. ]

Oh my god. Stryker is gonna use the Tigin, or as Tyler calls it Drug X on Titus. I bet that's his game plan. Drake... tell us about the Vladat.

[Drake sighs, hesitating at first.]

Very well. The Vladat, or Titus, was a general in the rebellion on my homeworld, Klingovonia. He pretended to be a hero, one of the good guys, but turned out to be our worst nightmare. He crashed here on Earth along side me. He was thought to be dead. Through experience, I've noticed powers of incredible strength. Titus has the ability to morph into a Earth animal, bat, like form. He needs blood to survive, so expect brutal combat. If you are cornered attack him at the eyes.

Chris, you said they could be associated with CHAOS?

[Chris Phillips nods, now interested in the subject.]

I've had to many issues with CHAOS.

[Drake looks to her.]

Please Lauren, anything will help. Stryker's army could kill thousands, even millions. I know this is tough, but we really need you to focus.

[Lauren thinks for a moment before respond.]

Okay. Those, those evil people killed my partner. The terrorists wiped my mind, made me start from scratch. T-They killed the royal family, responsible for the Brooklyn Massacre. Each soldier has illegal high tech weapons crafter by an internal source which is unknown. I killed the two leaders, Bisectia and Gregovich, but apparently the mole Terrence Smoke has them currently under his operations.

Okay, so maybe we should just find Smoke and see what he knows?

Definitely not, we need to find Stryker and take action...

[He turns towards Drake.]

We can't just go right into the situation... Stryker has TITUS and Tigin, together the results could be disastrous... And besides, even with his minions, there are only 6 people...

Six people who could easily destroy major cities if left alone...

But only six nonetheless...

There's only four of us anyway?

What about Shane and Chris?

[He throws his arms out and takes a few steps towards Tyler, who puts his hands up.]

Wait a minute... We need to stop arguing... I just realized that it doesn't make sense for Stryker's who plot to revolve around six people, maybe seven if we include Smoke...

Which is why we need to investigate...

How about we split up? Ryan and I can find Stryker and you and Lauren can find Smoke...

I think the FLA can do damage control for now... I think Smoke is a bigger threat... He might even be the mastermind...

How do you know?

[He steps towards Drake.]

Drake (angry)
How do you know not? We haven't investigated...

[He steps towards Tyler. They are now just several feet away, and look like they're going to start fighting.]

Tyler (enraged)
And we're not going to. Now if you don't mind...

Drake (fiery)
Actually, I do mind...

Tyler (furious)
That's it, I'm leaving to find Stryker...

[He turns around walks out of the base. Drake looks furious.]

Drake (under his breath)

What did you call me?

[He stops.]

A coward...

Seriously? That's why I didn't want to join this team? Because of people like you who don't understand what heroes are supposed to be about. We're supposed to--

[He turns around and is interrupted as Drake tackles him, sending both men out into the hallway. Tyler pushes Drake away from him and then stumbles back and then slides to a stop. He strands up and sees Drake charge at him with his sword. Tyler draws his own sword and they begin to slash their swords at each other.]

Shane, should we do something?

Only if they try to kill each other...

[Drake gets sent tumbling down the hallway and Tyler puts away his sword. He takes out twin staffs and charges at Drake. He swings one staff at Drake and then avoid a sword slash before jumping up and kicking Drake back into the wall. He flips around in the other direction and kicks on the other side with his other leg, but Drake catches his kick and then spins Tyler around and then throws him onto the ground. He swings at Tyler and scratches at his armor, but the next slash is blocked by one of Tyler's staffs. He kicks Drake back, but he jumps over Tyler to avoid the next staff swing. He kicks Tyler in the back and then rushes up to him and punches him in the back. As he tumbles to the ground, Tyler swings his legs back and uses them to clench around Drake's neck, throwing him over and sending him sliding down the hallway. Tyler rolls to a stop as Drake slowly gets back up.]

Are you trying to kill me?

I'm trying to teach you a lesson...

About what?

About not messing with me!

[Drake jumps up and then punches at Tyler, but he blocks with his staff. They continue to go back at forth, but Tyler starts backing up. Drake kicks him back into the room where they were meeting and then jumps on the other side of him and forces him back in the other direction. Tyler kicks at Drake, but he avoids and then tackles him to the ground. Tyler reaches for Drake's leg and then throws him forward, sending him tumbling into Ryan. Tyler slowly gets up.]


Tyler (regretful)
Oh no...

[The team looks to Ryan who looks to Tyler, then at Drake. He starts to growl, his skin turning a bright orange. His voice deepens.]

Ryan, calm down. You can control this.

[Now bigger, fur covering his skin. He groans as claws emerge from his hands.]

Ryan, deep voice
No, I can't. R-Run!

Lauren, scared
We can get through this, Ryan. Focus! Don't let your anger take over!

[Ryan's eyes become deep orange. His shirt and pants rip apart.]

Ryan, infuriated
We?! There is no we in this! I AM THE ONLY ONE STUCK WITH THIS CURSE!

[Ryan roars at Lauren.]


[Lauren bolts out the room using the automatic door. Ryan follows, making the doors collapse to the ground. Lauren creates pink energy cuffs around Ryan's neck, causing him to choke.]

Listen to me, Reckno! We're your friends, not your enemies!

[Ryan rips the energy cuffs apart and charges after Lauren. Lauren creates an energy wall separating Ryan and Lauren but does not hold up very long once Ryan breaks through. Lauren opens up a circle on the floor with her energy and jumps in the hole. She lands in the cellar, and covers up the hole with a circle made out of energy. Ryan starts to claw his way through the energy lid, with Lauren using all her might to cover up the hole. Ryan crushes the lid and roars again with frustration at Lauren.]

Will you shut up?!

[Lauren creates a energy sphere and shoots it into Ryan's mouth. Ryan, choking on the sphere crushes it with his teeth. Ryan barges his arms in the empty hole and pushes against the sides, causing them to break into smaller pieces. Eventually, a wider hole opens up and Tiger Rage falls in. Ryan, flat on the ground weakly tries to stand up. Lauren creates a huge energy boulder and continuously smashes it on Ryan, with fear. Ryan tries to get up again, but Lauren smacks him right back down with the boulder. She tries to smash Ryan with another boulder, but Ryan grabs the next rock and retaliates by throwing it back at her. Lauren splices the boulder in half with a blade of pink energy. Ryan roars once more angrier than ever, gets up, and smacks Lauren into the wall with his shoulder. Lauren wipes away the blood on her lip and looks around for something she can use to hold off Tiger Rage. She runs towards some pipes she finds in the corner of the cellar as Ryan charges at her again. Ryan slams her against the wall, holding his claw right at Lauren's face, when Lauren takes the pipe and faces it right at Tiger Rage, shooting out hot steam.]

How do you like them apples?

[Ryan drops Lauren to the ground as he tries to steer out of the steam, blinded. Lauren weakly gets up, and finds a rope hanging from the upper floor. She takes it and starts to climb her way up. Ryan walks his way out of the steam, and wipes his eyes. He enrages when he finds Lauren climbing out of the cellar. He takes the rope and yanks it off the upper floor. Lauren falls to the ground on her back. As Lauren stays on the ground, unable to move, Ryan walks towards Lauren again. Ryan takes his fist and is about to slam it on Lauren when Drake comes from the open hole and lands right on Ryan.]



[Ryan throws Drake towards Lauren, knocking both them down. Drake helps her get up as he notices his belt is empty.]

Dammit! My sword! Where is it?

[Lauren looks around and notices it on a box nearby Tiger Rage. ]

1 o'clock!

Wait, what?

[Tiger Rage roars at Drake and starts running at him as he jumps at him. Drake moves Lauren over, as he breaks a few Water pipes. Lauren and Drake look at the sword on the edge, nearby them. Lauren shoots a giant hand of mana at the Sword attempting to grab it. She grabs the sword and sling it towards them, however the mana arm breaks and the sword flies towards Drake. ]

Drake, Duck!

[Drake sees the sword, jumps up, and grabs the sword with his hand before moving it across the air. A sonic blast hits Tiger Rage, making him scream in pain. Drake walks over to Ryan, taking out a syringe. He takes out another tube of yellow medicine and uses the syringe to take it out. ]

This is for your own good, Ryan!

[Drake runs at Ryan, as he prepares to stab Tiger Rage with the syringe. Tiger Rage roars and jumps at him, giving him a nasty cut on his left arm. Drake pushes the syringe, poking into Tiger Rage and giving him the antibiotics. Drake falls to the ground as Lauren screams in terror. Tiger Rage looks around, realizing what's happened, before he falls to the ground. He closes his eyes as he transforms back into a human. Lauren runs over to Drake, and looks at his cut. Its beginning to bleed. ]

Drake?! Drake?!

[Drake looks at the ceiling and coughs. ]

Well... that's the life of the Black Knight for you.

[He coughs again as Shane shouts from the top of the hole. ]

We're gonna get a ladder... hang on.

[The eye-patch spy walks away as Tyler looks down below, looking at the scene. His face shows only disgust. It cuts to an hour later. Lauren and Drake look much worse then Tyler does, and Ryan is still asleep. ]

Chris gave the knockout meds just in case something like this happened.

Well its your fault he got made in the first place.

Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't push someone towards the guy with anger issues.

Guys, don't start again...

Tyler and Drake
Stay out of this.

What did you just say? What did you JUST SAY?

Lauren, this is between me and Tyler, not you.

Hey, go shut up Drake. I was the one who freaking killed a terrorist! Wolf was just a stupid monster and as far as I know about Da-

Are you saying that JUST because you killed Bisectia that you're better then us?

I lead an entire rebellion on Klingvonia! You know how hard that is? REALLY HARD. Much harder then making out with some agents or having biscuits and tea with the Royal Family.

Oh my god, why did I ever decide to come here? This is so stupid. I knew Project: Heroes wouldn't work.

[Drake, Lauren, and Tyler argue as a video camera in the corner watches. It cuts to Stryker on his ship, watching them fight. ]

That's right. Fight with each other. Get angry. It's all a part of the plan. The Heroes will fall, and CHAOS will rise.

[Drake, Tyler, and Lauren continue to argue as Ryan wakes up. ]

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Why so loud?

[Tyler gets up, and takes his bow and arrows. ]

You know what? Being Solo is 100x better. I'm gone.

[Tyler walks out the room, as Chris Phillips and Shane Leon arrive. ]

I'm done too. In fact, let me just go jump off a cliff or something.

[Lauren leaves the room as Ryan laughs. ]

I know I'm dating Heather, but if I wasn't... dude, I'd totally go out with her.

[Drake looks at him for a few quiet moments, before also leaving the room as well. Back on Stryker's ship, Stryker smiles while looking at the camera footage.]

So my friend, that is your story?

[It shows Titus, in another seat next to Stryker. ]

Yes, and I will kill them all.

Not so fast. You may not have to kill them all by yourself. Titan, contact Dark and Light. Also, contact Mr. Smoke. I want three CHAOS helicopters following Mr. Reckno. Divide the Heroes, and we shall conquer.

[Titus and Stryker laugh as it cuts to a map with symbols. A Knight helmet, an arrow, a Tiger, a purple face, an eyepatch, and the CHAOS symbol. The Arrow is heading towards Northern Europe, the Purple face towards the United Kingdom and France, the Tiger heading towards Doxin City, the CHAOS symbol heading towards Europe as well, and the helmet heading towards the border between Canada and the United States. It then cuts to Niagara Falls. An FLA ship lands on Goat island, near the falls. Drake walks out of the ship, relaxing at the beauty of nature.]

This forest... it reminds me so much of the Soran Woods.

[It flashback to the events on Klingvonia. Two boys are running across the woods, hopping over tree stumps, crossing over rivers, and fighting with two sticks.]

Boy #1
TAKE THAT! AND THAT! AND THAT! ah ha ha. I’m beat you, you evil villain.

Boy #2
Not today!

[They continue to fight, until all of a sudden the second boy takes a step back, and falls down a giant hill, landing in a cold, chilling water. The Frost of winter coming, and the leaves falling only makes it worse. The boy gets up, and looks at a big cut in his knee.]

Boy #2

[The First boy looks over the edge, and slows down.]

Boy #1
You okay Drake?

Young Drake
Yeah, what about you Richard?

Young Richard
I’ll get your dad. DRAKE’S DAD, DRAKE’S DAD....

[Richard runs towards the village of Soran. Meanwhile, Drake tries to get up, but he cries out for a moment, scaring the creatures away. Suddenly, he sees a movement behind a tree. ]

Young Drake
Who's there?

[The person behind the tree, steps out, and Drake looks in shock.]

Are you alright?

Young Drake leg...

[The Girl walks over, and looks at the cut. Blood is all over his leg.]

I know just what to do. I’ll be right back.

[The Girl runs up to a bush, and pulls off the leaves and then looks at the ground. She sees Aaval tracks, and runs over. There, she finds a small tree with yellow berries. Taking some of them, she returns back to Drake, holding his leg in agony.]

I know just what to do.

[She grabs a nearby rock and crushes the berries and the leaves, taking another leaf, putting the herbs and juices onto there. Then, taking a handful of water, cleans his wound, and then put the herbs and juices on the cut.]

How are you.... ahh... doing that?

My mother’s the medicine lady.

Medicine lady.... Regina?

Young Regina
Yup. That’s my name. You’re cut should be gone in 3 hours.

[Then, Drake’s father and Young Richard appear.]

Drake's Father
Drake? You okay?

Young Drake
Yeah... I’m fine. Regina helped me.

Young Regina
You’re welcome.

[Drake and Regina smile at each other, as all of a sudden.... Drake opens his eyes. He's back in the real world, on Earth. On Goat Island.]

Those were the days.

[Suddenly, two explosions rock the forest. Drake ducks down, and sees Dark, walking towards him. ]

When Chaos rises in the world, a great darkness will cover this world, and the Heroes will be blinded by their failure.

Oh crap.

[Dark shoots a dark energy blast at him, while Drake dodges over towards his ship. Drake kicks the door of his ship, and a compartment shoots out. The compartment opens up and reveals the Black Knight Armor II. Drake takes out his sword, and presses a button on it. It opens up the armor, as Drake stabs the sword down. Drake jumps into the armor as it closes around him. The arms close first, then the legs, and the chest. ]

Looks like someone is in need of a lesson.

[The helmet closes on Drake, as he lifts his sword. Dark shoots at the Black Knight, but the Black Knight sends a shockwave blast at him. Dark dodges and takes out his own sword. The Black Knight and Dark charge at each other, clashing the blades. Drake flips around in the other direction and kicks on the other side with his other leg, but Dark catches his kick. Dark then sends an energy blast at Drake's armor, sending both of them backwards. The Black Knight gets up, putting his sword in his belt as Dark tackles him. The two roll around the island, till they land in the water. The quick rapids begin to pull them towards the falls, as they continue to fight. Drake realizes what is occurring and presses a button on his armor. A hook and line shoots out, but it grabs Dark, connecting them. He grabs his sword, and stabs into the rock below. This only creates a shockwave, sending them even closer towards the falls. ]

I don't care if I die, its all in the name of Stryker.

[The shockwave causes the rock to shoot upwards, and a giant piece of rock sticks out of the water at the edge of the falls. The Black Knight shoots another arrow and line at the rock, this time attaching to it. The Black Knight and Dark fall over the edge, hanging by a line to the rock. Drake begins to swing himself and Dark upwards, till they fly upwards and land on the rock. Drake disconnects the arrow and line, and grabs his sword. Dark creates an energy sword with his dark energy. The two continue to fight with each other.

So, the Black Knight IS a swordsman.

Actually I prefer the term weapons master but... oh forget it.

[Dark swings at Drake and scratches at his armor, but the next slash is blocked by Drake. He kicks Drake back, but The Black Knight gets up and knocks his blade at Dark. Dark then maneuvers his energy, before knocking Drake's sword over the falls. The Black Knight looks down, and nods. ]


[He then turns around, and jumps off towards the bottom of the falls. Dark watches as he grabs his sword, and sends a powerful shockwave at Dark. The rock is destroyed, and Dark falls from the edge of the falls towards Drake. Dark and The Black Knight fall together, punching each other. Suddenly, Dark's jetpack activates, sending them flying. It cuts to a church. ]

I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Crook. You may ki-

[Drake and Dark crash into the church, landing on the aisle. Dark punches The Black Knight, but the Black Knight knocks Dark to the ground. Dark roundhouse kicks The Black Knight, before they get up and crash through another window. The couple and the pastor are just watching. ]

-ss the bride.

[The Husband and wife scream in terror, before running out of the church. The Black Knight punches Dark outside, as Dark shoots Dark Energy. The Black Knight slashes at Dark, causing him to bleed in the arm. Dark, admitting defeat turns on his jetpack again and flies away. The Black Knight takes off his helmet, and watches him fly away.]

That's not good, not good at all. I need to contact Shane... he needs to know about this.

[It cuts to Ryan in the train station of Doxin City.]

This entire project was a disaster. I don't belong in that bug jar. I belong with Heather.

[A train passes and comes to a complete stop. Ryan enters the ticket booth when the front part of the train explodes with a flash of white and yellow.]

What the-

[[The scene quickly becomes filled with chaos and the screaming of innocent lives. Fire bursts through the damaged train.]

The infamous Tiger Rage. Pleasure meeting you.

[Ryan sees a distant shadow through the blazing fire.]

Who-Who are you?!

I am correction. I am perfection. I am the Light.

How did you find me?

I've been watching you. This train stunt was to grab your attention.

Ryan, creeped out
Watching me?

I couldn't take you out alone when you Heroes were together, so I decided to wait until conflict started. Now due to your petty emotions, you've let me strike with nobody there to help you.

I can take care of myself, thanks.

Let's put that to testimony, shall we?

If you've been watching me, you should know you shouldn't get me mad.

Are you scared to fight me?

No. But you should be.

[Light chuckles in the shadows.]

Light, chuckling
And why is that?

I don't play well with others.

[Ryan's eyes become orange. His shirt rips apart as his body grows in size and weight, feeling like bricks. His skin becomes orange, black and white resembling the look of a tiger.]

There's the gamma tiger we all love to see.

Ryan, with a deep voice
If nobody's realized already, you're a hell of an idot.

[Ryan grows fangs and huge black claws on his hands. He roars at the flames, where Light is hiding. Ryan slowly crawls towards the flames, preparing for an attack. He looks behind the flames to see Light is not there. Ryan looks in all directions, confused.]

My name might be light, but I never said I was against the darkness.

[Light sneaks up behind Ryan and lunges his arms around Ryan's striped neck. Ryan roars in distraught, grabbing Light's arms and throwing him into a brick wall. Light pushes away the fallen bricks and carnage, and blasts light beams at Ryan's eyes, blinding him. Ryan backs into a metal pole. He grabs the pole and wacks Light with it, sending him into the train tracks. Light creates a propulsion of light beams, blasting him into the air. Light shoots a rain of light beams at Ryan, sending him backwards into flames. Ryan roars again in anger and annoyance at Light and charges at him, ignoring the pain of the beams. He grabs Light by the leg, spins him around and throws him into the escalator. Light becomes electrocuted by the wires under the escalator and yells. He climbs out the hole he crashed into.]

You idiot! I could've gotten killed!

[Ryan responds by ramming Light up the escalator with his shoulder. Light slides on the ground of pure marble. As Ryan tries to get up the escalator to fight Light, Light blasts a light beam at Ryan knocking him back down. Light jumps down with him and slams his legs into Ryan's chest. Light sits down and starts punching him in the face with his fists. Ryan bites Light's fist, making him pull back. As Light rubs his bitten hand, Ryan smacks Light off of him. Light, weakily stands still managing ground as Ryan gets up and roars at him. He gives Light one big punch in the chest and sends him flying into the train tracks again. A train passes by the train tracks, and then when it leaves, Light is seen to be nowhere. As Ryan breathes heavily from his intense fight, a conductor comes up to Ryan.]

Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the station...

[Ryan sniffs in air, and smacks the conductor in the wall. It cuts to London, England. Lauren lands in her anodite mode on the bridge in front of the MI6 building. She enters her human mode and starts walking forward.]

Oh my gosh, I can't believe them. Drake is a gentlemen one moment and a jerk the next, Tyler was just annoying, and Ryan tried to FREAKING KILL ME! Ugh. While while I'm in London, I might as well visit mom.

[She continues to walk on the bridge when she bumps into a man.]

Sorry Miss I was just... Lauren? What are you doing here?

Chief? Oh wow. I was just visiting London to say hi to my mother.

Alright, nice meeting yo-

[They both turn around to see the top offices of the MI6 building explode. The Chief looks in horror as gunfire starts on the bridge. People begin to run in fear as a bullet hits the heart of the chief. He falls forward, landing in Lauren's arms. ]

Chief? CHIEF!? Oh my god... Oh my gosh...

[Lauren shoots a giant mana blast at the criminal, knocking him down. ]

You just got OWNED.

[She shoots mana at the ground, flying towards the MI6 building in flames. When she reaches the offices, she looks around for any sign of life ]

Oh my god... ANYONE AROUND?

[Lauren shoots a giant mana blast at the criminal, knocking him down. ]


[Suddenly, a loud noise is made. Lauren looks around, and sees a giant hand reaching out from a pile of rubble. The hand is covered in blood. Lauren uses mana, and lifts up the rubble. Suddenly, the man in the rubble jumps up, and smiles. Lauren looks in shock, as she is punched across the burning office to a wall that collapses. She looks forward and sees Titan walking towards her.]

Your powers are worthless, Alien lifeform. You can not stop the death of millions.

You just really pissed me off. You're from CHAOS, right? How's Smoke doing?

Mr. Smoke bids thee welcome to thee grave. My master though is Stryker, Supreme Lord of CHAOS. He will remove Smoke, the coward that he is and will bring America's Reckoning.

Well, guess what? I'm gonna break you now.

[Lauren lunges at Titan, pushing him to the ground. They burst through the floor, onto the lower floor. The MI6 agents remaining notice Lauren. ]

Well don't just stand there! SHOOT NOW, ASK LATER!

[The MI6 Agents take out their pistols and shoot at Titan, who not only dodges, but grabs one man and throws him at the rest. Lauren creates giant mana hands, lifts up a table in one office and slams it into Titan's face. Titan is knocked down, as the agents run out of pistols. Taking advantage of this, Titan grabs a number of pencils and throws them, stabbing them in the eyes. Titan grabs Lauren and shoves her through a wall, but she shoots mana at Titan, pushing him backwards.]

You are worthless. Do not try to stop me, Lara of Anodyne.

How did yo-

I watched, as your grandmother, Qumine painfully was tortured minute by minute. She told us all about you, Lara. You think you've pain? She cried, screamed for mercy, begged like a small puppy for it to end. And as she moved on, I smiled right at her, and told her how I would make sure that this world would fall into CHAOS, you idiot. You think you are a Hero, and yet you squirm for your life. There can be no treaty, no defense, no PROJECT that will stop me from killing every one you know. I will find them, I will find all of them, and I will keep them alive just enough, so they then watch as I rip your skull apart. Then I will burn every single city and destroy every childhood I can until the oceans are filled with the blood of mankind. Deal with that, you worthless piece of garbage.

[Lauren lunges at Titan, but Titan grabs her, and punches her down, knocking her to the ground. She is unable to get up as he laughs. ]

And then there was One.

[Lauren's body moves an inch. A purple aura glows from her body as the building begins to shake. The ceiling and floors crack as her body continues to glow. She is lifted up by the aura, as she enters Anodite mode. She screams extremely loud.]


[A purple aura blast is sent out from Lauren across the base. The windows shatter across the entire base as multiple agents exit out of the base from the bottom floor. Titan is sent flying out of the base, grabbing onto a part of the base, hanging on. He presses a button on his armor and speaks at it.]

Send in the Copters.

[Two helicopters fly towards the MI6 Base. They are the Stryker Force and the Titanz Striker copters. The Titanz Striker Picks up Titan and flies to the other side of the base. The first helicopter shoots at the MI6 base, destroying the one side while the other helicopter shoots missiles at the other side. The smoke reaches into the sky, as the base continues to be assulted. Lauren shoots a giant beam at the floor, creating multiple holes that reach the main floor on level ground. She then makes a mana ladder, and shouts. ]


[The rest of the MI6 Agents hurry down the ladder as the missles contine to strike the building. Titan smiles as the building continues to burst in flames. Lauren jumps off the ladder, and walks out of the buidling. The building explodes in a fiery mass, as the helicopters leave. ]

No... just no.

[It shows the MI6 building in ruins, and in flames. Multiple sirens are heard in the distance as Lauren flies upwards away from London. It cuts to Drake in the FLA ship heading towards the Arctic. Drake puts the plane on Autopilot and picks up the phone connected to the plane. He dials a number and Shane Leon answers.]

Drake? Why are yo-

Shane, I need the number to Tyler's um... what's it called? Cell phone. I need his Cell Phone number.

Alright... I'll find it. In the meanwhile, you might want to see what's going on in London and Doxin City.

[Drake leaves the phone hanging, and walks over to the screen. There, a woman is reporting.]

As of so far, it is suspected that twenty people was killed in the CHAOS attack on the Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6. This is the second known attack by CHAOS today, the first being in Doxin City. The President of the United States is preparing to make a statement in a few hours.

Ryan... Lauren. I guess the world really does need Heroes.

[The camera cuts to Tyler walking in Oslo, Norway. There are some people on the streets walking, but is is getting late in the afternoon and most people are inside. The sounds of chatter are soon drowned out by a helicopter flying overhead. It lands at an intersection in the city that Tyler is approaching. He stands across from it and readies his bow. Stryker exits the helicopter, with Titus no where on board. He stands tall across from Tyler. Both men are silent.]

You killed one of my men...

[Tyler grimaces but otherwise is undeterred.]

It's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face... To get a chance to sit down and talk...

In your dreams. I'm going to kill you now, Stryker...

Sadly, I'm afraid I've been two steps ahead of you the whole time...

We know what you're planning...

Thankfully you do not...

The Tigin... You're going to infuse it into the Vladat... He'll attempt to destroy us, and all of this was made possible by your help from CHAOS...

[Stryker claps slowly but then stops and laughs.]

Very good, but you're missing the final piece of the puzzle... You're so close, it's as if you're missing one letter of the alphabet, but the most common letter... It's like you're missing the E that will give you everything you need.

But I'd still wager your plans fall apart if you die...

Go ahead, try to kill me...

[He holds his arms out.]

You'll never succeed...

[Tyler aims an arrow at Stryker and then looks past him and fires an arrow at his helicopter. The bomb attached to the arrow explodes, but Stryker's bulk allows him to be undeterred by the explosion. After a moment he charges forward at Tyler, who prepares two twin staffs. He swings one at Stryker, but then gets punched in the face. He flips around and stabs one of the staffs against Stryker's side. Stryker reaches and grabs Tyler's arm holding the staff that just stabbed and flips him around into a building. He slowly walks to meet up with Tyler in the building, but an arrow flies out. He dodges and looks behind him to see where the arrow goes, and smiles realizing that it only missed him by centimeters. He turns back to building and then gets kicked in the face by Tyler. He grabs his other leg as he goes past and then throws Tyler into the ground. Tyler draws a miniature crossbow and then aims it up and Stryker's face as he lies on his back on the ground.]

Well? Fire already?

Tyler, short of breath
Before I killed Wolf, I asked him why he killed my fiance... He told me to ask my boss.

He told me all about you, but he did tell me one very important thing... It was not Wolf who killed your fiance.

[Tyler's eyes widen.]

Tyler, furious

[He fires the arrow at Stryker, but he catches it and notices a flashing device on it. Tyler rolls forward.]

Stryker, confused

See ya!

[The device on the arrow launches Stryker into the air. As he begins to fall to the ground, Tyler gets out his bow again and lines up a shot with Stryker. He fires a bomb attached to an arrow at Stryker, who notices it, catches the arrow, and then throws it back at Tyler. The bomb explodes, sending Tyler sliding down the street. Stryker plummets to the ground and then walks over to Tyler who gets up.]

Ready to give up?


Well then it's a good thing I must be leaving anyway...

[Suddenly, another helicopter arrives, this one with Titus on it. A ladder drops from it and Stryker grabs on. Tyler reaches for an arrow, but realizes he doesn't have any left. Stryker smirks as the helicopter flies farther and farther away. Tyler plops onto the ground right in the middle of the street and then takes out his cell phone to make a call when suddenly it rings.]

Hello, this is Tyler...

Tyler, get your ash back to the arctic base... We've got work to do...

How'd you--?

We work with the government, Tyler. Don't ask me "how'd you?"

[He hangs up. Tyler sighs as the camera cuts to the arctic base several hours later. It is now nighttime, two days after the opening scene. Everyone is bruised up from their battles as Shane Leon walks into the room. ]

So now that we're all toge-

Drake, angry
What the hell happened in London?

Lauren, shocked
Titan. He... he had the Chief killed. He destroyed MI6. CHAOS killed hundreds of agents and civilians...

My God...

Tyler, depressed
He.... he said she wasn't killed by him...


Stryker, he said that... that Rachel wasn't killed by Wolf. But, that has to be a lie, right?

[The Room is oddly silent until Shane speaks up.]

What else did they say? Any of your attackers?

Nothing really...

Same here.

Well I do have one thing. Stryker told me something.

Well we need to prepare in case of an attack. Drake, and Tyler you need to prepare to defend the artic base if they attack. Lauren, help Dr. Reckno track Titus... I don't like whatever they're planning with Project: V. If nothing happens within the next hour, we'll come back together.

[It cuts to multiple agents running across the base as Ryan and Lauren stand in the lab. Ryan is typing into multiple computers. ]

I need you to hook the wire to the main hard drive, and then access the FLA database. Look up all the information you need to find on Project: V. I'll trace Titus's unique genetics and DNA, before discovering his location. It'll be easy to assume that wherever Titus is, Stryker is.


[Lauren takes a red wire and connects it to a laptop. She then enters the main browser, and types Project: V into the search bar. After a few minutes, the results show up. Ryan meanwhile begins typing the code next to the map of the United States. Lauren begins to read when she finds something. ]

Ryan, how do you hack into a classified file concerning top secret info that only Chris Phillips and Shane Leon can access?

Easy. Just use the passcode. Shane had it sticking out of his wallet. Its really funny really.

What is it?


[Lauren and Ryan laugh as Lauren types that in. Suddenly, she looks at the screen. It shows video footage from Drake's ship, as seen in The Black Knight. The Shadows disappears as Regina turns her head. She walks into the shadows to get something when a man jumps out. Regina screams as the man grabs her throat.]

Drake, in the video

[With a loud snap, she falls down dead. The Man laughs as he shows his face.]

Drake, in the video

[Titus laughs as his arms grow into wings and fingers become claws.]

Titus, in the video
Tick tick tick tick tick. Poor Drake Daniels. The Foolish Black Knight.

Drake, in the video

The Transylians wiped out my species, now I will kill not only you, but the entire planet.

Drake, in the video
Why you little...

[Drake grabs his sword and slashes at Titus’s face. A white cut goes in the middle. The face shatters and reveals...]

Drake, in the video
You’re .. a ... a...

Titus, in the video

[The ID Mask in ruins, a monstrous bat looking face appears. Titus charges at Drake, knocking him to the wal..]

Titus, in the video
Excuse me.. the blood of a Transylian has been denied for far too long.

[Drake kicks Titus and fights back, slashing and using the sword to protect himself. Drake accidentally hits a pipe, causing ice cold temperatures to hit the cabin.]

Titus, in the video
You fool! You've doomed both of us!

[Drake attempts to run to an escape pod, but Titus attempts to stop him.]

Titus, in the video
I will... not let you... escape!

[Drake kicks Titus, enters the pod and closes it. For Self-Preservation, Titus forces his weak body back into a more humanoid shape and closes the second escape pod. Drake attempts to leave, but the cold temperatures freeze solid, freezing the ship and the living. The video then ends and cuts to a text named Project: Endgame.]

Whoa. That's how Drake found out.

What's Project: Endgame?

Well lets find out.

[Lauren clicks the text, and a large amount of information appears as Lauren begins to read. It cuts to Drake and Tyler looking outside for anything suspicious. All that can be heard is the cold wind. Drake then coughs. ]



Did you um, see that new horror movie with the Wo-

[Tyler gives him an angry look that shuts Drake right up. ]

Nevermind, Nevermind. Just trying to make conversation.

[The wind is the only noise heard for an awkward amount of time, until Drake speaks again.]

Can I ask you something?

Tyler, slightly annoyed

Who is Rachel?


Drake, nervous
Alright, nevermind. Forget I as-

No, its fine. Everyone knows you're the alien knight that crashed in Russia, Ryan's the dude who got some anger issues from the tiger alien, and Lauren fought CHAOS in Britain. But my story is a bit... different. You might as well find out from me.

[It cuts to a younger Tyler and Rachel Sanchez Walking together. Its a hot summer day.]

Tyler, voiceover
About three years ago, Summer had just begun. Rachel Sanchez.... dang, I thought she was the one. She was everything I had wanted at that time. We were out and were walking along the pier.

[It shows Tyler and Rachel watching children getting ice cream from a stand.]

Tyler, in the flashback
Man, Chocolate rocks.

Rachel, in the flashback
Cookies and Cream, Tyler. I still don't know why you don't like that.

Tyler, in the flashback
I'm just not a Cookies and Cream fan. Strawberry is fine I guess to.

Rachel, in the flashback
Strawberry? Wow.

Tyler, in the flashback
I know, its lame.

Rachel, in the flashback
Actually, its kinda cute.

Tyler, voiceover
Somehow the conversation switched from ice cream flavors to... what we wanted to do in the future. For a while, I had been planning something, but I hadn't found the right time. When we began talking, I just smiled and I knew. I knew it was the time.

[Tyler drops to a knee, and grabs a black box out of his pocket. Opening it up, he reveals a gold ring with a diamond on top. Rachel looks in shock.]

Tyler, in the flashback
Rachel Sanchez, will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Kane?

Rachel, in the flashback
Oh my gosh, yes. Yes Yes Yes!

[Rachel puts on the ring, and gives Tyler a romantic kiss. The flashback begins to end.]

Tyler, voiceover
Last year, we were about to get married. But then Wolf, as we talked about killed her. But, Stryker said Rachel wasn't killed by him. So now... I'm just, I d- I don't know. Have you ever lost someone that made you so angry, so upset that it felt like the world was over and your only purpose in life was to get you anger out?

Surprisingly, yes. I also lost someone recently. Regina.

[It transitions to a day before Drake and Regina leave Klingvonia. Drake and Regina are packing things up, and talking.]

Drake, in the flashback
Are you excited?

Regina Viva, in the flashback
You have no idea.

Drake, in the flashback
Actually, I kinda do. Since we got married...

Regina, in the flashback
Oh. Right.

Drake, voiceover
Regina and I had been childhood friends, then lovers. However, the rebellion on Klingvonia gave rise to issues between her and me. I was too busy fighting Darzon and Javert, but I truly did love her. During the end of the war, we announced our love for each other. I have never met anyone like her. Titus killed her before I crashed here on Earth, and I'll never be able to forgive him. I want my revenge, before I can move on.

[It cuts to Drake and Tyler looking outside, again.]

However, I've started feeling these... those emotions again. I don't know why. I only feel them when I'm near Lauren.

Oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding me. First rule about having teams. You never date the members. NEVER.

Wait wha- no. I didn't mean...Well. I don't know. Don't worry, it hasn't affected the team yet so unless it becomes an issue.... no worries, right?

[Tyler looks at him before beginning to walk away.]

Come on. Time's up. We gotta head back and report to Shane.

[It cuts to Drake and Tyler arriving in the Heroes room. Lauren and Ryan are already there. Both are somewhat angry, but are keeping their cool. ]

Tyler, you said that Stryker told you something, am I right?

Yeah. He said, " Very good, but you're missing the final piece of the puzzle... You're so close, it's as if you're missing one letter of the alphabet, but the most common letter... It's like you're missing the E that will give you everything you need. "

Lauren, disgusted
We knew it. E, Ryan. As in Endgame.

[Tyler and Drake look at them, confused. Shane and Chris walk into the room.]

As we tracked Titus, we also found out about one of the FLA'S projects. Project: Endgame. Only Shane and Chris had the clearance to look at it.

And only we should still do... How'd you find out about this?

'Sup EyePatchRules251...

[Shane slowly moves his hand to his face.]

Sir, should I--?

No, let them in on it...

We don't fully understand what this is, but basically Project: Endgame is the plans for a cloning procedure to create placid clones that are easily manipulated...

Why clones, and why do they need to be placid?

You want the truth?

[The heroes turn to Shane.]

It's because they don't trust you...

[There is silence.]

The FLA's Board of Directors doesn't trust you... It's why we were assigned to keep you in the Arctic and it's why we went through with Project: Endgame... The clones would be perfect super soldiers that could be manipulated...

Drake, in denial
You didn't trust us...

Look, that was before... We have very big problems...

Well, when were you going to clone us...

It was endgame for a reason... Only to be activated if things didn't work out...

Well Shane... It looks like things aren't working out, so you might as well--

We can't...

--clone-- what?

Stryker stole the project and will no doubt use it to create clones of Titus...

How long does the process take?

We designed it to create 30 clones per minute after a 2 hour warm up period... We're running out of time... It's possible we have less than 45 minutes left before the attack begins...

Then how about a little divide and conquer?

Split up again as a ruse? I like the way you think...

[Drake points at Tyler.]

You sir... I like the way you think...

[Tyler shakes his head with a smirk on his face and then turns around.]

I'll be in Everson City...

I can go to Stonewick City. I've recently found a home there.

Stonewick City? With that crappy mayor... what's his name..

Yes. Malum, I think. I can go there.

Kyle, a friend of mine is in Miami right now. CHAOS could try and attack him so, I should probably go to Miami.

I can go to Chicago. Heather's there.

Chris and I will stay nearby if you need any help. But after the last few attacks... most of our ships are down and it'll take too long to get any others to the base here.

[Suddenly, Drake realizes something.]

Wait a second. I completely forgot!

[Drake runs to one of the computers, and types in a couple of words. He then grins.]

Shane, did a shipment happen to come here while we were in Doxin City?

Yes, but how'd you know that?

Because, its mine.

[Drake runs out of the room as everyone follows him. As they run, they enter a room with a grey metal box. Drake walks up to the huge metal box and puts his hand on an indent. A red light comes out, scanning his eyes, and his hand print.]

Drake Daniels. Opening now.

[A loud noise is heard as the box begins to open itself up. Drake stands back.]

During the few months I've had on Earth, I've been secretly building something with FLA parts and tech. It was in Stonewick City, but I had it moved over to here because I figured we might need it. You see, I had a car while I was on Klingvonia...

[The box opens up to reveal an alien-like vehicle. ]

But I never had a plane. Meet, The Blade. She's my newest ride.

Lauren, a bit angry

All guys call their vehicles girls, right?

Um, not all guys. But it looks awesome.

I can drop Ryan off in Chicago, then go to Everson, then Stonewick, and give Shane the controls..

Then he can drop me off.

Exactly. The Blade has room for 6 people, 3 if Ryan goes Tiger Rage on us. It has dual-mounted floodlights, dual-anchored machine guns, missile launchers, an EMP cannon, etc. Its perfect.

Anything else you want to tell us that you've made lately?

Um, a new armor. Its attached to the Blade.

[Shane sighs and looks at the group.]

So we got an alien knight who clearly isn't as loyal as alien as I thought, an angry hunter, a ticked tiger who is also a doctor, an alien spy, and two normal spies.

[Everyone looks at him, nervous.]

Seems like the perfect team to me. It's about time this world gets the Heroes it deserves. Suit up.

[It cuts to Tyler making his new arrows. At the same time, Lauren is mediating in a room while Ryan attaches the tracking system to the Blade's computer mainframe, and Drake is sharpening his sword. He puts on his Black Knight armor like a badash and begins walking towards the Blade. Tyler exits out of a room, walking behind him, as do Lauren, and Ryan. They march into the Blade, where Chris and Shane are already sitting down. Drake sits in front of the pilot's seat.]

We ready?

[Everyone looks at him and nods.]

Lets begin.

[The Heroes fly on the Blade away from the Artic Base as it cuts to Stryker looking at the video footage on a CHAOS tablet. ]

I'll send men over to those places. Thanks for the advice, Drake. That was very... very useful information.

[An elevator opens, and Titus steps out in new clothes. He walks over to Stryker, who is in front of a glass window.]

The army is ready for you. The bombs are set in place. Soon, chaos will explode onto the city, and then the rest of the Earth.

CHAOS will rise, and the Heroes shall fall. Everything is going according to our plan.

[It moves away from the window, revealing the window to be a window in the Willis Tower, in Chicago. As it moves away from Chicago, it goes towards a fleet of airships heading there. Inside one of the airships there are multiple tubes with Vladat clones waiting for war.]


Act III: Heroes[]

[It cuts to the streets of Chicago. Two cop cars are chasing another cop car, all three sirens roaring. The cop car being chased opens its window, as a crazy Mime sticks his head out the window. He turns the corner as the cops continue to chase him. One cop grabs the radio in his car.]

He's heading to the DuSable Bridge. I repeat, he's heading to the...

[The cop car accidentally hits a lamp post, causing a massive explosion that knocks the other two cars over. It begins a set of explosions, destroying multiple shops and buildings in the nearby area. Titus, on the Willis Tower notices the smoke and screams. ]

The Bombs! They've gone off near the Bridge...

[Stryker walks towards Titus from the shadows, and puts his hand on Titus's shoulder.]

Do not worry, Titus. We are still on track...

[Stryker gives Titus a CHAOS tablet, showing multiple CHAOS airships traveling from Canada, the Great Lakes, and the Bayou of Louisiana. ]

The ships will arrive with your children very soon. Chicago will feel the rath of Stryker the Dangerous and Titus, the Terrible.

As the mother of the Midwest burns in flames... we shall strike like the viper, and the blood of mankind shall pour into the Lakes.

The Heroes will not survive. Order will be destroyed and CHAOS will be established.

[It cuts to the Blade, arriving in Chicago. The door opens, and Ryan jumps out of the plane.]

Ryan, now would be a good time to get angry.

Considering that I'm always angry... not going to be hard.

[The Blade leaves, as Ryan begins to walk around Chicago. A fire truck zooms by, but other then that its business as usual. Ryan walks up to a man and buys a hotdog. ]

What's going on with the fire truck?

The Hot Dog Dude
I don't know. Some cop chase with the crazy mime blowing up him and the cops. Just the usual stuff.

[Ryan starts eating the hot dog, and by the time he's finished, he's looking around, confused. ]

Ryan, confused
Where are they?

[It cuts to Tyler, arriving in Everson City. He looks around, taking out an arrow. The Blade can be seen flying away in the distance.]

It's... surprisingly quiet...

[He takes out his smart phone and looks at the news headlines. The top story is possible terrorist-caused explosions in Chicago.]

Tyler, focused
And so it begins...

[He continues to walk down the street and then looks behind him as if someone was watching. He turns back forward and then walks towards a house forwards and to the left of him. The camera cuts to him standing in front of it. He looks to the side when he hears something move through the air, but there is nothing, so he turns towards the house and then walks up to the door. He knocks at the door, but then looks to the right as Dark runs up to him and tackles him to the ground. Then the door opens with Anne standing on the other side. She looks confused. The camera cuts to the left of the house. Dark shoots dark energy at Tyler, who back flips to avoid. He takes out a staff and then jumps and kicks Dark in the face. He smacks Dark with his staff and then lands on the ground. He tosses the staff in the air and then takes out a sword and charges at Dark. His first slash is blocked, but the next one strikes Dark and knocks him back. Tyler gets blasted back by dark energy, but he slides back and then jumps and kicks Dark in the face as his spins around. He grabs onto the wall of the house next to the one he knocked at, and then grabs his staff as it falls from the ground.]

You made this too easy... We've been tracking you this whole time...

We know...


Divide and conquer...

[He jumps at Dark and punches him in the face. He gets knocked back and tries to slow down Tyler's attacks using dark energy, but Tyler spins to avoid them. He hits Dark onto the ground and then takes his sword out again and holds it at Dark's neck.]

It's too late for you...

[He takes a cyanide tablet out of his pocket.]

The world will fall to Titus...

[He bites down on the tablet and soon falls unconscious. Tyler puts away his sword and staff. The camera cuts to Anne looking around in front of the house. Tyler drops down behind her and then spins her around and quickly kisses her on the lips.]

I'll see you soon...

[He puts on his mask and then walks off.]

Tyler, wait...

[Tyler turns around.]

You don't have to stay with me... You can join their team... You can be happy in both of your lives...

[Tyler cracks a smile and then grimaces as he notices hundreds of Vladat clones swarming the city, with several approaching him.]


Just get inside...

[She looks at him for a moment before turning around and running into the house. Tyler puts his mask back on and then takes out a sword.]

Prey... Meet the hunter...

[He charges at the army and begins to shred through the clones as the camera cuts to The Black Knight arriving in Stonewick City.]

The Black Knight
Shane, you know how to use the Blade now?

I think I got the hang of it.

The Black Knight
Alright. When I contact you, pick me up.

Roger that.

[The Black Knight exits the Blade, as Shane, Chris, and Lauren leave towards Miami. He looks around, to be near the bridge. As The Black Knight looks around, he proceeds to enter one of the warehouses nearby and climb up the stairs. When he reaches the roof, he notices a few storm clouds in the distance. ]

The Black Knight
Looks like it's gonna raining Cats and Dogs.

[He continues to walk around the rooftop, monitoring the streets. Suddenly, he senses something. He then grins, slowly taking out his sword from his belt. ]

The Black Knight
You know, not many people can sneak up like that on me.

[He turns around to see Titan standing. ]

You don't understand, my friend, do you? It doesn't matter if the FLA, or the F.B.I. or MI6 or any other agency attempts to stop us. Not even you can stop CHAOS.

The Black Knight
True, MI6 might not be able to stop CHAOS. Or even the FLA. Or even me. But that doesn't mean that I can't stop you.

Titan, getting ready to fight
So, you've come back from the Arctic to die here, in the city where millions can watch your blood fill the river?

The Black Knight
Not Exactly.

[The Black Knight slashes with his sword, but Titan grabs his arm, and flicks the sword to the side as he punches the helmet. The Black Knight kicks him forward, as Titan runs towards him. The Black Knight grabs Titan and punches him in the face. The two begin to push each other forward. ]

The Black Knight
I came here to kick your ash.

[The Black Knight punches Titan, and kicks him in the groin. The Black Knight grabs his sword from the side, but Titan pushes him over with himself. The two hit another part of the building, rolling over the side and crashing into the ground. The Black Knight uses the sword, creating a shock wave sending Titan into a nearby store. The Black Knight runs forward, but Titan knocks him over, before continuing to punch him in the gut 5 times. Drake knocks him in the head, before creating another shock wave with his sword. The shock wave creates a massive explosion. Titan and The Black Knight are thrown out of the store, onto the street. ]

It doesn't matter how much you try, you will fail.

The Black Knight

[Titan then punches the Knight in the groin, before being pushed through another window into a bank. The cops inside the bank take out their guns and aim at the two. The two however are not noticing, as The Black Knight bashes out his rage at Titan, destroying multiple desks. Titan jumps up, and kicks the hero down. An old woman screams as Titan looks. He notices an elderly couple in the corner, scared for their life.]

Here's your example. Watch... as I kill these people, and take not only their blood, but your own, and spit it into Shane Leon's face.

The Black Knight

[Titan knocks Drake down, knocking off the helmet as he takes down one of the cops. Grabbing the pistol, he aims at the elderly couple. As the hero gets up, barely, he notices what is about to happen. Drake looks at him, angry.]

The Black Knight, angry

[The Black Knight runs to Titan as he turns to his head. Titan is slammed to the wall as the gun shoots the wall, missing the elderly people. Titan's head slams into the wall as Drake angry punches him repeatedly in the face. ]

The Black Knight, enraged

[Titan knocks Drake down, but Drake slashes his sword, damaging Titan's armor. Drake then takes out blades in his armor, and slashes them at Titan's face, cutting him. As Titan screams in pain, the angry hero kicks him to the wall once more. ]

The Black Knight, furious

[He repeatedly punches him as he flashbacks to the past. It shows the scene in Drake's ship as seen in The Black Knight. The Shadows disappears as Regina turns her head. She walks into the shadows to get something when a man jumps out. Regina screams as the man grabs her throat.]

Drake, in the flashback

[With a loud snap, she falls down dead. Titus laughs as he shows his face. It cuts back to Titan continuing to get punched. Drake is beginning to show tears as he punches him. It cuts to him in an earlier scene.He runs as fast as he can to where she is falling, but it doesn't look like he will make it in time. He pulls forward and then dives and catches Lauren just before she lands on the ground. She places her on the ground and then stands over her. He looks into her barely conscious eyes.]

Lauren (weak), in the flashback

Drake (short of breath), in the flashback
Don't mention it...

[They are silent for a moment.]

Lauren, in the flashback
Guess I owe you one...

[Drake stands and nods his head.]

Drake, in the flashback

[As it cuts back to the past, one of the cops grabs him by the arm, and shouts at him. Drake mutes it out as he continues to shout.]

The Black Knight, furious and in tears

[The cop is still shouting as Drake is still punching, and repeating those four words. Then, he finally hears the cop.]

Stonewick City Cop
HEY! HEY! He's Dead, man! Stop!

[Drake notices Titan's face is covered in blood and he's motionless. Drake drops the body as he drops to his knees and begins to cry.]

Drake, in tears
I won't lose her... I won't lose her...

[It cuts to the Blade arriving in Miami. The Blade lands in a parking lot, in front of a nice house. Lauren steps out and the Blade flies north, back towards Stonewick City.]

Lauren, glancing her yard
Kyle hasn't mowed the lawn. Or payed rent.

[She walks forward and puts the key into the lock hole. Lauren opens the door and is tackled down by a large dog.]

Lauren, laughing while being licked by her dog
Down boy! Hey Rover, I missed you too.

[The dog smiles before getting angry. He barks at something behind her, before running away. Lauren gets up and sees Light in the distance, watching her.]

You must be my practice.

Na, I'm the guy who doesn't hurt little girls.

[Light then shoots a giant blast of energy at Lauren, knocking her down.]

But then again, you're not a little girl.

[Lauren enters her Anodite mode, and Energy Revolt creates mana twin swords, charging. Light takes out his twin swords, and clashes with them. The two clash, the four blades sending sparks on the pavement. Light smiles and kicks Lauren down as the mana blades transform into a giant blast. Light is pushed towards the house as Energy Revolt runs forward. Light attempts to punch her, but Energy Revolt pushes him through the door, breaking it apart. ]

Oh my--

You're finished yet?


[Light punches Lauren in the face, as she knocks Light to the wall, shattering a picture of Kyle and Lauren. Light begins to strangle her, but Energy Revolt turns themselves around, 180 degrees and sends a mana blast back, having Light crash to the floor. Lauren recreates the dual mana blades and slashes them at Light, without hurting him. She then jumps forward but Light dodges. Light then gets behind Energy Revolt and shoots a giant light beam at her, causing her to throw the mana swords. Light grins and then makes a comment.]

I recognize those swords... could they happen to look like the Knights?

Energy Revolt

[Light starts running to the kitchen, where he grabs a bunch of knives and throws them at her. The knives are suddenly stopped by Energy Revolt's mana, before she throws them to the ground. Light picks one up and slashes her hip, causing her to scream. She throws Light out of the Kitchen, through the glass door, and into the pool.]

Water? Come on! Look, if you're willing to just reason with me...

Lauren, slightly angry
So you tore through my house and expect me not to be angry?

Light, now out of the pool
Oh crap.

[Lauren grabs him, and punches him with sonic speed. He flies upward, flipping around and around as he goes over water. Energy Revolt flies upward and speeds towards him, following him. As they leave the house, they start heading towards the skyscraper of Miami. Energy Revolt punches him again with so much rage, that a sonic boom hits a skyscraper, shattering all its windows. Light crashes into the building, attempting to get up before Lauren grabs him and pushes the two outside through all the walls. She punches him downward, causing another shock boom, shattering more windows. Energy Revolt grabs Light, and slowly lands to the ground before throwing him into the grass. Light falls to the ground, cutting up his knees and arms before crawling to a tree and laying next to it. Energy Revolt lands nearby as he puts his hands up in defeat.]

You win! You win! I accept my mortal defeat.

Lauren, angry
How do I know you're telling the truth?

Light, in pain

Alright. Where is Smoke?

Light, in pain
Smoke? Oh wait, I know. The front-man. Yeah, Smoke thinks he's running CHAOS, but we all know its really Stryker now. I'm shocked he hasn't eliminated Smoke yet.

[During this time, Light deceptively pressed a button on his armor, which lightly glows white. Near the house, in the middle of a bunch of trees is a giant ship. Inside the ship, a pod turns on, and heads in the direction of Light. It cuts to Lauren and Light.]

I'll ask again. Where is Smoke?

Light, in pain
In the Mother... the Windy City. He'll be with the Vampire and Stryker.

What else do you know?

I know this. It doesn't matter what you do. Stryker will hunt you, and the rest of your friends down. Ryan, Tyler, Shane, the entire FLA. None of them are safe. Not even Drake is.

[Lauren looks in concern when he mentions Drake, and Light catches this before she goes back to her normal face. He grins and gives a quick, yet sinister laugh.]

Ahh. Love, is it? Love for the Black Knight. It would make sense, the freaks pair up.

[Lauren punches him in the face as he laughs in pain. The pod from before appears nearby, waiting for another instruction from Light.]

Lauren, angry
Shut up.

Light, in pain
You know... you could have made a great agent of CHAOS.

Never in a million years.

[Light grins and then gives her a death stare.]

Well then... end of the line, Energy Revolt.

[Light presses another button on the armor, and the pod races towards Lauren's heart. The pod opens a hatch, and reveals a sharp blade. Hearing and sensing this, Lauren flies up with her Anodite powers as Light realizes his fate. ]

Light, realizing
Oh mother of sheet.

[The pod stabs Light in the heart, causing massive blood loss as he coughs in pain. He then looks at Lauren once last time.]

Light, realizing
You will join the light... and you will know the truth. You will discover that the truth is... long live... CHAOS.

[Light ducks his head down, and remains still. Lauren lands on the ground, and goes back to her human mode as she looks at the body. She then flies upwards, away from the scene. It cuts to Tyler, slashing at multiple Vladat Clones, killing multiple. The Citizens of Everson City are in a panic, fleeing inside. One of the Vladats grab a man, and attacks the neck, spilling blood everywhere. Tyler kills this Vladat Clone, before they all scream. The Clones flee the skies, heading North. Tyler looks, wondering what's going on. That's when the Blade returns with Drake, Shane, and Chris. Tyler climbs on board and flies away.]

Where's Lauren?

She agreed to fly the way to Chicago. She's a bit behind, but she'll catch up soon enough.

I... I... killed Titan.

Tyler, a bit shocked

Drake, feeling guilty
I lost my cool. I can't... I can't do that again.

Well Dark also killed himself with a pill. Which leaves the question of Light.

Guys, I'm getting a transmission from Ryan. Quiet down.

Tyler and Drake, annoyed
We aren't Child-wait. Why are we talking at the sa-STOP THAT.

[Shane listens to Ryan, talking on the phone.]

Guys, as anything happened yet?

We got Tyler and Drake back. Dark and Titan are dead. Why?

Nothing's happened here in Chicago. You should head over here.

Heading there right now.


[The Blade heads North as it cuts to the Willis Tower. Stryker is looking through the windows, as the elevator behind him opens. Out of the elevator is Terrence Smoke. ]

Smoke, pissed
Stryker! What the hell is up?

Stryker, calm
Smoke, nice for you to arrive here in what will be a burning city.

Smoke, pissed
I gave you troops, I gave you Titan, Light, and Dark. I gave you the armies, and the plans. I had my trust in you. I find that you've been attacking government bases, stealing projects. What the hell is going on around here? I'm the leader. I have to know everything.

[Stryker turns to Smoke, not laughing. ]

In the few months you've controlled CHAOS, you've failed Bisectia. I offered much to you. I offered Wolf, I offered the chance to succeed, to show America and the rest of the world what CHAOS truly is. I plan on causing something so big, it will make the Brookyln Massacre look like child's play.

Smoke, not sure where this is going
Um, what?

The troops see me as their leader now. Not you. As far as they know, you're the temporary leader. But now, you need to take a leave of absence. Permanently.

Smoke, angry
You're ready for war, Stryker?

Oh. No No no. I do not mean War. We can do this two ways. You either follow me and remain in CHAOS. Or... you can just walk away. In fact, I'll give you my gun.

Just walk away?

Yes, of course. I'm a reasonable man.

[Stryker gives Smoke his gun, and Smoke begins to walk away. Stryker puts his hand above part of his armor, where there is a button. Smoke turns around all of a sudden to shoot Stryker, but Stryker presses the button. The gun shocks Smoke, paralyzing him as he drops the gun. Titus, appearing from the shadows arrives, and transforms into his Bat-like form, before jumping at Smoke. Smoke screams in terror as Titus goes for the kill. As the shadows of the two bodies move, blood is splattered on the windows. Finally, Titus gets up and reverts back to normal, only know he has blood on his face. He smiles, now happy.]

Just right.

I'm glad you liked his blood my friend. I was never going to let him stay in CHAOS. But now that he is out of the way... we can begin our final part of the plan.

[Stryker and Titus look at each other and grin as it cuts to Ryan in Chicago. Ryan looks around, a bit impatient. Suddenly, he notices the Blade landing on top of a building. He runs in the building, and enters an elevator. As he waits, he listens to the latest hit single.]

Oh my god, I hate this song.

[Ryan stands there, continuing to hear it. Finally he reaches the top part of the building, and begins to climb up the stairs to the rooftop. He opens the door, and sees everyone waiting for him.]

What took you so long?

Worst song... ever. Did they-

Titan and Dark are dead. One killed himself, one was killed. They both attacked us, as planned.

[Suddenly, Lauren in her Energy Revolt mode appears, and she turns to her human mode as she lands, tired.]

Lauren, tired
Light attacked me... he tried to kill me but failed, and killed himself.

I don't get it. Why didn't anyone attack me?

Lauren, concerned
There's something else you need to know. Light mentioned the Windy City...

Ryan, worried
That's... here.

Which could only mean one thing...

[Tyler and the rest of the Heroes turn to face the lake next to Chicago. They see large, looming airships flying towards Chicago. Drake turns around and notices a black group moving towards the edge of Chicago. Tyler turns around and sees this as well. He realizes what the black group is.]

The Attack. It's about to start.

[Tyler and Drake look at each other as it cuts to Stryker handing a trigger to Titus.]

Stryker, grinning
Long live CHAOS!

Titus, also grinning
Death... to Humanity.

[Titus presses the trigger as a loud noise begins to echo across the Windy City. The warships start shooting missiles at the streets and people of Chicago. The streets within seconds start becoming filled with chaos and carnage. Vladat clones exit the warships, attacking the innocent citizens. Bombs across the city start going off, exploding bits of buildings and sending cars flying. The edge of Chicago explodes, destroying all the roads and train tracks leading to the city. The bridges of the city also collapse, as does other buildings in the City. As the warships enter the city, the Vladat Clones fly everywhere. Titus grins when he sees this. He runs to one of the sides of the Willis Tower, jumps out, and transforms into his bat-like form, joining the clones. The hole is soon closed by attaching a large piece of metal over it. Helicopters also join in the destruction of the city.]


[Suddenly Tyler sees a missile coming towards them. ]


[The missile hits the building their on. A massive explosion shakes the building, causing the roof to collapse. Chris and Shane barely are able to get on the Blade before being forced to fly off. The Heroes hit the floor below him, landing hard. As the missiles keep coming from multiple helicopters, the the building begins to lean forward. Tyler holds onto a bunch of cables while holding Ryan's hand, who hold's Lauren's hand, who holds Drake's hand. As the building continues to be hit with the rockets and missiles, Shane and Chris fly in the Blade trying to knock some of the helicopters down, only to be shot at. ]

There's too many at the tower, we gotta get back.

What now?

Shane, worried
We just hope for the best.

[Another helicopter arrives and shoots at the sides, knocking around the Heroes as they hold for dear life. A final one arrives, with the rest of the helicopters and goes behind the building, aiming. Tyler begins to pull everyone upwards, till they reach part of the floor that's stable. They all get up there, and stand. It cuts t the helicopters. ]

CHAOS pilot
Goodbye, freaks.

[They shoot nearly 25 missiles at the building, causing a massive explosion, sending the four out of the building. As they begin to fall towards the ground, the building splits in half, and the top half begins to fall towards the ground as well. Lauren in a moment of mana suddenly sends mana outwards, making all four heroes glow. In a flash, they all disappear right before they hit the ground. Ryan appears in an alley, already damaged from the attack. Drake appears in front of the John Hancock Building, while Tyler appears on top of the Aon Center. He hits the ground, and then looks around, realizing he's been accidentally sent there. Lauren appears on a nearby building rooftop, taking multiple deep breaths. She watches as the skyscraper they were just on collapses, making a giant cloud of dust.

Lauren, talking via Bluetooth
Tyler? Drake? Ryan? Shane? Chris?

Tyler, talking via Bluetooth
I'm fine.

Drake, via bluetooth
So am I.

[Ryan, Chris and Shane also respond. ]

Tyler, via bluetooth
We can just fight in different parts of the city. Save as many people as you can, try to get some to the docks also. Kill those Clones, they're dangerous.

Lauren, Drake, Ryan, Shane, and Chris via bluetooth

[It cuts to the Chicago Police Department. The cops look through the windows, watching the devastation. }}

Chicago Cop
We gotta do something!

[Suddenly, a shady cop shoots down the officer who just spoke, then shoots two more and pulls out a trigger, pressing it. Civilians outside watch as the Police Department bursts in flames, killing all inside. It cuts to a tank on the streets. Coming out a tank is a CHAOS member. He shouts. ]

{{Dialogue|CHAOS Member|Greetings, Chicago. I am Hany, of the Fadil clan in China.

What do you want from us?

Blood. Over the past centuries you have been lied to. Know this. There is no such thing as Order, or Peace. There only is, and only will be CHAOS.

[He then starts shooting at them as the Vladat Clones in their bat-like forms swoop down and attack the people. One attacks a mid-aged woman, and digs his teeth into her neck, before jumping upwards and flying away. She falls to the ground, dead. The tank goes away as the shops nearby explode. It cuts to the Blade flying around, shooting down Vladat Clones. The Vladat clones fly to the ground, screaming as one hits the windshield. Chris opens the door, and aims a gun at the Vladat clone. It lunges at him, as he struggles against it. He then pushes it forward, sending it flying backwards. Chris chucks a grenade at the Vladat, killing it. The door closes and Shane looks at him. ]

You know, I do more then just be your messenger.

[It then shows Tyler shooting arrows at the Vladat Clones, knocking them dead. One starts flying towards him, but he chucks an arrow to it, going into the body, before it explodes. The remains of the Vladat clone hits Tyler in the face, as he wipes it off.]


[It cuts to an apartment in Chicago. Heather Collider, Ryan's girlfriend watches the attack go on as he looks in fear and shock. ]

No, it can't be. This isn't happening, not here.

[It then shows Lauren as she flies towards one of the Vladat clones, who smiles at her. The Vladat Clone changes into a different form, a human mode. The human mode appears to be an overweight Chinese man in a suit. ]

Vladat Clone
I will destroy you.

Energy Revolt
Your name is I?

Vladat Clone

[The Vladat Clone attacks Energy Revolt, but Energy Revolt shoots a giant mana blast, sending him backwards. Energy Revolt jumped forward, punching the clone in the face as he kicks Lauren up, and knocks her outside. Before she could react, the clone attacked Lauren, throwing her to the edge of the rooftop. In her defense, she quickly fled upwards and send a shockblast.]

Energy Revolt
The Dragon is about to get slayed.

Vladat Clone
I'm not a Dragon, but you are correct. Someone is going to be slayed. That's you.

[She sends a mana tornado, wiping the two unconscious. Techno crawled underneath the not conscious Claw, shooting a beam to immobilize Lauren with illegal tech. She shot mana to deflect it. The beam went through it. Energy Revolt quickly flew out of the way.]

Energy Revolt
Ugh, Vampires.

Vladat clone, angry
I will ki-

[Two CHAOS helicopters continue shooting at Lauren. Lauren sends a giant shockwave at the copters, knocking them down. The Vladat Clone attempts to kill Lauren, but she snaps his neck in a quick fashion. She looks around as it cuts to Tyler on the Aon Center. Tyler is shooting multiple arrows at the Vladat Clones, flying all around. He takes out an arrow with a giant metal container attached to the Tip of the arrow. He aims at a giant group of Vladat Clones, before shooting. As the arrow flies towards them, the container opens up revealing tiny little rockets, shooting out. The rockets spread out, hitting the group of 30 Vladat Clones one by one.]

Tyler, grinning

[As the Vladat clones fly down to the city in flames, one spins around, crashing into the Hyatt Regency Chicago building, then crashing into the above-ground skyway, shattering glass and tossing a person to the ground before the Vladat clone reaches the ground.]

Tyler, really grinning
Alright, who's next?

[It cuts to two vehicles chasing each other, coming towards the dead Vladat Clone Tyler just shot down. It shows The Black Knight, with damaged armor on the top of a police car with a cop driving, as it follows a second tank, being driven by a few CHAOS members. One turns around the turret of the tank, aiming at the cop's car. The tank shoots at the police car, flipping it over. The Black Knight falls off, as he looks backwards. The Blade appears, flying above. Shane has his hands on the controls, aiming at a Vladat Clone flying towards Drake.]

Time to die, beach.

[Shane shoots at the Vladat Clone, hitting it in the spine near the head. The Vladat Clone falls to the ground dead as The Black Knight contacts Shane with his bluebooth, connected to his armor.]

The Black Knight
Shane, I could use a lift to the tank over here.

[Shane, hearing this nods as he presses a button. Part of the Blade opens up, and shoots a line hook. The Black Knight grabs onto this as the cop watches. As Drake flies, holding onto the hook, he sees the tank. One of the men in the CHAOS tank notices this, and shouts.]

They're on our tails!

CHAOS Member #1

[The Tank begins shooting rockets at the Blade, only to hit buildings or fall to the road. The Blade reaches above the tank, then Drake drops down and takes out his sword, slashing the top of the tank with his sword. As the Blade falls back, Drake creates a hole big enough for a person to go through. The closest CHAOS member is pulled from the tank and thrown the road. Another member jumps up, and knocks the sword out of the Black Knight's hands. The blade lands on a part of the tank close to the edge of the road. The member punches him, as Drake knocks him into the tank. He then reaches for his blade as the tank continues to go forward. ]

The Black Knight
Come on... Come on...

[The Blade, still nearby zooms forward and shoots at the sword. The sword falls closer to Drake, who is able to pick it up. However, the bullets had reached the front of the tank, damaging it. DUDE appears out of the hole, to see the Black Knight. He jumps off the tank, and lands on the ground. As DUDE wonders what's going on, he notices that the tank is about to crash into the river. ]

Where did that come from?!?

[The Tank crashes into the river, where Hany and any other person in the tank drown. The Black Knight looks forward, tired when he notices Tyler on the Aon Center.]

The Black Knight
Time for a Team-Up.

[It cuts to Tyler shooting at the Vladat Clones. He takes another arrow and shoots one in the eye, knocking it downward. Suddenly a Vladat Clone from behind comes and knocks the bow and arrows off the Hunter. Tyler turns around to see the Clone transform into a more, humanoid form. This Vladat is a female.]

You got a name?

Vladat Clone
Yeah, its the Predator. And you're the prey.

[Terra attacks Tyler, who dodges. She turns around, and Tyler looks at the bow and arrow.]

Vladat Clone
You'll never be able to get them.

You don't have to do this.

Vladat Clone
Oh, but I do. For my father, Titus, lord of the Vladat Race. He has declared all humans to die. Yet, you are the first human I have seen on this wasteland that seems superior. Hmm. Too bad, so sad.

[As the vampire-like alien lunges at Tyler, suddenly his head falls off. His body falls down to reveal The Black Knight on top of the Blade. Shane and Chris nod at Tyler, who also nods. The Black Knight jumps off, and gives Tyler his bow and arrow back.]

You ready?

Tyler, smiling
We work.

Drake, also smiling

Drake and Tyler at the same time

[Shane smiles as he flies off to help Ryan and Lauren. A few Vladats come towards the two Heroes on the Aon Center. Drake lunges forward and slashes one in half while Tyler shoots two arrows at a couple of other clones. Tyler then turns around and shoots an arrow at a Vladat coming at Drake's blindspot. The Vladat Clone explodes as Drake turns around, hearing the screech of a Vladat. He sends a shockwave at the Vladat, sending it to another of the skyscrapers. Two CHAOS helicopters see the Vladats being taken down by the two heroes. Drake notices one helicopter aiming at Tyler while Tyler notices another helicopter aiming at Drake. Tyler shoots an explosive arrow at the helicopter as Drake throws his sword at the second helicopter. Both explode, causing massive explosions, shattering the glass on the Aon Center.]

You don't mess with the...

Tyler, saying it the same time as Drake says his line
You don't mess with the...

Black Knight.


Tyler and Drake, realizing they're talking at the same time
Wait, what?

[It cuts to Ryan punching a CHAOS member down to the cement on the road. Its then that Titus appears, and lands in front of Ryan. Titus then begins to laugh. ]

Ryan, a bit annoyed
What's wrong with you?

I just remembered, you're the guy with the Anger issues. Tiger got your tongue?

Ryan, angry
I'm warning you...

Come on, try.

[Ryan transforms into Tiger Rage, his skin turning orange and his hair becoming fur. Soon enough, he's roaring at Titus. Tiger Rage attempts to punch Titus, but he fails. ]

This is child's play. You're race should know by now that you're all beneath me. Here, I am a god. No one, not even Drake Daniels will be able t-

[Tiger Rage grabs him, and slams him to the wall multiple times before punching him in the face and throwing him to the ground. Titus lays there, sore. ]

Tiger Rage
That's... what you get for... talking too much.

[Titus stands up, angry. ]

I'll let CHAOS take care of you, beast. I have other prey.

[Titus transforms into his bat-like form, and flies away with Ryan angry.]

Stupid Vladat.

[Meanwhile, Stryker watches the destruction of Chicago below him. He notices the 3 massive flying warships above the city, shooting large missiles at buildings, knocking them down. He also catches the multiple helicopters flying around, as well as the Vladat Clones screeching around, getting their next meals.]

Yes... destroy the Windy City. Burn, Chicago, Burn. Let me see you beg for mercy, only to understand there is no mercy to give. Let the CHAOS rise.

[Stryker then notices a pink flash of light. He reaches the closest he can to the window, shocked at what he saw. Then he sees Tiger Rage running on the rooftop of one skyscraper jumping up, and killing a Vladat clone. He then sees in the far distance the Blade being followed by a CHAOS helicopter. The CHAOS helicopter shoots at the Blade, only for Shane to pull up on the controls, flipping around and going behind the helicopter. Chris presses two triggers, opening a machine gun attached to the blade and shooting. The copter is hit, and starts falling to the ground. It's wings crash through part of a building as it reaches the ground, resulting in a fiery mass of heat, and destruction.]

Stryker, furious
NO! I thought I had told Light, Dark, and Titan to finish off the Heroes.

[Stryker reaches into a pocket, and pulls out a bluetooth, attaching it to his ear. He then presses it and shouts.]

Stryker, enraged

[All the helicopters start moving around, and start heading towards the Heroes. It cuts to Tiger Rage running on the street, damaging multiple cars on the street. As the citizens run in panic. two black trucks arrive on the street, chasing Tiger Rage. A CHAOS member begins to shoot at the beast, angering him. Tiger Rage continues to run, run, and run down the streets as he throws a car, hitting one of the trucks and knocking it over. The other Truck continues to shoot, when Tiger Rage jumps up and lands on the truck, crushing it. It cuts to Tyler, now by himself beginning to be shot at by a CHAOS helicopter. Tyler begins to run towards the edge as he jumps off it, spinning himself around and shooting an explosive arrow. The arrow hits the front of the helicopter, suddenly exploding. ]

That's what you call a hell of a way to go.

[As Tyler continues to fall, he reaches another arrow, this one with another hook and shoots it, landing on the edge of a window. He crashes into a window, shattering the glass and scaring everyone nearby. He gets up, to discover that half of his arrows have fallen to the ground. A massive explosion occurs when they all hit, the fire reaching to his floor. When it's done, he looks at the people nearby.]

Sorry about that.

[He runs towards the stairwell as it cuts to Energy Revolt is surrounded by a group of 30 criminals and terrorists. They're in a condo.]

CHAOS Member
You're going down for what you did to Bisectia.

CHAOS Member #2
This is real life, not some dance competition, woman.

Creepy Criminal
But I can show you my moves if you want, honey.

Energy Revolt
Yeah... I don't think so.

[Lauren shoots a beam of mana at the Creepy Criminal, knocking him down. It cuts to The Black Knight on a CHAOS helicopter crashing, then bursting though the window of the same condo. Energy Revolt shoots some mana at two of the criminals, before jumping forward and kicking 5 criminals down. The Black Knight enters the condo room, and sees Lauren. A criminal runs to punch him but Drake slashes his sword, leaving a massive cut on his chest as he puts down the sword, and starts punching the rest of the criminals. Lauren then kicks 3 terrorists down as Drake twists a man's arm, and flips him to the ground. Energy Revolt creates a mana chain, and grabs the leg of one of the terrorists. She then throws him out the window, using the chain to hook onto part of the heavy piano in the condo, so he wouldn't die.]

CHAOS Member
Let me Up! Let me up!

[Lauren walks over to Drake, changing back to her human form.]


The Black Knight
No problem.

[Suddenly one of the Vladat Clones bursts out of nowhere, grabs The Black Knight by the throat, behind him. Drake struggles as he pushes the clone and himself to the wall, before flipping over and having the clone land on the group. However, the clone takes out a gun from the pocket of a nearby crook and shoots at Drake's armor in the leg, knocking Drake down. Lauren returns to being Energy Revolt as the Vladat Clone grabs Drake's sword.]

Vladat Clone, angry
For Titus!

[He jumps up and sends the swordn towards the Black Knight's body as Lauren sends a powerful blast of mana towards the sword. The Black Knight quickly jumps up, only to see both coming towards him.Both hit the Knight's armor, especially the helmet resulting in a powerful explosion, knocking the two backwards. Multiple parts of the armor, including the helmet shatter into pieces before the explosion starts. The Vladat Clone flies out of the condo window, and falls to the ground. Lauren gets back up as she looks at the smoke rising from Drake's body. ]


[Drake gets up, only with most of the Black Knight armor off of him, with the exception of the back of his helmet, part of the back of the armor, and a piece on the leg. Drake takes all these off, and drops them to the ground. He turns around slowly, to see the rest of the armor, in pieces.]

My armor's been... destroyed.

[Lauren and Drake stand over the remains, in utter shock.]

Just... oh god I'm going to die.

Look, we're just get the Blade over here, and ...

By the time I get my new armor and come back, you guys might be dead.

Lauren, shocked
You have ANOTHER armor?

Yeah, why?

[Lauren grins as her eyes and hands glow pink. She is magically lifted up as she begins to use her powers. The objects in the room begin to shake as Drake looks around. It cuts to another small box in the Arctic base. The box begins to shake as an FLA agent notices. He walks over and touches the box. Suddenly, the box opens and a grey object splits apart, flying away out out of the base. The objects are grey colored, while glowing in a pink aura. They begin heading towards Chicago. It cuts to Tyler about 10 minutes shooting arrows at the Vladats nearby. He shoots one down as he notices a majority of them are staring at a giant figure coming towards the city. They fly towards the objects as the camera cuts to the objects glowing in pink mana fly towards Chicago. The Vladat Clones screech and begin to go after the objects. In response, part of the objects shoot out little missiles and rockets that explode, killing some of the the clones. Others take out small blades and slice the heads off, while one spins around and blasts its way through the body of a Vladat. The objects continue to fly towards Chicago, zooming past Tyler. ]

Were thoses... pieces of armor? Glowing Pink? And flying?

[Drake and Lauren are still resting in the condo when the armor arrives. The first piece to hit Drake is the crotch part, followed by multiple pieces on the legs. Two large chestplates arrive, and hit both the back and front, causing Drake to shout in pain.]

Dang that hurt!

[More pieces attach to the legs and arms, connecting together like a zipper would. Two blades come out of the hand pieces, as the helmet zooms towards Drake. It turns around, going behind him and attaches to him as it connects to the rest of the armor.]

Last time I tested the Black Knight Armor III, it didn't hurt as much. Though I should really think of something similar to what you just did.

Lauren, annoyed
You're welcome.

Sorry. Thank you, Lauren. Shall we kick butt?

[It then shows Heather in the apartment when one of her friends with her shouts.]

Heather's friend
I just got a call. Kris is trapped in the lobby!

[Heather looks around and grabs a baseball bat in the apartment. Quietly walking down the steps, she reaches the lobby floor, where there are two Vladat Clones attacking a group of people. Heather takes a few deep breaths, opens the door and charges. She beats one of the Vladat Clones while the other grabs her. He looks at everyone in the lobby and shouts. ]


[They all run upstairs as the Vladat clone prepares to kill her. Suddenly, Tiger Rage jumps in and throws the second vladat towards the Vladat holding Heather. The vladats both hit the ground, before Tiger Rage grabs them and snaps both of their necks, and throws them to the doors, letting them open. Heather and Tiger Rage lock eyes as Tiger Rage detransforms into Ryan. Heather runs to Ryan, who hugs her. They then look into each other's eyes. ]

I love you.

I love you even more.

[The two quietly kiss, as the world around them seems to not exist at all. Its till they finish that the real world returns to them. Ryan turns around to see Drake and Lauren walking towards Ryan. Ryan then looks back at Heather. ]

Gotta go to work. Just promise me you'll be okay.

I promise.

[Heather gives him one last kiss on the lips, and then runs towards the door. Ryan smiles, and walks to the outside of the building, while still facing the door. He then turns around to see Drake and Lauren. Tyler appears running towards them, passing by two burning cars. He then reaches the group.]

Most of the Vladat Clones have been killed, but there's still a large amount.

There's still at least a hundred CHAOS members left in the city.

Not to mention Stryker.

Plus, Titus. I'm surprised I haven't seen him so far.

[Tyler presses the bluetooth on his ear and shouts. Everyone also presses their bluetooths.]

Shane, do you copy?

Shane, in the earpiece
I've been trying to copy for a while now, Kane. What's going on?

We need to end this battle. Soon.

Chris, in the piece
Drake, the Blade's taken some damage. We'll be able to stay in the air for maybe another half an hour but then the Blade is gotta have to land.

Drake, frustrated
Alright. I have a proposal.

Ryan, laughing
What, are you about to marry someone?

Drake, talking to the bluetooh and the group
Anyways, I suggest Tyler and Ryan, as Tiger Rage of course go after Stryker. Makes sense since they're the most connected to Stryker, and the Tigin. Shane, you can go after the rest of the CHAOS members.

What about me?

[Drake looks at Lauren for a moment.]

I'm going after Titus. I'm the only person who has actually fought that monster, and he's too big of a threat. But, I might need some help. If anything happens, Lauren, I'd really like it to come from you.

Lauren, hesitate
Well... I guess.

Tyler, talking to the headpiece
Did you get that?

On it, Tyler.

[Tyler looks at Ryan, and asks him a question.]

You ready?

I have been since I became a mutant tiger alien.

I'll need a boost though.

[Ryan's eyes turn orange as he suddenly transforms into Tiger Rage. He quickly grabs Tyler and jumps up, to about the 20th floor of the skyscraper they're next to. Lauren and Drake watch as Lauren goes into her Energy Revolt mode. Using her mana, she and Drake begin to fly towards the other part of the city, looking for Titus. Lauren and Drake are flying around when they hear someone shout.]


[Lauren and Drake turn around to see Titus, in his human form on the Richard J. Daley Center. Lauren and Drake land on the building, as Drake stares at this mortal enemy.]

So the Vladat got out of the Vladat-cave, eh?

Yes, indeed. You prevented your death when we left Klingvonia. This time, will not be the same. I am more powerful then you think, Knight.

Power is a weakness. When you think you have power, all you have is a curse. A curse that will drain you, until you are weak, feeble.

[Titus looks at him grimly.]

Let us end this, once and for all.

[The Black Knight runs towards Titus, tackling him. He pushes Titus and himself off as Lauren screams. ]

Lauren, scared

[They start falling towards the ground, but Titus transforms into his bat-like form and starts flying upward, keeping both of them alive. They start flying around Chicago, scaring the populace. They continue to fly around the city until they crash into an office. The people inside panic and run away as Titus kicks Drake away. Drake takes his sword, and slashes at Titus, who stops him and shoves him to the wall. Titus attempts to strike Drake with his massive bat-like teeth, but fails. Titus is pushed forward by Drake, who shoves the two of them outside. ]

You... will not... win!

Titus, angry
I will feed on your corpse!

[Titus and Drake continue to fly across the city as Lauren, flying nearby watches. The two titans clash each other in the sky as Drake pulls and tugs on Titus. Soon, they turn the corner and crash through part of a skyscraper. They hit the marble floor of the lobby as Titus and Drake are thrown away from each other. Lauren also arrives in the lobby via the hole as everyone else runs out in panic and fear. As Lauren arrives, she remains still, sensing something happening. Her vision changes to a vision of a coin, one side gold, one side silver. One side with Drake's face and one side Titus's face. Suddenly, Drake's sword appears, followed by a clash of lighting. One side of the coin, now covered completely in black, with neither Drake or Titus's faces on it is cracked. Lauren's vision returns to Drake and Titus shouting.]

Come on, Titus! FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!

Titus, angry
If you wish.

[Titus changes to his more human form and grins. He takes out a Klingvonian sword, and Drake does the same. The two charge at each other as the two blades clash. The flash of the collision cuts to Tiger Rage and Tyler at the top of a building, looking around.]

I'm getting angry. WHERE IS STRYKER?

I'm looking, I'm looking! We just need to find something that stands out...

[Tyler looks around, and notices some of the helicopters bombing the buildings around the Willis Tower. But no damage, no fire, or smoke are coming from the Willis Tower. Tyler realizes this, and then figures it out.]

Its the Willis Tower. They haven't attacked that, so that's where Stryker must be.


Lets do this.

[Tiger Rage grabs Tyler and jumps forward, jumping from building to building towards the Willis Tower. Its cuts to Stryker, observing the battle. He looks at his grand master plan having succeeded. However, Stryker looks at Tiger Rage jumping towards the Willis Tower. ]

Stryker, enraged

[Tiger Rage jumps forward, shattering the glass and sending Stryker flying. Tyler jumps off and aims an arrow at Stryker. Stryker jumps up, crunching his knuckles in a twisted way.]

Stryker, laughing
This is what its come down to. So be it.

[Stryker takes out a massive shotgun and aims it at Tyler. He shoots it at Tyler, who dodges behind Ryan and grabs onto him.]

Come on Kitty, get real ticked. COME ON!

[He shoots at Tiger Rage, who roars and runs towards Stryker. Stryker jumps up and grabs Tiger Rage's fur, before taking a small blade and stabbing him. Tiger Roar cries out, as the stab wound and the weight forces Tiger Rage to fall out the window, falling to the ground. As they fall downwards, Tyler shoots one arrow at the top of the Willis Tower, causing all CHAOS technology up there to explode as they fall. Tiger Rage grabs onto part of the Willis Tower to help slow down, before crashing to the ground. Stryker jumps off with his gun, while Tyler also jumps off with his bow and arrow. ]

Never again... Ryan, I'm warning you. Never again.

[Ryan roars as he gets up. Tyler and Ryan look at Stryker down the road, who has his rifle in one hand, and a sword in another.]

Stryker, nearly insane

[Tyler aims an arrow at Stryker that shoots as it cuts to Titus and Drake being separated by the blast of the their swords. Drake and Titus run to each other again, as the two Klingvonian blades hit each other. A huge spark of light appears, before a shockwave sends both of them back.]

Did you know? On Klingvonia, Klingvonian weapons clashing together are normal. On Earth, Human weapons clashing together are normal. But, Klingvonian weapons clashing on Earth creates 10x the power it would on our home world, Anur Transyl! Or should I call it Klingvonia? The names are VERY confusing, aren't they?

Titus, I'm not in the mood.

[Drake sends a shock wave blast from his sword, knocking Titus's sword out of his hand. Titus's arms become wings, as he jumps forward and slashes at the Black Knight armor, damaging it. His legs then become vampire like legs, clawing at Drake as he pushes the knight forward. Drake punches him, then kicks Titus in the gut before punching him once more in the face. As Lauren watches, she sees Titus grab Drake and throw him to the ground. ]


[Titus notices Lauren and shouts.]

You will see no mercy from me, woman!

[Titus shoots a dark blast of energy at Energy Revolt, destroying part of the lobby. As she runs away, the dark begins to follow her, before sending her flying to the front desk. Lauren gets up as the dark energy morphs into a familiar enemy.]

General Zorak
Lauren... it is time for you to die.


Titus, angry
NOW YOU WILL FEEL THE FULL POWER OF TITUS, LORD OF THE VLADAT RACE, ANODITE. Your past has become your foe, your former enemy has returned created by my energy, and now you will fall along with the Knight, and the rest of this world.

[General Zorak lunges at Lauren, who dodges the attack and shoots mana at him, however he dodges. The Black Knight gets up, as Titus notices. Titus turns his attention to a nearby water fountain. Using his dark energy, he sends it towards the water, lifting it up and surrounding The Black Knight in it. As the Water slowly begins to fill inside of the armor, Drake opens up part of the armor, revealing a small bomb. The bomb explodes, knocking Drake over to a column, injuring his back and hurting himself as the water and dark energy spreads everywhere. The Black Knight sends a shock wave with his sword as Titus shoots out a powerful blast of Dark Energy, the two colliding in a spectacular explosion of light and dark, good and evil. As the two resist each other, Titus uses this extra boost to send out all the dark energy by using the shock wave.]

Titus, pissed

[As he shouts this, the dark energy shock wave shatters all the glass nearby and destroys part of the lobby in the blast. Zorak and Energy Revolt fall to the ground, along with The Black Knight. It cuts to Shane in the Blade, now alone as he chases a CHAOS helicopter, shooting at it. Shane contacts Chris by looking at a screen.]

Chris, how many people are at the docks?

[It cuts to Chris Phillips, at the dock loading a bunch of people onto a giant ferry attempting to leave the city. ]

I found about one hundred people. We're about to leave.

Good, now just... dang it!

[The CHAOS helicopter shoots at the Blade window, damaging it. He sends out a missile, but it instead hits another skyscraper. It cuts to Stryker fighting Tiger Rage and The Hunter. The Hunter takes out a staff and attacks Stryker with it, only for the staff to be damaged by his sword. Tyler is kicked by Stryker as Tiger Rage jumps forward, only to be attacked by a few remaining Vladat Clones. He snaps the neck of a Vladat Clone as Tyler punches Stryker in the face, and then aims an arrow at him. Stryker jumps upward, spinning around as the arrow missies him by an inch. The arrow flies upwards till it hits the CHAOS helicopter Shane was following. It follows the two flying vehicles in the air, as Shane continues to try and destroy it. It goes nearby, where Lauren and Zorak, both still awake are fighting. Lauren shoots mana at him, as she uses her legs to knock the Dark energy Zorak to the ground. She then creates a mana sword, based on Drake's and slits his throat, killing him and dispelling the dark energy away. The Blade and the helicopter pass by the dock, where Chris Phillips is confronted by three CHAOS members and a Vladat.]

You chose the wrong Phillips to kill.

[He runs to one of the terrorists, and kicks him down into the water as he punches and breaks the arm of another, before grabbing a crowbar lying around and hitting the head of the third. The Vladat Clone attacks, nearly getting to his neck when Phillips hits it with the crowbar, before turning around, shooting it with his pistol, and finally snapping its neck. It cuts to Shane following the helicopter. One of the members in the helicopter throw something at the Blade, causing it to explode on the side of the Blade. As Shane tries to stay up, the Helicopter explodes from Tyler's arrow, and falls to the ground.]

Great, now I gotta make an emergency landing. Well, get busy landing or get busy dying I guess.

[He aims for the river, as he climatically hits the water, and presses the eject button. Shane shoots out of the Blade in his seat, with a parachute launching. Soon, as the Blade floats in the river, he falls to the street next to it. Taking the parachute off, he contacts Chris with his bluetooth.]


Chris on the bluetooth
We're off. We're leaving the city.

[It cuts to Chris hearing Shane.]

Good. I just need to find the Heroes...

[Shane looks around as a normal looking man sneaks up behind Chris with a knife. Chris suddenly grabs his arm, and throws him overboard. When everyone nearby sees this, he tells them two things.]

Don't worry, he's fine. No one messes with Phillips.

[With that, he puts on sunglasses and walks away. It cuts to the military assembling out of Chicago. Two planes fly across the devastated Chicago, observing the damage. Inside these plans are special forces, planning to fight whatever is left. As they reach the Trump Tower, they jump out of the planes, opening their parachute. As the soliders land on the two sides of the river nearby the Blade, the planes continue towards the Willis Tower. A helicopter of CHAOS's appears, but is shot down. Stryker looks at the helicopter get shot down, shocked for a moment. Tyler, using this moment while Ryan deals with some remaining Vladats fighting him grabs a sword from a nearby dead CHAOS member. He charges at Stryker with full rage. ]

This is your endgame, this is CHAOS's endgame!

[Stryker turns to take out his second sword (dropping the gun) while chasing with an angry Hunter. Stryker and Tyler clash with both swords, Tyler slashing Stryker's left hand, making him drop a sword. Tyler pushes both swords down, but Stryker slashes his hand as well. With both one sword, the two bang the swords in an effort to figure out who is more powerful. As they push against one of another, Tyler gains the upper hand, using his sword to cut through Stryker's right arm. The right arm flings off as blood flies and the enemy screams. ]

Stryker, in extreme pain
What... NO! TYLER, NO!

[Stryker grabs his sword with his other arm, while Tyler continues to fight. As Stryker struggles to fight, Tyler pushes him backwards and kicks him, even punching him in the face to gain the advantage. The Hunter slashes the chest of his opponent, cutting his chest in the rough shape of an arrow before turning around. Tyler cuts through the other arm, ripping it off as Ryan arrives. Ryan, with all his angry power, grabs Stryker's head and pulls. It rips off Stryker's head, cutting all the muscule, veins, and nerves while ripping out the skull and the spine as well. With no head or spine, Stryker's body falls to the ground. Tiger Rage, holding the head of Stryker and his spine, looks at his face one more time. Then, he throws it to the ground in disgust. ]

Tyler, tired
It is... done.

[It cuts to Titus and Drake waking up in the lobby. Both grab their swords, barely able to get up as they charge slowly at each other. Screaming, the two Tranysilan/Klingvonian blades clash another time. A huge spark appears, as does a massive shockwave that sends a tremor across the lobby, sending parts of it to the ground. A force of pure energy appears on both sides. Near Drake, the energy is gold, while near Titus, the energy is silver. Lauren looks at the battle, as the energy rips part of the armor off of Drake, including the helmet, and rips part of Titus's suit as well. Lauren, in a pure act of insanity, realizing that if Drake doesn't get motivation soon says four words of power.]


[Drake's head turns around to see Lauren as she says three more words.]

I ... love you.

[Instantly, Drake pushes his sword closer to Titus, forcing Titus to retreat. The force energy disappears as Drake takes this in. ]

Lauren... I love you too.

[Titus gets a hurt look on his face as Drake turns to his enemy, more determined then ever. Seeing it in his eyes, Titus becomes frightened. Drake and Titus grab their perspective blades, and the swords clash for a final time. When Drake's sword hits Titus's, the Vladat's blade lasts for a few seconds before shattering. Drake runs up to Titus, slashing his chest and cutting part of his face as Titus cries in pain. Drake turns around, goes behind Titus and grabs his neck.]

Titus, enraged

[With one final push, Drake forces his sword into Titus's chest, piercing the cruel and dark Vladat's heart. Titus's body shakes to this as Titus walks forward, with Drake letting go of his sword and remaining still. Titus coughs a bit of human blood up, before his skin begins to fade. He looks at Drake Daniels one last time as his skin turns to dust, and soon only the skeleton of the Vladat remains, falling to the ground. Titus, once a trusted general in the Rebellion, turned traitor, Vladat, and archenemy was fatally wounded. Titus was no more. The sun peaks out through the giant hole as the smoke from the city begins to slowly clear.]

It is.... done.

[It cuts to the smoky rules of the city as Ryan de-transforms from Tiger Rage and Tyler looks around. The citizens begin to look around as they notice there's no more Vladat Clones, or CHAOS ships in the air. The Battle is over. It cuts to Drake and Lauren walking down the street, before making a compassionate kiss in the public. It cuts to Chris Phillips looking at Chicago, with the battle over. It then shows the Willis Tower, with an American Flag high in the air, waving in the air. It cuts to multiple clips of American flags flying across the country. In New York City. In Everson City. In Stonewick City. In Miami. In Washington D.C. In Doxin City. And of course, Chicago. The camera zooms out and reveals it to be a story on the latest events.]

With the CHAOS attacks of a seemingly alien origin in Chicago now over, we've begun to look into the six heroes who chiefly helped stop this threat. We asked different citizens of the city what they thought of the heroes, or who they even looked like...

[It cuts to a brief montage.]

Random Citizen #1
Well this one guy was really big... And angry... And orange... Like a tiger... And there was this other guy with him firing arrows all over...

Random Citizen #2
There was this guy with AWESOME armor and wicked swords skills... Then there was this girl who was like moving things with her mind or something...

Random Citizen #3
I saw government agents helping them out or something... Probably another thing the government isn't telling us...

Random Citizen #4
Super heroes in Chicago? Gimme a break!

[It cuts back to the reporter.]

With all the different descriptions given by the many people we talked to... Only one thing is clear... Not everyone is a hero at first, but those who work at it can become a great one...

[It cuts to another news broadcast going across the world the next morning. It features the President of the United States.]

President of the United States
People of Earth, know this. We have not been abandoned. Yesterday, the world witnessed the attack on one of the greatest cities in the Western Hemisphere. Caused by the same people who have crippled Britain, killed thousands in Brookyln, and may even be possible for the Everson City event. However now, we face the harsh realities of the world. But every country now knows this. No matter who you send to harm us, no matter what armies, what darkness you can come up with, it will not work. Many people will recognize this piece of text. I believe it is a lesson, that all of us should learn. " Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 ".

[It cuts to Washington D.C. with hundreds of citizens from Everson City, Chicago, Stonewick City, Miami, and D.C. watching the four heroes at the Lincoln Memorial. It shows the President giving the Medal of Honor to Tyler Kane. Then Lauren Genare. Then Ryan Reckno. Then Drake Daniels. The crowd goes wild as Anne Murray and Heather Collider stand next to each other, happy. The Heroes give multiple people handshakes. Drake gives a handshake to a man that gives a dark glare as he presents to Drake the Humanitarian Service Medal. His badge says ERIC MALUM, MAYOR OF STONEWICK CITY. Tyler walks up to Anne, and kisses her on the lips. Ryan and Heather hug each other as Drake and Lauren, stand next to each other, doing the same. It then cuts to Shane Leon and Chris Phillips in the Arctic Base, watching the live broadcast on a screen.]



I was just wondering, what does the FLA stand for?

It stands for... Um... Wait a minute I knew I wrote it down here somewhere...

I have an idea...

Name change?

How about GUARDIAN? Global Union of Alternative Response Divisions: International, Alien, and Non-identifiable...

That's a bit of a stretch...


But that's why I like it...

[He smiles, somehow.]

[The scene cuts to Ryan getting off the train at the Doxin City train station. Heather is there, smiling boldly at him. Ryan runs up to Heather and gives her a huge hug.]

You did it!

Did what?

You saved those people!

[Ryan smiles, then looks at the train.]

No, ‘’we’’ did it. The Heroes.

[It shows Lauren Genare on a plane, reading a magazine about the Battle in Chicago. She then hears the flight attendant.]

Flight Attendant
We will be beginning our decent into Miami any minute now. But fist, please clap for the hero from Miami who saved Chicago, Miss Lauren Genare!

[Everyone in the Plane claps for her, which she smiles. It cuts to her exiting out of the airport with her suitcase, calling a taxi. It cuts to her exiting the taxi, and reaching her damaged house. ]

Looks like its time to fix it.

[She uses mana to fix the door when she hears a male voice. Its Kyle Blino running towards here.]

Lauren, oh my gosh, you saved Ch-

I know, I saved Chicago.

[Its then that Kyle sees the damaged house.]

Need help fixing the old place?

Lauren Genare, smiling
That'd be nice.

Kyle, also smiling
I'll go to my house and get my tools.

[He jogs away as she looks at him, and smiles. It then cuts to Everson City.]

[It shows Tyler Kane and Anne Murray. They is standing in front of the house they were at earlier. Tyler opens the door as they walk inside.]

Remember what you said earlier? About how I can join the team and live both lives...


I think that's true... I was worried for the longest time about you getting hurt because of me, but I don't think that anymore... I think you can be safe...

I think I can...

[They hug each other.]

Just promise me no missions for at least a week...

I'll try...

[They smile at each other as the camera then shows Drake Daniels, looking at the sunrise. It shows him in a giant house near a big blue bridge. It connects to a giant city. Stonewick City. Drake smiles, and then walks towards his house. He passes by the TV, which has Eric Malum shouting.]

Eric Malum, on the TV
He caused the damage to the Bank! He's the reason CHAOS even decided to attack Chicago! He's a threat to the entire world! I do not agree with him living in the city, but its out of my hands. Just look at how he killed that one man. We don't even know if he was in CHAOS! We'll never know now! But the point is, he killed someone. Killing is against the law. Personally, I'd have him either killed or exiled. Anyways, get that camera away from me now.

[Drake walks over to a computer with pictures of him, Ryan, Lauren, Shane, Chris, and Tyler. ]

Drake Daniels, in a voiceover
I did kill Titus, the Vladat. Regina Vivia's death is no longer in vain. I'm in a new relationship, and that makes me feel better. The World is safe, and CHAOS is defeated. Hopefully for good this time. I was right when I said Ryan was a monster. However, him being a monster is what makes him one of the best heroes there is. I thought Lauren was some British spy alien who had issues, but she turned out to be in love with me, and I with her. Tyler turned out to be one of my greatest allies, even though in the beginning we had our differences. I think that's what Project: Heroes was truly about though, even if Shane doesn't admit it. Project: Heroes was about working with difficult people for a common goal, for a greater good. Truth be told, it paid off. I'm glad it did.

[It shows the computer pictures on Drake's computer while he talks, before showing his face, smiling. It then fades to black.]

CINEMATOGRPAHY: Paperluigi ttyd 

EDITING: Sci100 

CASTING: Paperluigi ttyd 



SET DECORATION: The Awesome Jack 

COSTUME DESIGN: The Awesome Jack 




ART DEPARTMENT: Sci100 and Cartoon44 

SOUND DEPARTMENT: Cartoon44 and The Awesome Jack 

VISUAL EFFECTS: Sci100 and Cartoon44 


CASTING DEPARTMENT: Paperluigi ttyd 

COSTUME AND WARDROBE DEPARTMENT: Paperluigi ttyd and The Awesome Jack 



TRANSPORTATION: Paperluigi ttyd
WRITTEN BY:  Sci100, Paperluigi ttyd, Cartoon44, and The Awesome Jack 

Hugh Jackman as Drake Daniels/The Black Knight

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Tyler Kane/The Hunter

Jennifer Lawrence as Lauren Genare/Energy Revolt

Michael Fassbender as Ryan Reckno/Tiger Rage

Richard Armitage as Shane Leon

Clark Gregg as Chris Phillips

Manu Bennett as Dark

Kevin Bacon as Light

Michael Shannon as Titan

Tom Hiddleston as Titus


Damian Poitier as Stryker

Derrick J. Wyatt as Random Citizen #4
PRODUCED BY: Paperluigi ttyd and Sci100
DIRECTED BY: Paperluigi ttyd and Sci100

[The camera pans out and shows deep space. A warship cruises by. The camera cuts on the warship. A figure is sitting at the controls.]

Figure, angry
It's strange how a planet so backwater can be suddenly thrust into the galactic spotlight...

[He pauses.]

Figure, angry
It's also quiet unfortunate...

[Another pause.]

I will not let Earth have any of this spotlight... It is too powerful of an asset for it to fall into the wrong hands...

[A third pause.]

But taking it would be difficult... So I shall do then one thing my people know...

[A final pause.]

I will destroy it...

[He grins as the camera cuts to black.]

BTFF Cinematic Universe
Phase One: Heroes Assemble
The Black Knight - The Hunter - Energy Revolt - Tiger Rage - Heroes
Phase Two
The Hunter: Angels and Demons - The Black Knight: Shadows of the Past - Blue Web - Shockwave - Energy Revolt 2 - Heroes 2
The Directors/Writers
Sci100 - Paperluigi ttyd - The Awesome Jack - Cartoon44
Drake Daniels - Tyler Kane - Lauren Genare - Ryan Reckno - Shane Leon - Chris Phillips - FLA - MI6 (Earth-251) - Spencer Murphy
Lord Darzon - General Javert - Lord's Royal Army - Lord's Police Squad of Klingvonia - Titus - Vladat - Wolf - CHAOS - Bisectia - Terrence Smoke - General Zorak - Daniel Aprion - General Mitch Case - Stryker - Titan - Light - Dark - Hany - Red Devil
Earth Locations
North America (Earth-251) - Canada (Earth-251) - United States of America (Earth-251) - Area 51 - Everson City - Silverport - Washington, D.C. FLA Base - Washington, D.C. (Earth-251) - Doxin City - Doxin City FLA Base - New York City (Earth-251) - Miami (Earth-251) - London (Earth-251) - MI6 Base (Earth-251) - Hungary (Earth-251) - Turkey (Earth-251) - Arctic FLA Base - Russia (Earth-251) - Egypt (Earth-251) - Chicago (Earth-251) - Stonewick City
Klingvonia Locations
The Capital - North City - South City - Raia City - The Village of Epiphany - The Village of Soran - The Soran Woods - Area 52 - North City Fortress - Charles Inc. - South Jazz Club - The Black Knight's Bunker Base - Lord Darzon's Mansion - Midpolis - The Capital Ship
Other Locations
Anur System (Earth-251) - Anodyne (Earth-251) - The Door to Anywhere (Earth-251) - Zorak's Ship