Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Heliosapiens are a species from the Planet Hyperios.


A normal Heliosapien is a red humanoid robot with a metal piece over where their mouth and nose would be. Their chest has giant red orb of energy that resembles a sun in appearance and is contained in an Atomix like structure, functioning identical to a Prypiatosian-B Containment Suit and peaking through and Omnitrix shaped windows. Their arms have three claws locked in a cannon position with said cannon poking out when they're preparing to fire, as well as jet boots.

Powers and Abilities[]

Like Pyronites, Heliosapiens have a high degree of pyrokinesis, able to emmit powerful fireballs or flamethrowers equal in power to Ultimate Swampfire's methane blasts from their cannons.

They can also use their cannons and jet boots to fly rather fast, though not as fast as Aerophibians.

They have the ability to absorb pyrokinetic attacks, such as those generated by Pyronites, and super charge them akin to Crystalsapiens and Conductoids to return fire.

Thanks to their internal energy, Heliosapiens have super-human traits such as enhanced strength (able to carry a Vaxasaurian while flying as well as lift up Mucilator) and durability. Their internal energy also prevents them from being frozen. They can manipulate the shape of their flames into whips and other weapons to fight with, as well as constructs for other purposes such as supporting their allies.

Being non-organic in nature, they can survive in the vacuum of space.


A Heliosapien's pyrokinesis is ineffective on Crabdozers and other beings with Pyro Immunity.

Due to their high body temperature, they must be careful around allies lets they are accidentally charred or subjected to feel extremely hot. Their constructs also have similar issues.

Their internal energy can be absorbed by a Crystalsapien, Conductoid or Osmosian with absorption abilities, severely weakening them.

They are vulnerable to water-related attacks, such as those from an Orishan or Cascan.

Notable Heliosapiens[]


They are named after Helios, the Greek God of the Sun.


  • Heliosapiens are non-binary.