Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Heart String; The Calypso Saga is a series by Nanamii that follows Azusa Snow, Anderson Stark, and the mana spirit Calypso as they defend Earth and the other planets from the Bounty Hunter Colt known as "A.U.R.A", along the way figuring out how to return Calypso to her original anodite form. It is supposed to have 1 season, and it was created on April 11th, 2012.



Azusa Snow awakened one day to find a strange mana spirit floating over her telescope. She thought nothing of it at first until it began to continuously appear in a plethora of areas. After an incident where an Appoplexian attacked the city, the spirit revealed itself to be Calypso; an Anodite who was forced to give up her initial form to survive a massacure. While Azusa and Calypso ventured around to figure out just what their goals were at that point, Anderson Stark, a young genius and creator of the Infotrix [a play on the pokedex] was also looking for allies. When the trio came together, more aliens began to come to Earth. After the discovery of a "calling card", Calypso told Azure and Anderson about "A.U.R.A". Realizing that not only Earth was in danger, the three decided they needed to cover more ground in hopes to find more allies and to stop "A.U.R.A" once and for all.


  1. An Alliance Is Born!
  2. Missing?!
  3. Departure to the new world
  4. A Heart of Fire
  5. Yin or Yang?

​-More to be Added Later-


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  • Myrian Yui [ A.U.R.A Leader ]
  • Blaze [ A.U.R.A Second-In-Command ]
  • Tiryon [ Grunt ]
  • Nyron [ Grunt ]

