Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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                      This is an episode of the series Evfnye 10.

Hardbass is the thirty-thirs episode of Evfnye 10.


Evfnye has decided to move to Greenland, due to the virus. He invents a system to move his headquarter far away, and uses Grey Matter to activate it. He later sets his headquarter there, but he overestimates the power of movement and arrives to a Russian island instead. He thinks that this is even better, as this island is more desolate and he has been to Russia many times before. Since there is nobody, Evfnye searches for something special, and finds a vodka bottle.

He thinks he may drink it, because nobody will ever know. He opens the bottle, and the vodka sparkles and gets on the 9th Omnitrix. Something glitches, and Evfnye transforms randomly into Four Arms. He is worried about causing a malfunction in the Omnitrix, and transforms back. He randomly gets XLR8, and tries to run around, hoping to "run away from the problem", but falls and switches to Cannonbolt. He continues to roll uncontrollably until he times out. Evfnye said he had enough of this, so he enters a command which cleans up Omnitrixes.

After fixing everything, he states he will just continue with his base.

Noteworthy Events[]

  • Evfnye moves his headquarter away.


Aliens Used[]

