Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Hammershake is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Thoronian from the planet Scandia.


Hammershake is a tall humanoid alien with brown skin. He has vibrating stripes covering his body, blue shorts and a light-blue ninja-like mask that covers his upper head and mouth. Hammershake's hands are infused with rock and can morph into parallelepipeds to act as hammers. He also wears a golden necklace, which is a sign of a successful battle among Thoronians.

Powers and Abilities[]

Hammershake's main power is to morph his hands into rocky hammers. Those can be used as a melee weapon and have the ability to spin quickly, creating a mace-like weapon.

Hammershake can jump very high for his weight and size, something even his hammers don't reduce. He is also notably strong, able to easily crush a wall and a thick ice border. He also survived being frozen to very cold temperatures. When he transforms hands into hammers, his strength gets boosted.

Hammershake's hammers can create shockwaves when collided with one another.

Even though Hammershake doesn't have a mouth, he can speak via vibrations his body stripes create.


Hammershake can be affected by fire. He can't handle temperatures hotter than average, such as the warm climate of Iridonia or a housefire.

As mentioned above, Hammershake has no mouth, so Evfnye in his for takes a while to switch from mouth speech to vibration speech in every transformation.


  • Hammershake was first used in The Burnt House, when he was used accidentally. Then he was frozen by Iceologer, but broke out of the ice. In the end, he rebuilt Yanne's house.



  • Hammershake's ninja mask actually hides organs that are censorable in Thoronian cultures.