Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Gyr0 is a game by Maximus Loo2012.


The player has a laser shotgun, which enables them to burn through enemy flesh in an instant. The player can switch between different levels of laser power, using different amounts of energy. Energy comes in batteries, which appear rarely, requiring players to conserve as much energy as possible.


General Makmar of Gyr0 Corps, which develops high energy weapons, has designed a new weapon, the Laser Sh00ter, which irradiates enemies with laser. As he is about to sell the ideas to the American Army, toy deliverers mistake it for a toy and swap it with a lookalike. Teenager Yuri buys the toy and ends up facing the Army's, along with Gyr0's security personnel's wrath. Yuri must battle through enemies, while constantly recharging the weapon.



Marketing dates

  • America-24/3/2013
  • Asia-25/3/2013
  • Europe-24/3/2013
  • Africa-2/4/2013
  • Australia-1/4/2013


There might be a sequel
