Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Gummy Man is a member of an unknown species from an unknown planet in David 13 and Deo 12.

Gummy man
General Information
Species Gummirosapien B
Home World Gummyra B
Body Humanoid Gummy
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Shapeshifting
Laser Projection
Explosives Projection
First Appearance A new one


Picture says it all.


He is able to shapeshift into anything or anyone, making him useful when battling an army. He is also able to shoot lasers from his eye. Last but not least, he can fire explosives from his hands.


When he shapeshifts into something, the Omnitrix symbol stays on his chest.

Deo 12[]

In Deo 12 He's an additonal alien and he first appears in episode A new one



  • Gummy man is an alien made in Ben 10 alien maker
Deo 12
Main Characters
Deo Flame - Jack Recew - Christie Martin
Minor Characters
Megan Flame - Lif Flame - Ahmadsquatch - Ultigoop - Brandongrade - Speedyblast
Malware - Vilgax - Khyber - Khyber's Dog - The Ghost Hunter - Jack Recew
Orginal aliens
Upgrade - Feedback - Articguana - Nanomech - Heatblast - Way Big - Lavathrend - Seagrade - Minace - Wildforce - Shadostro - Balance Flame
Additional Aliens
Metalmono - Rath - Lizalien - Water Hazard - Fasttrack - RoboBox - Terraspin - Gummy man - Letdown
Season 1 Episodes
A new Hero rises - Go away - Strike - Escape (Deo 12) - Mechamorph trouble - A new one - The Useful useless - Alien Zoo - Showdown PT 1 (Deo 12) - Showdown PT 2 (Deo 12)
Season 1 Episodes
The Hero is back PT 1 - The Hero is back PT 2 - Rise Of Ultigoop - Some one new - What a Deoish day - Hunted Again - TBA - TBA - TBA - Deos United - TBA - TBA