Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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Grudge Match
General Information
Release Date 6/7/23
Series Rewri-10
Season 2
Episode Number 4
Overall Episode Number 17
Written by AnOddEncounter
Episode Guide
Previous episode Framed (Rewri-10)
Next episode Dial "H" for Hero


The Tennysons are driving along the road, passing by a wind farm when suddenly...

They impacted into something, something that kept them completely still.

Then they say that toothy, Cheshire-Cat grin appear, and they knew who was after them.

"Kevin..." Ben groaned, exiting the RV, Omnitrix at the ready.
"You really thought you could get away from me, huh Benji?" Kevin picked the RV up with his left arm and shoved it to the side, letting it roll through the grass as Ben turned into Humungousaur to catch it and place it upright, whipping his tail to keep Kevin back, "Oh, don't tell me you're not in a RUSH to get away!"
Kevin then used his superspeed to get directly in Humungousaur's face and fired a Crystalien laser from his eyes that sent the alien skidding back towards a windmill.
"I prefer Ben 10 actually..." Humungousaur smashed his hand into the ground sending an erupting wave at Kevin 11 who jumped into the air, using Stingray's wings to fly giving Ben an idea, "You want some payback? Come and get it!"
Humungousaur ran to meet his opponent and uppercutted Kevin into the air, he tried to stabilize himself in the air only to be blown off course by the windmill and sent towards the ground.

"You've always been a freak, Kevin, now the ugly's just on the outside."
"Diss me all you want, 'Ben 10', I'm still 10 times better than you! I've got all your powers, plus my own! I'm 'Kevin 11'!" Kevin quickly sped towards Humungousaur, grabbing him by the tail and swinging him around.
"Too bad they're only a tenth as powerful as... mine!" Humungousaur kicks off of Kevin and the two go in for another clash of hits, however a red energy wave blasts onto the two and they're... warped away.
"Ben!" Gwen and Max can only watch.

Humungousaur was transported to a room, completing his slam only to look up and see... a spotlight? He was in some sort of... fighting ring.

A rolling yellow mass appeared behind Humungousaur that unfolded itself to about his size.
"Easy now..."
The robot simply just swung blades at him, Humungousaur grabbed them, as two more came out of the robot's shoulders, Humungousaur quickly shoved it back with a kick, taking the robot's arm blades off and tossing them at its screen, taking it out.

Meanwhile, in Kevin's pen:

"It's like shooting fish in a barrel!"
Fresh robots kept entering the pen as Kevin kept blasting each and every one of them with fireballs, extending his Virus arm to grab onto one and biting straight through it, he then looks to notice a roaring crowd, posing with his kill.

With Humungousaur:

Humungousaur was fighting off another group of robots before timing out into Ben prompting gasps from the audience.
"Can we... call a time out?" Ben nervously chuckled but the robots kept advancing, he tried to run but he tripped and the robots began to pile, however Ben manages to wrench a blade out of a robot's arm and fights them off.
The wall separating Ben and Kevin's pens lowered and the two saw each other, Kevin quickly fired a Crystalien laser at Ben that hit a robot, blowing it up and taking the others with it.
"I'm not letting anyone get you but me!" Kevin runs over to get a punch in but they two are teleported once more.

They found themselves in a room much smaller than the arena, two robot guards struck both Kevin and Ben with blunt ends of their axes, leaving them with small implanted devices in their chests.
"Hey! Hands off the merchandise!" Kevin advanced on the guard which simply touched a button on its gauntlet that shocked both Kevin and Ben before leaving the room with the other guard.

Ben looked out an overhead window to see Earth, the ship moving away from it.
"We've gotta get off this ship and back home!"
"This is your home now. Escape is impossible..."
Ben and Kevin looked behind them. There were 9 aliens of all different shapes and sizes.
"We were all taken from our home worlds and force to fight for the entertainment of the galaxy."

Kevin turned to Ben, holding the boy upside down with his right arm, staring him in the eye.

"I don't know how, but this is your fault!"

The two are shocked once again the two are dragged to a bench, trays fold out of the wall and ooze is dropped onto them. The aliens began devouring the goop while Ben and Kevin watched.

"Yeah, no thanks, my appetite's gone."
"Eat newbies, before Technorg demands his offering." An alien motioned to the tray.
"Who's Technorg?" Kevin said and just on cue, Technorg came.

A massive warrior with a giant mace for a left arm, the aliens began bowing, alongside Ben.

"O reigning champion Technorg!"Technorg began to scarf down each tray of slop and just as he was about to reach Ben's, Kevin used his tail to pie him in the face.
"You gonna take that from that little old human?" Kevin said, pointing to Ben, Technorg obviously wasn't going to take that so he quickly picked Ben up and despite the boy's insistence, tossed him across the table.
"Fine, why don't you try picking on someone your own size! Humungousaur size that is!" Ben slammed down on the dial of the Omnitrix and got Chromastone.

"Or... not." Chromastone took advantage of the still blinded Technorg and blasted him back only to be teleported away with Kevin where they're pinned down.

A thin wall separates them from a bizarre... thing. He had a wide head like a disc that had multiple eyes around it, he wore this long robe and had long arms that came out of it.
"I am Slix Vigma. This is the Megacruiser. I own everything and everyone on this ship, including you.
"Real funny, 'slick'. I don't belong to nobody." Kevin is then silenced with a shock.
"I speak, you listen. These eyes see everything and these hands control everything. I have decided that your... peculiar relationship will make you an entertaining duo in the arena."

The guards quickly connected Kevin and Chromastone's legs with an energy-based leg cuff.
"No way I'm going around tied up to this joker!"
"You took the words right out of my mouth, hardhead!"
"Your fates are now tied... Now, your next opponent awaits..."

The two were then in a circular arena and their opponent was...

"There's only room for one champion here, me!"


This could not end well.

The two try to run in separate directions, obviously that fails and Technorg knocks them to the floor, Chromastone and Kevin each go for the energy shackle to try and absorb it but end up getting shocked, also hurting Technorg in the process.

"Nice move, moron!"
"You were going for it too!" Chromastone got back up in Kevin's face before timing out.
"Great, now I have to carry around dead weight..."
Technorg runs at them again and Kevin escapes, dragging Ben behind him, mocking Ben's screams.
Ben gets up and runs behind Technorg and tugs his and Kevin's shackle link, tripping the alien to fall on Kevin before whistling like nothing happened while the crowd boos the champion fighter.
"Nobody boos Technorg! Technorg is champion!"
Kevin tries to fire a neuroshock at Technorg's head but the energy bounced off, he goes for UV beams, same effect, Kevin quickly yanks Ben over and holds him out as a shield.

"Remember the whole 'fates linked' thing?!" Ben screamed, before getting an idea, "Wait, I can help!"
Kevin thought before putting the boy on his back, "Let's hear it, pipsqueak."
"Don't use your powers separately! Combine your powers, that way you can make up for the decrease in strength. Like this: XLR8 speed, plus Humungousaur strength and Chromastone invulnerability equals..."
"One. Mean. Punch!" Kevin 11 fired a combined beam from both Crystalien and Stingray, actually getting some damage on Technorg before darting towards him and punched him back but didn't knock him down.
"Now, use your strength and Hot Shot's fire to make a burning wave!" Ben instructed again and held onto the fur bristles as Kevin erupted flames from the ground for his attack sending Technorg into the air and knocking him out, crumbling his mace arm.
"Presenting your new champions!" An announcer yells.

A hologram of Slix Vigma appeared, pointing down to Technorg.

"Finish him."
"You and I were thinking the same thing..."
Kevin smirked and approached the unconscious Technorg only to be dragged back by Ben.
Of course, Kevin goes to take the boy out only to be shocked and transported away.

"Prepare for galactic hyperjump! These new champions will need some new blood..."

Kevin proudly dragged Ben behind him across the hall as the aliens bowed to him as they entered the eatery, and they came to see Technorg.
"I betcha he's back for revenge."
"...You have bested the best. I am eternally in your debt." Technorg surprisingly kneeled.
"I-I don't want to be your master, I just want to get back home."
"Even if you could, this ship is approaching a new galaxy..."
"Then we'll just need to take back control."
"We have all tried. None of us are powerful to do it!"
"Maybe not alone, but together..."

After some time, Ben passed some information along, winking at Technorg, who then nudged an alien, who then spat its food onto Kevin who shook it off with a smile.
"You wanna go, huh! We can go!" Kevin then used his fire wave move he just learned, sending it around the room, but more for the purpose of intimidating people rather than hurt anyone and fired lasers around.
"He's out of control! Stop him!" Technorg yelled as he and the aliens dogpiled him, of course shock collars would have gone off but... they didn't.
"Let's get a move on, I don't have all day!" Upgrade controlled one of the robotic guards, having sliced through the ones watching this go down, the collars had now turned off, Upgrade then blasted another guard at a door
"FREEDOM!" The aliens all shouted.

Kevin easily phased through guards, each one lighting on fire before following Ben to an empty room in Slix's tower.

"The controls must be around here somewhere."
Suddenly, the two were surrounded, not just by Slix, but by guards.
"I told you, I own everything and everyone on this ship. However your demise will not be the opening act, the demise of your newfound friends will be."
Video feed of the main arena was shown, Technorg and all their alien friends had been cuffed and were slowly being lowered into a ring full of orange and purple beasts.
"I never thought I'd teach you this but... you're gonna wanna hock a loogie for me." Upgrade sighed.
Kevin rolled his eyes then did so, making one of Ball Weevil's plasma balls.
"Now... fire one of Chromastone's beams at it."

He beamed it and watched it grow.

"Oh, I'm starting to really like these powers!"
Kevin slammed the ball onto the ground, blasting everyone back and he runs towards the arena, watching down as the aliens are still lowered, Slix calmly watching, this sight infuriating Kevin, not because of some sentimental connection but that greedy little jerk Slix reminded him of everything he hated.
Considering Ben was also knocked back by Kevin's attack, he then timed out and limped his way to Kevin, who had just jumped down, knocking him into the arena below.
"This is... not part of the show. I command you to... stop them. stop... them, stop them, stop them, stop them, stop them..."
Slix's head sputtered with electricity and the robot guards left all fell apart.
"Of course!"
Kevin is about to tear Slix apart but Ben surprisingly manages to fall straight onto him, surprising him enough to stop, only managing to tear the robe off, revealing Slix just to be a floating robot.
"He's not operating the control console, he is the control console!"
"Perfect!" Kevin then took his Virus arm and let it cover over Vigma's body, disabling their shackles, letting the two break them off.

The aliens were about to be thrown off the platform but Kevin lowered it to swoop and save them, much to the beast's dismay.
"Initiating intergalactic hyperjump launch."
"I didn't order that!" Kevin yelled, forcing his "Vigma puppet" to type away at a keyboard but his form began to peel off of Slix's body.
"I own you! You hear me, I own you!"
"I'VE HAD IT!" Kevin lit the robot on fire before teleporting himself, Ben and the other aliens away.

He forces a mechanism open, unlocking the pods."Now go! Take the escape bods back home!" Ben yelled, the aliens entered each pod without hesitation but Technorg stopped to watch a pod.
"My life belongs to you..."
"And we're giving it to you back! Now go!" Ben tries his best to shove Technorg in, the alien realizing what Ben wanted and got inside a pod.
With the pods handled, Kevin let Vigma explode.
"I can't believe I really had to buy all that time... just so I could waste you myself..." Kevin flashed a smile, Ben tried to run away but Kevin managed to restrain him with a Bug Bomb globule, "Don't bother dialing in a new alien, I know your powers inside and out!"

Ben has one option, the Omnitrix lit up green and he smacks it against the floor, turning into...
"Kevin 11? Meet Cannonbolt! I believe you'll get to know him rather well!"
Cannonbolt rips out of the goo and rolled around to Kevin, bouncing around the room and hitting Kevin over and over, evading each attack before launching himself out of the ship as the Megacruiser flies away.

Cannonbolt manages to land just perfectly in the wind farm.
"Ben? Is that you? We've been doing whatever we could to locate you!"
"Long story. You fine, Gwen?"
"Not the worst thing I've had to deal with this summer, what about Kevin?"
"Unless he can figure out a way back to us from a different galaxy he won't be bothering us anytime soon."

Noteworthy Events[]

Character Debuts[]

  • Technorg



Aliens Used[]


  • Slix Vigma telling Kevin and Ben to finish Technorg is a reference to the common "Finish Him" quote from the Mortal Kombat franchise.


  • I decided to adopt a new Ben 10: Beyond Bellwood inspired style of using the "< br >" command to avoid the "dreaded" scrollbar (turns out it doesn't work at all and I dropped it after a few episodes).