The Fell One is a villain from Earth-68. It is the main villain of the Time War. There is only one Fell One, and it currently exists outside of time.
The Fell One was originally created by irradiation in space caused by the Big Bang, similar to Gaia. However, its freedom in the vastness of space allowed it to grow uncontrollably, while Gaia was contained in the Earth. 4,000 years before the present time, Maltruant discovered the Fell One and named it, becoming obsessed with its power. Maltruant created the Grimleal, its followers. They led the first Time War, though they were defeated.
In Maltruant's battle against Captain Jack, the roar of the Fell One is heard in the void of time they are in. Maltruant later attempts to use Servantis' Dimensional Portal to bring the Fell One through it. This failed, however, and Maltruant was sent through the portal.
Chaos Lord, a severed fraction of Fell One, goes to seek a vessel for its original self, in order to reunite with it. It succeeds, by absorbing the DNA of John Smith. Upon this, Fell One took it back in, making John Smith its vessel for revival.
In Dimension 1 1/2, Gangrel, the last of the Grimleal, steals Ascalon in the attempts to become the vessel of the Fell One. However, he was not compatible, and simply released Fell One in an energy like form, rampaging. It battles Lucina, and it tries to possess her, hoping her lineage would be enough. It isn't, as it learns that it must absorb one with John Smith's DNA. The Fell One is sucked into Ascalon, left to sit for eternity.
Grima existed in its own prison dimension, when Maltruant brings Jane Smith and Janezarro into it thanks to a Time Beast. Janezarro becomes the new host for Grima, turning her into the Puppet Master. Grima eats the Time Beast, giving It the ability to leave the dimension. It breaks into Dimension 3, and by linking to Puppet Master's Omnitrix, creates an army of Omnitrix alien Risen. Grima soars the dimension, as Jane arrives to fight Puppet Master.
Grima brings Proctor Servantis, who has a Chronosapien Time Bomb linked to Jane's DNA sequence onto him. If activated, then all the Jane Smith variations and Grima would be erased.
- The Looney Bell Tolls for Thee
- Lord of Chaos
- Grimleal (episode)
- End of an Era (Jane Smith 10)
- Grima (episode)
- My Name Is ...
- Fell One is based off Grima from Fire Emblem: Awakening.
- The Fell One was created to be the main villain of the Time War due to me believing the canon series should've had some grand monster at the end of the Time War.