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Greetings From Techadon is the tenth episode of Kalus 10.


Kalus is telling Jacob about the battle with Hex and Charmcaster, hoping he has no more problems from Hex from now on. Jacob wishes he could’ve helped instead of being stuck where he was, but Kalus tells him he doesn’t need to put himself in danger. Jacob replies that he is hardly any help and wants to do whatever he can to help Kalus in the future, but Kalus points out he was plenty of help in the past. He reminds him that he couldn’t have defeated drone Silas without him and that he helped free him from Charmcaster. Jacob decides to drop the matter for now but is still upset, thinking he’s useless.

In a warehouse in an unknown location, Psyphon knocks on the door and Inspector 13, the 13th weapons master, answers. Psyphon says he has arrived on the behalf of Vilgax, wishing to buy technology capable of retrieving the omnitrix. Inspector 13 has just the thing and opens a chamber, and a large figure walks out, impressing Psyphon.

A group known as the Road Crew are causing havoc as they drive through the streets in their cars, each fitted with weapons. The leader, Baron Highway, announces through a megaphone that unless they are paid a ransom, they won’t leave the city and will continue to cause damage. However, they are surprised when their cars suddenly lift into the air. The one responsible is revealed to be Lodestar, who tells them they aren’t getting any money. Another road crew member, Road Rage, gets out a chain and attempts to hit Lodestar with it, but Lodestar repels it with magnetism, then crashes the vehicles into the ground. Baron states he isn’t going to give up so easily and presses a button on his damaged dashboard, which makes a missile appear in the car and it fires at Lodestar, destroying him and scattering him everywhere. The Road Crew think they’ve won but Lodestar then pulls himself back together and laughs, then he uses his magnetism to dismantle all other weapons the cars have. Then the police arrive and arrest the road crew. Jacob watches as everyone applauds Lodestar, who tries to get away without being noticed, and sighs before walking off. Lodestar hides in a back alley where he reverts, relieved he got away from the crowd of onlookers. He says if there’s one thing he hates about being a hero, it’s the publicity. He doesn’t notice Psyphon on the roof, watching him.

Kalus yawns as he walks home, the sky turning dark. He then sees Jacob ahead and sees he looks depressed, so he asks what’s wrong. Jacob replies that it’s nothing and Kalus realises he must be thinking about being useless again. Kalus tells him he shouldn’t think that way but Jacob still considers himself useless. They are then surprised when a large shape suddenly jumps in front of them, revealed to be a giant robot. Jacob asks if Kalus has faced one of these before and Kalus wonders if it belongs to M.E.C.H. It then analyses the omnitrix and raises its fist. Kalus pushes Jacob out of the way and they narrowly avoid the attack. With it being night time, no one is around, so Kalus transforms, becoming Shocksquatch. He states he'll tear this robot to pieces like he did with every other robot he faced, so he delivers a powerful electrified punch to the robot. However, he is surprised to find it didn’t even dent the robot’s tough armour. It responds to the attack with a swift uppercut, knocking Shocksquatch down the street. Jacob is worried, seeing his friend surprised by the strength of the attack. Shocksquatch states this robot might be tougher than the Stalker and punches the ground, sending electricity crackling through the ground before it reaches the robot, but does minimum damage. The robot instead responds by firing a powerful laser from its hand, which hits Shocksquatch and sends him further down the street. Shocksquatch races forward on all fours and tackles the robot, having gained enough momentum to knock it off its feet. As he struggles to keep it down, he tells Jacob to run, but Jacob refuses to leave his friend’s side, wanting to be useful for a change.

Shocksquatch argues with Jacob but this allows the robot to get the upper hand and throw Shocksquatch off it. It blasts Shocksquatch, but the blast also hits Jacob and knocks him into a car, severely injuring his arm. Shocksquatch realises his friend is hurt and grabs him then races off, the robot giving chase. Shocksquatch jumps onto a telephone pole then leaps from pole to pole, while the robot is much slower, so it struggles to keep up.

Shocksquatch finds an abandoned building and sets Jacob down, reverting. When he’s sure they’ve lost the robot, he asks Jacob what he was thinking but Jacob replies that he just wanted to help and ended up just getting in the way. Kalus doesn’t know how to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault and decides to instead tend to his wound. He asks how his arm is and Jacob thinks he’s dislocated his shoulder. Kalus says it’s too far to the nearest hospital, but Jacob replies that his house is near here, and his dad is a doctor. Kalus wonders if they can get there without being spotted by the robot, and to answer his question the door is broken down and the robot enters. Kalus wonders how it found them and Jacob says it probably was made to track the omnitrix. Kalus’s omnitrix is still recharging so he searches and sees a backdoor, so he grabs Jacob and they run, but the door is locked so Kalus tries desperately to force it open with his body, to no success.

The robot strides towards them so Kalus transforms, becoming Armodrillo. He smashes the door down, allowing Jacob to get out, then he grapples with the robot, seeming to be evenly matched. Armodrillo transforms his hand into a drill and tries to pierce the robot’s arm, but only manages to make a small dent before the robot throws him off and he smashes through the wall. He digs underground to try and lose it but it uses a heat signature to track his body temperature underground. It then punches the ground, smashing through and pulling out Armodrillo, then tosses him into the air. When he comes back down the robot punches him, sending him back out into the street where he sees Jacob. Armodrillo realises he cannot fight the robot so he grabs Jacob and runs. He asks Jacob to guide him to his house so he does.

Mr and Mrs Shaw are both trying to contact Jacob but get no answer. Then there is a knock on the door and Kalus and Jacob are standing there, with Jacob clutching his injured arm. Mrs Shaw angrily yells at Kalus for having her son injured and he protests that it wasn’t his fault. Mr Shaw tries to calm his wife down and thanks Kalus for bringing home Jacob when he was in this state. Kalus tries to leave, knowing the robot will appear any second, but Mrs Shaw isn’t done yelling and she rants about how Jacob should never hang out with troublemakers like Kalus. Jacob tries to argue with his mother while Mr Shaw tries to settle everyone down. Mrs Shaw then shoos Kalus outside and tells him never to approach her son again, but she is then terrified as a shape looms over them. Kalus realises the robot is steps away and tells Mrs Shaw to get inside, but she’s in too much shock to move. Jacob and Mr Shaw come outside to see what’s happening and Mr Shaw is astonished. Kalus realises he’ll have to let more people know his identity so he turns into Goop, despite going for Cannonbolt. The robot hits him, but his slimy body manages to pull itself together. He tries to force the robot back while Jacob’s parents watch in shock, unsure how to react. Jacob tells them they should go inside so they do while Goop fights the robot. He knows he can’t damage it from the outside and realises he’ll have to defeat it from the inside, remembering the slight hole he made using Armodrillo. He slips into the hole, widening it as he does so to a point where the arm falls off, then ends up inside the robot. The robot is confused as it is unsure where the omnitrix is, then Goop makes his body expand, pushing the robot apart. It then expands to a point where the robot explodes, scattering Goop’s body everywhere. His anti-gravity projector flies around and gathers the pieces, pulling Goop back together. He looks down at all that remains of the robot, the arm that fell off. A worried Psyphon watches from a rooftop, knowing Vilgax won’t like this. He then decides to engage Kalus in battle himself but he then gets a message through his ear communicator, Vilgax telling him to return immediately.

On the Chimerian Hammer, Psyphon bows down to Vilgax's chamber, while Vilgax asks him why he failed. Psyphon replies that the omnitrix user is smarter than he thought, and Vilgax tells Psyphon he has one last chance, or there will be consequences.

Kalus is talking to Jacob’s parents, apologising for all he has put Jacob through for the past few weeks. Mr Shaw tells him it’s fine, and now it makes a lot of sense and answers a lot of questions. Mrs Shaw is also understanding, but she forbids Kalus from being around Jacob anymore, saying it’s too dangerous.

Jacob listens to the conversation from his room, with his arm in a sling, and he looks down at his damaged arm, then out of the window to see the Techadon arm…



  • Vilgax
  • Psyphon
  • Road Crew (first appearance)
    • Baron Highway (first appearance)
    • Turbine (first appearance)
    • Road Rage (first appearance)
  • Inspector 13 (first appearance)
  • Techadon Robot (first appearance)
  • Silas (flashback)

Aliens Used[]


  • This is the first episode since his debut where Diamondhead doesn't appear.
  • The way Kalus defeats the techadon is similar to how Ben defeated the techadon in The Gauntlet.
  • The Violet Offenders would originally appear in this episode but were replaced by the Road Crew.