Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Gozo Kinzoku is the wielder of the Metal Mutantrix.


He is a muscular young man who died to protect a piece of land from developers. As a human, he fights with a staff. In addition, he is presented as somewhat stupid and constantly seen flexing his muscles. He is willing to fight the Cyber Alien Heroes without the use of his memory. He is defeated by Cyber Goop.

Powers & Abilities[]



Metal! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

With the power of Metalborg, he can use either of the two weapons, the first one is a double-bladed claw-dagger known as Metal Claw, the other one is a staff with a hammer on one end known as Metal Cane.


His metal body was melted by Polymorphs.
